Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution”

Aug 20, 2009
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Obama Administration Proposes 2,300-Page “New Constitution”

truther October 13, 2013

Charles Hugh-Smith

The U.S. Constitution leaves too many areas open to interpretation; a New Constituion of 2,300 pages (+ 200 redacted secret pages) is the solution.

The Obama Administration has proposed replacing the current U.S. Constitution (4,543 words, including the signatures with a 2,300-page “new Constitution” that in the words of an administration spokesperson, “clears up the gray areas in the current Constitution.”

The proposal was launched after the success of two recent 1,000+ page pieces of legislation, the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act.

An additional 200+ pages of the “new Constitution” are redacted due to the sensitive nature of the National Security-related amendments.

Lobbyists from key industries were invited to contribute amendments to the new Constitution;” constitutional legal experts were also invited to submit improvements to the current law of the land.

Some critics who have reviewed the 2,300 pages of the proposed “new Constitution” have stated that the document is impenetrable even to those with law degrees. Average citizens “will be unable to understand the laws that govern their lives.”

Other observers note that the complexity and length of legislation such as the Affordable Care Act and the Dodd-Frank financial reform act are already beyond the comprehension of all but a handful of experts.

An administration spokesperson defended the proposed re-write on the grounds that “the new Constitution will provide the clarity that people want in their Constitution.”

Anybody that believes THAT document will help us is not a credit to our gene-pool.

It's ok by me. All they have to do is go find some place, other than here, to invoke their new constitution. We already have one. Maybe Somalia??

It's ok by me. All they have to do is go find some place, other than here, to invoke their new constitution. We already have one. Maybe Somalia??

I was thinking the Mariana Trench would be nice,for them,this time of year:evil6:

They want a new constitution they can go found a country somewhere else to do it....

Our Constitution and our Bill of Rights was written for just this kind of TYRANNY! Our Constitution has no experiation date and I will be be cold day in you know where before I will stand by and watch someone try to impose a new Constitution on us...

please, post a link to this c--p? Or do you have ODS?

Oh, I see in secret ink where Glen Beck came up with this while on a vacation with the Rushbo in the Dominican Republic.

Excuse me for questioning?:notworthy:

i understand the constitution just fine,they want to rewright it not to (clarify)the gray areas,it is because that cant find any to exploit ,UNACCEPTABLE!what citizens are they referring to, must be that mythical utopia,obamaland,ive heard its a nice place as long as you are ok with not having rights, but its got perks, you have the right to foodstamps, and a free cellphone!

Read this thread did a quick search not one creditable news agency has ran this story only conspiracy and sky is falling sites.

Now here's something to worry about china calling for the world to turn on America
'De-Americanised' world needed after US shutdown: China media
i see nothing new here, the worlds been calling for that for 60 years,what they want is to replace the dollar as the worlds reserve currency,but with what?it would take the majority of the worlds economy as one entity, this is part of the agenda,the signs are everywhere.

i understand the constitution just fine,they want to rewright it not to (clarify)the gray areas,it is because that cant find any to exploit ,UNACCEPTABLE!what citizens are they referring to, must be that mythical utopia,obamaland,ive heard its a nice place as long as you are ok with not having rights, but its got perks, you have the right to foodstamps, and a free cellphone!

Lol Obama didnt install or set up public aid. It's been around for 70 plus years, the free phone has been around for years also.

wow...how willing some people are to believe garbage is gold.

not one search about this NEW CONSTITUTION takes one anywhere but hate sites. and blogs defending hate sites.

where is the document? not some tweekers idea of what a document contains.

i wont argue that ,(the freebies) prexsisted obama,but they have proliferated under his (hope and change)campaign. for real hope and real change,the freebies need to stop,they need to be made to work for their perks,there are plenty of projects that gov pays for that ,uneducated,unskilled labor force could be utilized, a welfare state cannot be sustained indefinately.these programs were intended for disabled,or familys that sufferd tragedys,but its been twisted into a way for unwilling to work to get feed ,housed, and taken care of without asking anything in return. the gap between takers and payers is closing and we will soon be outnumbered, now here is somthing to fear.

When the Republicans assumed control of Congress in 1953, McCarthy, who had been reelected in 1952, became Chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee of the Government Operations Committee, a post in which he wielded great power. He used his position to exploit the public's fear of Communism. For his unscrupulous tactics, McCarthy was censured by the Senate on December 2, 1954, for behavior that was "contemptuous, contumacious, and denunciatory"

similar tactics, different time.

When the Republicans assumed control of Congress in 1953, McCarthy, who had been reelected in 1952, became Chairman of the Senate Permanent Investigations Subcommittee of the Government Operations Committee, a post in which he wielded great power. He used his position to exploit the public's fear of Communism. For his unscrupulous tactics, McCarthy was censured by the Senate on December 2, 1954, for behavior that was "contemptuous, contumacious, and denunciatory"

similar tactics, different time.

As it turns out,, McCarthy was right. And this is what has become of Amerika. Too bad politicians were so blind and short sighted back then.
With the First Amendment standing firm and the Communists open about their intentions All of America would have been stronger for it. Alas, The Communists have been hiding their plans for a long time.

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