Oak Island


There have been so many holes dug on Oak Island, the site of the original hole was lost years ago.


The biggest problem with the story is that first sentence that SolomonKey quotes. That goes to the version of the story that the friends rowed out to a supposedly deserted Oak Island. Oak Island was inhabited for many years before 1795. There is an older census of the island that showed the area of the original hole as lot# 18.

Next Problem,

There were newspapers in the area at the time of the supposed finding of the depression and the hole. There are copies of EVERY edition of the local paper (I will have to look up the name again), and there is NO mention of anything about Oak Island. As a matter of fact, there are no records of ANYTHING in print about Oak Island until 1859.


I think it was supposedly called borehole 10X that they lowered a camera, and found what looked like two chests under water. Why didn't they complete THAT dig? No idea. Before that, the were using an auger drill to bore down into the shaft. They supposedly heard clinking, like the bit was spinning in a bunch of coins. When they brought up the auger, it supposedly had a couple of links from a gold chain imbedded in the mud. Another time, they supposedly found some parchment imbedded in the mud on a drill bit. They also supposedly found a stone tablet with some odd engravings on the log level just above where the water trap was first sprung.

I keep saying "supposedly" because not ONE piece of this "evidence" is anywhere to be found today.



Very interesting story, Oak Island. It is a typical treasure story, that has been used many times. Its variations can be seen on all the MDing forums. Quick sand; seen the treasure chest, but lost it; parts of the chest and other objects found, but lost again. Jesse James treasures also seem to vanish in quick sand.

Three boys digging a 30ft deep hole? I know everyone here has dug holes, thats our hobby, but has anyone tried to dig 30ft deep? When I was young, I wanted to dig my own well, but after getting down about 5ft, I gave it up, it was just too scary to dig that deep. These kids dug 30ft, then didnt come back for 8 years? There is not a thing in this story that is logical. If someone was hiding a treasure, why would they put layers of logs and other things in the hole, to show the way for treasure hunters? Why would anyone want to bury a treasure that deep? Did they anticipate metal detectors, and prepared for them?

The same for pirate treasures, did they really bury treasure? What was the object of burring treasure, was their ship too full to continue home? I think most of the stories of buried treasure is wishful thinking. Of course a cache is different, people didnt trust the bank, bank too far, or no bank at all, so needed a place in site of home to hide their money. Even JJ may have had cache's, but I doubt he or others, buried a chest full of gold and road off into the sunset. In areas of conflict, people, churches, and maybe even governments stashed their valuables, but I doubt they dug 20 or 30 foot deep holes for that.

I've been following the Oak Island story for over 40 years now, lots of mistakes have been made by the previous owners in their attempt to gain riches in haste, but hope to see it recovered one day before I die of old age......
I for one would love to know just what is down there, however once they do figure out to to recover what is left and not destroyed by time and previous blunders such as the core drill event. I fear they will close all news outlets just as they did when the recovered the sealed Captains cannon about 10-12 years back. They drilled a small hole in the lead plug and inserted a bore scope which showed lots of sparkles, and they were to remove the plug under lab conditions which is when the media went dark on this story...
Lots of legends, and facts about Oak island and you think someone with a pile of money and the technology would step up to bat just for curiosity sake alone, there is a large list of those boys out there, but could it be the owners have a bad case of "it's mine all mine".....

Sheldon J said:
Could it be the owners have a bad case of "it's mine all mine".....?

That would be my assumption, diggin it out with the tech we have today would be easy.

The down side would be nothing found= no more investors= no more money coming in.

The other down side is some thing is found, maybe worth a lot but maybe not= having to share with investors= then no more investor money coming in.

As there is no proof/evidence of any kind that you could actually lay hands on I would have call OI a scam.
Kind like a boat~~a hole in the water you throw money into~~ except in this case you don't even have the enjoyment out of it like with a boat, after all you can go
fishing in a boat! :laughing7: :laughing7:

This is just another Buyer Beware example.

although I have seen no photos of the stuff they supposedly found in the various attempts to swiss cheese the area, there have been extensive ones showing the dye attempts, with old news stories way back when I first got my interest piqued back in the late 60's early 70's I forget which treasure magazine it was in. Possibly "lost treasure" or maybe it was in "treasure found", those have been two of my long time reads......

There might be investors with money, but they are not about to put it in a hole. With all the supposedly layers of logs, rock, and other things, nothing seems to exist today to prove that something was ever there. Why would someone dig this deep, and build traps. This is also in an area that has very short summers, not a lot of time for work, and probably not the greatest supply of food either. They would have had to have a lot of men, tools, and a lot of know-how. Sounds like something Hollywood would have thought up.

I just saw something about this on the "Ancient Aliens" show. It was a re-run from 2010 I think. They are saying that the "Arc of the Covenent" was buried there not to be accessed till "they" return. :offtheair: I can't wait!! Wonder if they have metal detectors too??

Fill the hole with money, then watch where it comes out! Thats why they call it the "money pit"!

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