Very interesting story, Oak Island. It is a typical treasure story, that has been used many times. Its variations can be seen on all the MDing forums. Quick sand; seen the treasure chest, but lost it; parts of the chest and other objects found, but lost again. Jesse James treasures also seem to vanish in quick sand.
Three boys digging a 30ft deep hole? I know everyone here has dug holes, thats our hobby, but has anyone tried to dig 30ft deep? When I was young, I wanted to dig my own well, but after getting down about 5ft, I gave it up, it was just too scary to dig that deep. These kids dug 30ft, then didnt come back for 8 years? There is not a thing in this story that is logical. If someone was hiding a treasure, why would they put layers of logs and other things in the hole, to show the way for treasure hunters? Why would anyone want to bury a treasure that deep? Did they anticipate metal detectors, and prepared for them?
The same for pirate treasures, did they really bury treasure? What was the object of burring treasure, was their ship too full to continue home? I think most of the stories of buried treasure is wishful thinking. Of course a cache is different, people didnt trust the bank, bank too far, or no bank at all, so needed a place in site of home to hide their money. Even JJ may have had cache's, but I doubt he or others, buried a chest full of gold and road off into the sunset. In areas of conflict, people, churches, and maybe even governments stashed their valuables, but I doubt they dug 20 or 30 foot deep holes for that.