Obama Signs Bill Giving Him Armed Protection For Life

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Obama Signs Bill Giving Him Armed Protection For Life

January 11th, 2013

While simultaneously launching effort to disarm the American people

(PaulWatson) – Despite launching a gun control agenda that threatens to disarm the American people, President Obama has signed a bill that would afford him armed Secret Service protection for life.

“The legislation, crafted by Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy of South Carolina, rolls back a mid-1990s law that imposed a 10-year limit on Secret Service protection for former presidents. Bush would have been the first former commander in chief affected,” reports Yahoo News.

The new bill, which will cost American taxpayers millions of dollars, is a re-instatement of a 1965 law which will see presidents protected for life as well as their children up to age 16.

The irony of Obama seeking to surround himself with armed men for the rest of his life while simultaneously working to disarm the American people via a gun control agenda that is likely to be enforced via executive decree represents the height of hypocrisy.

But it’s not the first time that Obama has lauded the notion of responsible Americans using firearms to protect himself and his family while concurrently eviscerating that very same right for the American people.

During an ABC Nightline interview broadcast on December 26 yet recorded before the Sandy Hook shooting, Obama said one of the benefits of his re-election was the ability “to have men with guns around at all times,” in order to protect his daughters.

In addition, the school attended by Obama’s daughters in Washington D.C. has no less than 11 armed security guards on duty at all times, yet the idea of arming teachers and school officials to prevent school massacres has been dismissed by gun control advocates who want school campuses to remain “gun free zones” where victims are disarmed and shooters are free to carry out their rampage unimpeded.

The hypocrisy of gun control advocates who feverishly work to create victim disarmament yet surround themselves with armed men is rampant amongst the political class.

As we reported last month, despite in the same year calling for “Mr. and Mrs. America” to “turn in” their guns California Senator Dianne Feinstein, author of a draconian bill set to be introduced later this month that would treat gun owners like sex offenders, admitted to carrying a concealed weapon for her own protection after she was threatened by a terrorist group.

Other prominent gun control advocates such as Mayor Michael Bloomberg have also aggressively pushed to disarm Americans while themselves employing armed bodyguards at all times.

Michael Moore, another vehement proponent for gun control, also has armed bodyguards, one of whom was arrested for carrying an unlicensed weapon at New York’s JFK airport back in 2005.

A White House petition created at the end of last month calls for making the White House and all federal buildings gun free zones. “If the government believes gun free zones are a solution for citizens, the same standard should apply to government servants and employees,” states the petition, which currently has over 12,000 signatures.

Ah, the old double standard. Obama gets protection the peasants don't get to provide themselves.....impeach! Protect the second amendment!

He's not trying to "disarm the American people"! *yawn*

Your right he is not going to disarm the american people.....why would he cut our arms off? :dontknow: But he is trying to take our guns by destroying the second amendment. :angry4: QUOTE=Dano Sverige;3103557]He's not trying to "disarm the American people"! *yawn*[/QUOTE]

One senator is writing a new ballot to end the 2 time term // great 4 or more years of this guy . This guy going to start a huge FU^%N war , watch .

I wonder why a republican, from South Carolina of all places, crafted this bill. Do you guys think President Barrack Hussein Obama forced him to do it?

And that school that has the 11 security guards, has anyone ever checked to see how long they've been there?

One senator is writing a new ballot to end the 2 time term // great 4 or more years of this guy . This guy going to start a huge FU^%N war , watch .

THINK about it tho... "O" would PROBABLY "react" to armed "uprising", STARTED by Y'ALL by sending in Fed/State/local COPS, etc. Kill a Cop = DEATH PENALTY. MAYBE, National Guards, State Reserves... DUNNO. It would be ALL "on paper", and will PROBABLY end up in the US SUPREME COURT, we will see.

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THINK about it tho... "O" would PROBABLY "react" to armed "uprising", STARTED by Y'ALL by sending in Fed/State/local COPS, etc. Kill a Cop = DEATH PENALTY. MAYBE, National Guards, State Reserves... DUNNO. It would be ALL "on paper", and will PROBABLY end up in the US SUPREME COURT, we will see.

He would have a tough time finding enough cops / troops willing to do this as most of them feel very strongly in favor of the second amendment. And some have even stated that it would be a suicide mission.

He would have a tough time finding enough cops / troops willing to do this as most of them feel very strongly in favor of the second amendment. And some have even stated that it would be a suicide mission.

I think the MAIN issue would be killing fellow AMERICANS...

Killing fellow Americans would probably be the main issue, but still same outcome AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN

Who cares if he had to sign a bill, so he can have armed protection for life. Under the current laws, all citizens have the right to have lifetime armed protection. At least that's my understanding of the 2nd Amendment. Try as he may, I don't think he will be able to do anything about that!!


Well if he hand picked these guy's like he picked his cabinet members he should be worried.:laughing7:


Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong....however, my understanding was that all past U.S. presidents are offered lifetime secret service protection as a standard procedure.

On a bit of a humorous note one of Canada's forum Prime Minister's Pierre Trudeau who was divorced during part of his term(s) of office used to have fun slipping away from his security detail since he was quite the lady's man dating among others Barbara Streisand...lol.

Regards + HH


If he's already offered life time protection what does he want to sign another bill about it for.Maybe to protect him in all 57 states,yeah thats it:sign10:


I guess he's just covering all the bases...heck I don't know.....if you get it all figured out give me an update....every time
I check out these threads I get all confused.

Rock on dude...lol.

Regards + HH


If he's already offered life time protection what does he want to sign another bill about it for.Maybe to protect him in all 57 states,yeah thats it:sign10:

We're not surprised, right? I watched the John Adams miniseries last year. To think that an American President could like, walk around town, is a foreign thought to us today.

Well maybe we can hasten his retirement a bit and let him enjoy his ARMED security.

He wants to make sure 100% that his you know what is protected at all times but too bad for the American people that he wants to take that Constitutional right from. As we say here in the South" bless his heart!"

He wants to make sure 100% that his you know what is protected at all times

I dont think anybody can protect him from his own incompetence.

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