This one, if indeed a mint issue--even a fantasy mint issue--might be quite valuable! Since this was the first year of the 2 cent piece, it could indeed be a pattern coin given to officials before the release of the actual one. (It doesn't say "In God OUR Trust," does it?) You should certainly circulate photos of this coin...and I'm trying to think of who you should get them to... Perhaps an e-mail to Q. David Bowers? You should post this coin in the coin forum and ask who they think you should e-mail some photos to. I can't come up with any information on this coin, but someone out there will know something. Is the edge of the coin the same thickness all the way around? If so, it is unlikely to be someone's boredom project, since hammering or flattening the edge would likely result in an uneven thickness. In the meantime--and I don't think I even have to say this--don't attempt to clean it further.