Hello Tnet Friends,
Unless anyone has any specific questions, I think this will be my last post on this thread.
+1 to a bitcoin (BTC) forum on TreasureNet. BTC is basically "virtual gold" and what treasure hunter does not love gold?! In my opinion, having a forum on BTC would be very forward thinking of Tnet and may attract new users. (Lots of tech nerds also love treasure. I am one of them.)
A few things I want to address based on replies:
- In no way am I trying to convince people here to buy bitcoins. (I believe I said that in an earlier post) BTC currently has huge swings and no one knows for sure what will happen. Any money you put into BTC has to be money you are comfortable losing.
- There is a good chance (probably above 50%) that BTC may be worth $0 in the near future. However, beanie babies they are NOT.
- There is also a good chance, that BTC could be worth multiple times what it is today in the near future. (The value of BTC is in the payment network, lack of counterparty risk, and the fact they cannot be inflated)
- Thankfully, the concept of a distributed, fixed amount, crypto-currency is here to stay. (Money is too important to society for it to be monopolized by central bankers/government for their own benefits)
- there are a lot of people trying to make money selling "picks & shovels" during the BTC rush (There is no reason anyone should buy BTC on ebay)
- I am definitely NOT an expert in mining
- Unless you have access to free hardware and/or electricity, mining for profit now is challenging (At least this what people much more in touch than I say)
- If you do wind up mining, be sure to join one of the smaller "mining pools". Concentration of mining is a threat to the BTC network
- Many of the BTC-specific hardware providers have huge backlogs. There are people who ordered machines when BTC was $10 and then waited months for their machines to arrive painfully watching as the price exploded
1) No Counterparty Risk
- this is one of the biggest benefits of BTC that I forgot to mention in my previous post: There is no counterparty risk with BTC
- basically, you can be your own bank. There is no risk of a bank run or confiscation by the government
- in modern times, we have forgotten about bank runs, gold confiscation, and totalitarian governments (the last we are closer to than many people think)
- if you think it cannot happen here, look at what just happened in Cyprus. There are also talks of personal wealth confiscation in Europe (Anytime someone says: "That can never happen again.", it basically guarantees that it will)
*If you store your BTC with a third party (exchange, online wallet, etc...there IS counterparty risk)
2) Most of the world does not have access to a stable banking system
- I forget the exact figure, but it is at least half of the world's 7B people do not have access to a stable banking system
- However, even the poorest parts of Africa have access to cell phones, which is all you need for BTC
- BTC could be a complete monetary system (bank, payment network, currency) for the world's poor. (It will also save them from exploitation by the bankers)
Finally to TreasurePirate69 (another great username), if you think my "rant about the Federal Reserve" was the "pot calling the kettle black", then I have not done a good job explaining the key differences between Central Banks/Fiat Currency and The BTC Network/BTC.
For sh@$ts and giggles lets compare USD/Beanie Babies and BTC:
1) Ownership:
- USD/Beanie Babies are both created by one central authority with the exception of counterfeiting which both USD/beanie babies are subject to.
- BTC is not created by any single authority, rather they are created by thousands of individuals who contribute to the BTC network. BTC CANNOT be counterfeited.
2) Value/Medium of Exchange
- Here BTC and Beanie Babies are similar in that the reason they have (or in the case of beanie babies, "had"...lol) value is because people agreed they did and were willing to accept them. However, they are different in that the BTC payment network has huge intrinsic value while beanie babies do not.
- The USD on the other hand is largely accepted globally because we have the most guns. See Economic Nobel Prize winning Paul Krugman's quote: “Fiat money, if you like, is backed by men with guns.” Domestically, it is accepted because competing currencies are illegal and people are afraid of jail. The States used to have their own currencies. Utah recently and symbolically passed a law declaring gold and silver legal tender.
3) Creation Amount
- Here the USD and Beanie Babies are similar. Because both can be created in mass whenever the central authority decides to do so. They are subject to inflation/devaluation. Of course the stock/housing market is up, the Federal Reserve is pumping $80B dollars a month into the system. The "recovery" is a sham and mostly benefits the top 1% while selling out our future generations. For you TNeters under 25, your government has screwed you. If there is anyone I can clearly communicate to how money works and the benefits of BTC, it is you. There is a reason they do not teach you about our current monetary system in school. You are not supposed to know/question it. There is also a reason that the Fed's statements are confusing. It is "doublespeak" specifically designed to confuse you or make you think "man, they are really smart".
- BTC on the other hand has a fixed quantity. There will never be more than 21million BTC in existence and they come into creation at a fixed rate (similar to gold). Currently about 16M of that 21M are in existence. The last BTC will be created in the year 2140. You cannot "print" bitcoins or do fractional reserve lending with BTC
If you are still interested in BTC:
- Remember, BTC can be divided to 8 decimal places so there is no need to shell out $800+ for a whole bitcoin. A mBTC (Milli-BTC) costs $0.81. See:
- If you want to acquire BTC, you can do so slowly and legitimately by opening a coinbase.com account.
- If you want to learn more about The Fed and Quantitative Easy I recommend this funny video:
- If you are interested in Keynesian vs Austrian economics watch this amazing video (there is also a part II):
(Austrian economists believe in "sound money" which BTC is)
Good Luck Friends,