NRA to run Harrisburg outdoors show next year

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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The National Rifle Association will be running an outdoors show next year in Harrisburg, stepping in after the organizers canceled a similar event in February because an assault weapons ban created an uproar.

The NRA said Tuesday the nine-day event will be called the Great American Outdoor Show and held at the Farm Show Complex from Feb. 1 to Feb. 9.

Good to hear......:icon_thumright:

Awesome Jeff . Thanks for the update ......:thumbsup:

I'd like to see an effort by the Metal detector Manufacturers to join in,
by sending Reps

We have a rule here all my staff is required to follow - do not talk politics or religion with any of the clients. Regardless of our own beliefs we are bound to offend someone. We are here to render a service and make a profit in doing so. Leave the proselytizing to someone else.

We'll see if things calm down over the nxt few months. Businesses that aren't directly related to guns sales, or hunting would have to think long and hard before agreeing to buy space at the show. Businesses are about making money not taking political, policy, or religious stands.

The NRA has always been highly politicized. However, it has now become a polarizing organization as the gun control debate has heated up. And, in the meantime, more politicized than ever! Any vendor at the show coud be viewed as a supporter of all the NRA stands for. Guilt by association. Worse, a financial supporter in that the NRA as show organizer stands to make a profit from producing the show.

While that works in the their favor with supporters of the NRA, it works against them with folks who are not like minded. Non gun/hunting businesses may not want to take the chance that they offend some of their customer base.

For years the largest RV show in the country was held at the Farm show complex. That show has since moved to Hersey after outgrowing the space at Harrisburg. While at the Farm Complex vendors from car dealers to local and National Financial Advisors bought booth space at the show. All types of businesses were in attendance for the exposure to the tens of thousands of people wealthy enough to buy an RV. Booth space sold out. The show was Apolitical.

I doubt an NRA sponsored show would get that type of diversity of vendors. it is anything but Apolitical. Still, selling out booth space is still a possiblity, We would not be takers of space at any show sponsored by a hot button organization. My personal feelings aside, pissing off any group of clients is just not good for business. And, yes, we buy booth space at several events a year. there are plenty of other shows to prospect for new clients.

All of that said i wish them success with their show!!!!

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We do need a voice in this outrageous Leftist storm we are facing.

What concerns me now is the Boston horror and those letters being mailed to our political elite. They ARE looking for an ever increasing excuse to take our liberties away.

Native, what do you mean by "Guilt by association"? Guilty of what? What is the NRA guilty of? Oh, I know what you mean. The uninformed public has a opinion of the NRA based on what the government tells them and the liberal news stations so they will be anti-NRA based on what they are programmed to think of them and, if you have a booth at their show, you must also be evil. In other words, they will act like the fools signing the "Get rid of the second amendment" petition on another thread. I see clearly!

Native, what do you mean by "Guilt by association"? Guilty of what? What is the NRA guilty of? Oh, I know what you mean. The uninformed public has a opinion of the NRA based on what the government tells them and the liberal news stations so they will be anti-NRA based on what they are programmed to think of them and, if you have a booth at their show, you must also be evil. In other words, they will act like the fools signing the "Get rid of the second amendment" petition on another thread. I see clearly!

Little throttled up there packer?

This a simple businessman's decision. I'm not anti NRA. I'm not anti gun. I'm not anti hunitng. i'm not anti second amendment. All of that said, as a businessman, I am none of those things. I am a service provider.

If I'm talking to Velda Bluehair about funding her Charitable Remainder Trust by selling her million dollar beach house and she says to me she isn't going to miss it because of all the fisherman, who she hates, guess what, i'm not defending fisherman. Am i going to mention that i'm a fisherman? No! Am i going to tell her i'm tired of beachfront property owners who think they own the beach and the ocean? No! What i'm going to do is give her advice regarding investing the house proceeds into the trust. Then I'm going to take that money and invest it to plan. It's called doing business and staying away from hot button issues. Whether those issues be on the national front or only of a personal nature.

There are plenty of other places to take a stand. Like here for instance.

The NRA is on one side of the national debate. Regardless of where you stand you've got to realize that fact. As a businessman you don't want to be on any side. Associating with any person or organzation on a side of a hot button issue is something all corporations seek to avoid. Thus guilt by association.

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I must say, this is an "Outdoor" show for all things outdoor.
I doubt many will refuse to go simply because the NRA is running it.
They always had a booth there.

yes NF. your probably right there will be talk.
(like people hate Howard stern, so they never miss a word of his show)
and if someone wants a Boat,
they will attend the outdoor show and look at the boats.

I have said this enough. I'm not a gun person.
But Guns at an outdoor show make sense.
and so does the NRA

right now there is nothing at the outdoor shows to interest me.

Treasure Hunting would get me there :laughing7:
and many more

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Jeff, I'm not talking about attendees. I'll go to an outdoor show. I'm talking about vendors.

Wasn't this year's show cancelled because of a mass exodus of vendors?

That said, if the KU Klux Klan was promoting, producing, and profiting from an outdoor show, would you still go? Everything exactly the same as the NRA show except the behind the scenes promoter. You still in?

I'm not using that example to get a rise out of you, only to make a point. That is we associate certain groups with certain things. Some positive. Some negative. Many of us make buying decisions based on those associations.

There are people who won't buy certain stocks or invest in certain industries based on their beliefs. Even when those beliefs are wrong headed. For example, Pharmaceutical companies that utilize animals in testing. That the products that testing has developed have saved millions of lives doesn't make it to the score card, just the way it is. As business people it isn't our place to analyse why this is. Only to recognize it as a factor in the market place.

We have a rule here all my staff is required to follow - do not talk politics or religion with any of the clients. Regardless of our own beliefs we are bound to offend someone. We are here to render a service and make a profit in doing so. Leave the proselytizing to someone else.

We'll see if things calm down over the nxt few months. Businesses that aren't directly related to guns sales, or hunting would have to think long and hard before agreeing to buy space at the show. Businesses are about making money not taking political, policy, or religious stands.

The NRA has always been highly politicized. However, it has now become a polarizing organization as the gun control debate has heated up. And, in the meantime, more politicized than ever! Any vendor at the show coud be viewed as a supporter of all the NRA stands for. Guilt by association. Worse, a financial supporter in that the NRA as show organizer stands to make a profit from producing the show.

While that works in the their favor with supporters of the NRA, it works against them with folks who are not like minded. Non gun/hunting businesses may not want to take the chance that they offend some of their customer base.

For years the largest RV show in the country was held at the Farm show complex. That show has since moved to Hersey after outgrowing the space at Harrisburg. While at the Farm Complex vendors from car dealers to local and National Financial Advisors bought booth space at the show. All types of businesses were in attendance for the exposure to the tens of thousands of people wealthy enough to buy an RV. Booth space sold out. The show was Apolitical.

I doubt an NRA sponsored show would get that type of diversity of vendors. it is anything but Apolitical. Still, selling out booth space is still a possiblity, We would not be takers of space at any show sponsored by a hot button organization. My personal feelings aside, pissing off any group of clients is just not good for business. And, yes, we buy booth space at several events a year. there are plenty of other shows to prospect for new clients.

All of that said i wish them success with their show!!!!

An outdoor show is going to draw all types including vendors that are outdoor related and ones that are not.

Primary attendees are going to be people loving the outdoors with money to spend, their money is just as good as any one else's.

For me, I know this, any business that publicly comes out and states that they want attend because it is sponsored by NRA will never ever get a dime of my money, I will see them as not supporting our constitution and unworthy of my business the rest of my life..

It is time for Americans patriots to draw a line in the sand and not back up another inch.....

Keep your reps feet in the fire, keep those letters, emails, faxes and phone calls going............

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

yer durn right treas.

Jeff, I'm not talking about attendees. I'll go to an outdoor show. I'm talking about vendors.

Wasn't this year's show cancelled because of a mass exodus of vendors?

That said, if the KU Klux Klan was promoting, producing, and profiting from an outdoor show, would you still go? Everything exactly the same as the NRA show except the behind the scenes promoter. You still in?

I'm not using that example to get a rise out of you, only to make a point. That is we associate certain groups with certain things. Some positive. Some negative. Many of us make buying decisions based on those associations.

There are people who won't buy certain stocks or invest in certain industries based on their beliefs. Even when those beliefs are wrong headed. For example, Pharmaceutical companies that utilize animals in testing. That the products that testing has developed have saved millions of lives doesn't make it to the score card, just the way it is. As business people it isn't our place to analyse why this is. Only to recognize it as a factor in the market place.

Well comparing the the KKK to the NRA is far fetched :tongue3:
like comparing a doctor to Chuckles Manson.

But as I said before
(due to the fact I am not the type to judge people on their life choices, or who they are. I never blame a whole group for the actions of a few)
IF the KKK run outdoor show included Treasure Hunting displays.
I'd be there.

(However my White sheets will stay on my bed :tongue3: )

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We do need a voice in this outrageous Leftist storm we are facing.

What concerns me now is the Boston horror and those letters being mailed to our political elite. They ARE looking for an ever increasing excuse to take our liberties away.

YOU think "Leftists" are doing this...? LOL!

An outdoor show is going to draw all types including vendors that are outdoor related and ones that are not.

Primary attendees are going to be people loving the outdoors with money to spend, their money is just as good as any one else's.

For me, I know this, any business that publicly comes out and states that they want attend because it is sponsored by NRA will never ever get a dime of my money, I will see them as not supporting our constitution and unworthy of my business the rest of my life..

It is time for Americans patriots to draw a line in the sand and not back up another inch.....

Keep your reps feet in the fire, keep those letters, emails, faxes and phone calls going............

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Need a "theme song" for new SECRET PATRIOTS ARMY...

Nra sponsorship of an established venue, with venders in attendance who have been there for a long time past negates some of the political rhetoric. Sure chances are that the NRA will have a booth there, and do what they do so well, but so will ma and pa outfitter who use these shows to make their living.

Jeff, your idea to include MD, and TH companies has a high degree of merit, Hunting is hunting, and the outdoor pursuits should all gather together, we all at some time have common cause.

The NRA underwrote last weeks NASCAR race, and I don't remember any TV commercials or political undercurrents. They were taken to task for their race sponsorship given the timing of the events in DC, but you need to realize that the deal for race sponsorship dated back to last winter when our Govt's schedule was far from being set. They through therir sponsorship pay the event's bills and advertising, and thus allow the rest of us to enjoy other pursuits than simply work.

No native, I'm not "throttled" up, I'm just pointing out the ignorance of people thinking that, because the NRA is involved, then it MUST be something terrible, kinda like a black rifle. Oooooooooooooo, that's some scary stuff. What if it was being sponsored by the Boy Scouts, then gays won't attend?? The Catholic church, then Jews and Baptists won't go? The NRA is the ACLU for gun owner's rights AND they will support you if you don't want a gun. The NRA is being made the big, bad villain in all of this but the NRA can't do it alone, it's the millions of NRA backers that have the clout. Do I care if they make a few bucks off an outdoor show?, I don't. They will put that money to good use, unlike the people running this country.

Need a "theme song" for new SECRET PATRIOTS ARMY...

How about you stop mocking the threads....

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

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