Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution”

Pip,,, I hope that you are still sane enough to look at your posts and a few others for perspective?
typical...not one fact...but full of insults.

please, post a link to this c--p? Or do you have ODS?

Oh, I see in secret ink where Glen Beck came up with this while on a vacation with the Rushbo in the Dominican Republic.

Excuse me for questioning?:notworthy:

Read this thread did a quick search not one creditable news agency has ran this story only conspiracy and sky is falling sites.

Now here's something to worry about china calling for the world to turn on America
'De-Americanised' world needed after US shutdown: China media

Lol Obama didnt install or set up public aid. It's been around for 70 plus years, the free phone has been around for years also.

wow...how willing some people are to believe garbage is gold.

not one search about this NEW CONSTITUTION takes one anywhere but hate sites. and blogs defending hate sites.

where is the document? not some tweekers idea of what a document contains.

When the Republicans assumed control of Congress in 1953, McCarthy, who had been reelected in 1952, became Chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee of the Government Operations Committee, a post in which he wielded great power. He used his position to exploit the public's fear of Communism. For his unscrupulous tactics, McCarthy was censured by the Senate on December 2, 1954, for behavior that was "contemptuous, contumacious, and denunciatory"

similar tactics, different time.

insanity is alive an well.

Pip,,, I hope that you are still sane enough to look at your posts and a few others for perspective?

Too much lithium in the zoloft or too much zoloft in the lithium?:icon_scratch::dontknow:

full of insults, not one fact,it seems that if you disagree with what is said ,then whoever said it is a (tweeker)or is spouting (garbage),or insane, or a fanatic. hmm...,full of insults?i cant tell who the fanatic is.but here is a fact for ya,i am 36 yrs old,white,i have worked my entire adult life,two blown discs,7 kids,and i have paid for every meal, every shirt, every shoe and i ask only one thing,that is equality,fairness.i dont have the luxury of living in a bubble ,where ideals rule the day,reality rules my day,and i am a american,who dont like the ideals of others affecting my life,ive had insurance for my children, but not on myself,why because i cant afford it.now i am forced to get it,i hunt ,target shoot with my boys,but there are those with their ideals which are affecting my life, i.e gun control, obama care, ect. so if i dislike the unfairness,the inequality, that makes me a fantic? wheres my foodstamps,cellphone, capped utilty bills,oh thats right ,i dont qualify! i guess i must be loco! right?

I get the same treatment. Good for you standing up to them and simply asking for verifiable information that backs up their claims.

I thought attacks against members were forbidden here on T-net? So why isn't it considered an attack when someone on the right insults someone they disagree with here?

You guys are not as thick skinned as we are I guess? We endure attacks from you all of the time, we just figured it is part of the way you talk to each other? If it isn't normal speech for you guys should we cry and report it every time you do it?

You guys are not as thick skinned as we are I guess? We endure attacks from you all of the time, we just figured it is part of the way you talk to each other? If it isn't normal speech for you guys should we cry and report it every time you do it?


As I said. I thought you talked with each other this way. Hmm

all day...not one fact from you dave44, but insults every time...

all you do is prove my point...fanatics are a menace to civilized people everywhere...

again...more insults...
not one of you scholars has produced a document to support this garbage about a new constitution...blogs and hate sites are not factual sources.

amen all you like...show me the document from president Obama detailing this claim...

Seems as though people were too busy bickering to do any real fact checking...

charles hugh smith-Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page "New Constitution"

IT TRULY SICKENS ME that people will read something like this and just BLINDLY believe it without even taking 2 seconds to consider the source.

In this case, it is ANOTHER parody being passed off as real news by RJC. That is strike 2 for him being caught doing this kind of thing. Very sad indeed.

IT TRULY SICKENS ME that people will read something like this and just BLINDLY believe it without even taking 2 seconds to consider the source.

Hows backing a lying corrupt piece of garbage like obozo make you feel JB,fantastic I bet right?Birds of a feather you know.

jerseyben & PWP:

I've probably been involved in various aspects of th'ing longer than almost anyone here - long before the Internets, that's for sure. I purchased my first th'ing books from Bob Nesmith, Art Lassagne and The Old Man himself. My first article on sunken treasure was published in Western Treasures in 1969. And there were a number after that.

Since this is not a treasure hunting website but The Treasure Hunting Website (a statement I agree with, by the way) I took a few minutes today to look at the posts several people here have put up. I was curious - which folks spend most or all of their time on non-treasure hunting matters? Mr. Miyagi told us balance is very important.

I find it odd someone would put up 50 or more non-treasure hunting posts in a row. That's out of balance...

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

charles hugh smith-Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page "New Constitution"

Now which lib was discrediting getting info of blogs?:laughing7:

Red James cash:

Just face it - the 2,300-page New Constitution myth is another made-up lie.

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

jerseyben & PWP:

I've probably been involved in various aspects of th'ing longer than almost anyone here - long before the Internets, that's for sure. I purchased my first th'ing books from Bob Nesmith, Art Lassagne and The Old Man himself. My first article on sunken treasure was published in Western Treasures in 1969. And there were a number after that.

Since this is not a treasure hunting website but The Treasure Hunting Website (a statement I agree with, by the way) I took a few minutes today to look at the posts several people here have put up. I was curious - which folks spend most or all of their time on non-treasure hunting matters? Mr. Miyagi told us balance is very important.

I find it odd someone would put up 50 or more non-treasure hunting posts in a row. That's out of balance...

Good luck to all,

~The Old Bookaroo

OB, TN has hundreds of forums and many have nothing to do with treasure hunting.......Nothing is odd there....

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