Admiral de Salee
Hero Member
Ivan, I liked your statement so much I quoted it just to see it again..ivan salis said:the spanish goverment of the early 1600 thru 1830's era were greedy lazy slave masters raping the mines of peru and bolivia and exploting the native indains and african slaves to do the "work"---starting about 400 years ago ---they were greedy then and their greedy now ---what "claim" do they have to the silver ---the famous "we stole it from the locals and it was on our ship being shipped home---so its ours?" ---that they exploted the locals and used them for forced labor to till the silver out of their land so that it could be "shipped" back to spain for it to pay its debts --while the spanish "upper class" lived lavish,vain ,idle and wasteful lives----if anyone has a valid "claim" it should be the country of origin not the spanish and if not them then the finders of the wreck---spain if you "want" your shipwrecked silver and gold--- get off your butts and find them yourself---for gods sake --you have the archives where most if not all the facts about the shipwrecks come from---but then its easier for you to "let" other people do all the work and then "steal" it from them ---just like you did hundreds of years ago ---just a "new" twist on the same old game----yes spain "will" let you see the archive papers and do years of long "research" and put forth all the money and effort---and all the work and when its all said and done ---then they move in a attempt to "grab" everything or tie you up in "legal" knots until you give them a huge hunk or wind up going broke because of years and years of lawyers and red tape---the spanish govt "specializes" in this type of "shakedown"----there is nothing new about this sadly---Ivan
Spain seems to have civilized themselves from the brutally-oppressive and -exploitative, murderous, thieving dogs of olden times into just lying, thieving-via-the-courts dogs. I would guess that the 2000 court decision on La Galga, etc. had political / diplomatic underpinnings. Our military probably needed flyover clearance or permission to dock our nuke boats and our gov't ["We're from the Government. We're here to help you"] probably exerted pressure on the NC court to rule for Spain.
If we could just bring a two-by-four to bear.. As the late Sam Kinison said of the French lack of cooperation during the Libya bombing, "Sorry we hit your embassy. Our F-111 pilots were tired from flying CLEAR AROUND GIBRALTAR.."
Bah. They stole it back then and they want to re-steal it all now.