Dano Sverige
Silver Member
NY drinks ban has been blocked! ...Hallelujah and stow the ammunition!
NY drinks ban has been blocked! ...Hallelujah and stow the ammunition!
A good rule of thumb would be banning all politicians with a letter D after their nameI guess everybody forgets the main thing.How about banning ignorant politicians.That would be the best start possible.
A good rule of thumb would be banning all politicians with a letter D after their name
NY drinks ban has been blocked! ...Hallelujah and stow the ammunition!
The public has started a petition asking the White House to investigate comments made by MPAA CEO Chris Dodd a few days ago on Fox News. Closing a tumultuous week of wide protest against PIPA and SOPA - two MPAA backed anti-piracy bills – Dodd threatened to stop the cash-flow to politicians who dare to take a stand against pro-Hollywood legislation. Clear bribery, the petition claims, and already thousands agree.
Yes, please. And, this is being typed while one is burning right next to me.So are you proposing that we ban cigs?
Not so much big businesses that buy politicians but rather environmental whack jobs like the Sierra club. How else do you think we got so many cooky environmental laws. Big businesses didn't Toby for those....
Are you kidding?
Many MEGA corporations pay NO taxes and employ lots of foreign workers - in China, Mexico, Indonesia, and India. They buy politicians like Preppers buy ammo.
The Sierra Club is about the size of the Dutch Reformed Church, what could they possibly buy for legislation?
Red, should we draw straws on who gets to ban the first one? I got dibbs on Obama!
Come on Diesel....he is not that bad a guy. You just don't like him because he has a better jump shot than you.