Ok, Ill give this shot


Sr. Member
Apr 5, 2007
SE Area of Nevada
Detector(s) used
Minelab eTrac, Minelab Equinox 800, Minelab Excalibur II, Whites MXT, Tesoro Tejon
Ok, I'll give this shot

I am new to this site but not new to MD'ing. My name is Mike, and I grew up in Burton (near Flint) Michigan. Went into the Army after HS and then got out and went to college.

I started MD'ing back in the late 80's and early 90's when I was stationed in Germany and then in 92 I was reassigned to Ft Carson, Co. with the 4th Infantry Division. I got out in 95 and recently moved from Michigan where I worked for Chrysler, to Savannah, Georgia ;D I REALLY love this weather!!! beats snow any day, lol.

Here is a pic of me and my best buddy in the whole wide world! my 8 yr old son Wade,

My other hobby is actually collecting military hot wheels, and customizing hot wheels. Quit laughing, lol :D, this is how I quit smoking over 6 yrs ago, had to keep my hands busy. It worked but I think it was cheaper to smoke!! LOL

I have found two caches, in my life time, one was several roman coins and the other was a stack of 100's and 50's to the tune of 38,000 dollars when I was 14 years old. To bad I couldn't keep it. It is a great story to tell as there was over 200,000 dollars in all that was found in one house. I recently found my oldest coin in America, a piece of a Spanish two Reale that only is 1/4. You can see "17" and the other side shows "PH" for King Phillip.


Still looking for new sites, people to hunt with and more Spanish coins, although I wouldn't turn away others ;)

Glad to meet you all and hope that I can become an asset to this site :)

Re: Ok, I'll give this shot

Glad to have you on board,Aeromike.Welcome!If that boy doesn't have a detector,he sure needs one.Goodlookin' boy.

Re: Ok, I'll give this shot

Great to have you here and nice photo!

Re: Ok, I'll give this shot

Welcome aboard, Mike. Great pic of you and Wade. Would love to hear the story about the cache you found.

AeroMike said:
I have found two caches, in my life time, one was several roman coins and the other was a stack of 100's and 50's to the tune of 38,000 dollars when I was 14 years old. To bad I couldn't keep it. It is a great story to tell as there was over 200,000 dollars in all that was found in one house.

Looking forward to the story and posts/pics of your finds.

;) RR

Re: Ok, I'll give this shot

Welcome to the site. And now, let's hear the story.

Re: Ok, I'll give this shot

LOl, I knew some of you would want to hear the story, lol

Ok, it was 1984 just two weeks into my summer vacation and I did one of the most bone headed moves ever!!!! I was 14 and even though I was a decent kid, I guess the temptation was too great. I was walking home and I noticed a bike not locked up, my fried dared me to take it, like a dumb teenager, I took it. and guess what!?! someone who knew me had seen it and called my parents. I didn't get home before my dad was waiting for me in the drive way. Long story short, I had to walk the bike back to the boy and then my dad said I was to work for a friend of his making money under the table to buy the boy ANOTHER bike!!! >:( MAN! was I ever pissed. but looking back, it taught me a very valuable lesson ..... never have a buddy with you.....oh wait that wasn't it....Never steal, period. Well, I was working for my dads friend moving steel, I moved over 40 tons that summer, bulked me up a bit too for football and wrestling, lol. it was at this business where the store really is told.

You see, the business was owned by a late 80's man I'll call old man D, his son D was now running the business and the old man's wife past away about two months prior to me coming to work. This was a family business and the old mans house was right next door. We would meet at 9am in the kitchen of the house for breakfast. No one lived in the house because the old man wanted to move out of the house he shared with his wife. They never trusted banks, and they owned 3 gas stations before starting a garage and finally their current business.
It was in the house, I had to use the restroom. The one on the main floor was blocked so I had to go upstairs and there was a, I might get the correct ID wrong but a hallway type of cabinet piece of furniture. I was walking around it when I gave it a "hip" check, lol hey it was Michigan and I love hockey anyhow something fell from underneath and kinda rolled out in front of me. It looked like a piece of meat wrapped in tinfoil. Actually it looked like a shape of a brick wrapped in tinfoil:D
Anyhow, I pick it up and I could tell it was old, not smelly so no food and I was a 14 year old boy with a curiosity. I opened it up and about fell over!!! I had found a ton of cash!!! I went to the bathroom and contemplated my next move. I must be honest with you and tell you all I was going to try and sneak it out of the house but I was still holding it and looking at it when I opened the door and right there waiting to use the restroom was D. D was in his late 50's and a cool guy, just don't cross him because D had 5 boys, all big, and all worked for him. Anyhow D says "Well Mike, looks like you found some more of the old mans loot". he took it, and I went and sat at the table to eat. D comes in the kitchen and says "Mike here found another stash and it is 38,000 more dollars". I later found out that the old man while living his life would deal in cash only and would give his wife all the money he made for the day minus what he needed to run the business(es) for the next day. The old mans wife would take care of the bills, the food and clothing. She started to hide money all over the place and I believe the most was to bundles found in a freezer chest just full of frost. over a 6 month period of moving everything out of the house the family found just over 200,000 dollars or I am told and now knowing that D is worth 12 million, I would thing it to be true.

Man, I really wished I could have kept some of that money but never was given any of it, oh well I guess that is what I get for having bad intentions, lol

Oh, the ironic thing was I had to ride my old bike the 2 miles to get to this place and one day someone stoled that crappy 10 speed bike and I got to see what it was like to be on the other end of the stick. Hated that walk home. I called my dad and he said "I guess you will know hoe that boy felt when he had to walk home".

well, that is it. cool little story money stashed, money found.

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