NRA says no gun sales at its new Great American Outdoor Show

Thanks for your transparency guys, it's more appreciated than you may think.:icon_thumleft:

Native, I don't think they should sell archery equipment either. Does that statement bother you? Why? Look, it's the NRA running the show. The National RIFLE Association but yet they aren't going to allow the sale of rifles or any other firearm. What's with that? I pay dues to the "RIFLE" association, not the archery, boating, fishing, skiing or any other outdoor activity although I do partake in other outdoor sports. What if you belonged to the "National Flyfishing Association" and you paid dues to be a member? Then they used your membership money to get their foot in the door and sponsored an outdoor show where you could buy all types of fishing gear EXCEPT flyfishing equipment? They made money off the folks selling everything EXCEPT flyfishing stuff. Let's make it simpler. What if you had to pay an organization to supposedly protect your right to vote but, when you step into the voting booth at one of their polling places, your candidate isn't one of the choices?

Native, I don't think they should sell archery equipment either. Does that statement bother you? Why? Look, it's the NRA running the show. The National RIFLE Association but yet they aren't going to allow the sale of rifles or any other firearm. What's with that? I pay dues to the "RIFLE" association, not the archery, boating, fishing, skiing or any other outdoor activity although I do partake in other outdoor sports. What if you belonged to the "National Flyfishing Association" and you paid dues to be a member? Then they used your membership money to get their foot in the door and sponsored an outdoor show where you could buy all types of fishing gear EXCEPT flyfishing equipment? They made money off the folks selling everything EXCEPT flyfishing stuff. Let's make it simpler. What if you had to pay an organization to supposedly protect your right to vote but, when you step into the voting booth at one of their polling places, your candidate isn't one of the choices?

And you probably think the reason Disney World exists is to give you and your family a great place to take a vacation.

The sky is blue. Reality is a tough place to live.

Native, the NRA is fighting for our gun rights, your attack on the NRA is getting old, it is they that led the defense against the recent attacks in congress..... End your attack on the NRA, this forum is about the 2nd amendment and the NRA is fighting for it....It is not about debating the NRA, if that is what you wish to do take it somewhere else...

NF. As far as i'm concerned Who cares were the NRA get's it's money. There power comes from there message Like I said before 4 million members does nothing to the lib Dems Their vote was nay because of their constituents who do not belong to the NRA but have been woken up by said group.

My reality was when I went to Washington I thought I was in Disney Land. Lot's of profit there. (Yours and mine)

It may come down to a well thought out publication? Can anyone else spot the multiple Grammar errors in this recent photo? If anyone is in need of further clarification and a visual aid then I will post a picture of the second page.... IMG_0002.JPG Can anyone here really trust an organization that does not have a proper grasp of the English language?

It may come down to a well thought out publication? Can anyone else spot the multiple Grammar errors in this recent photo? If anyone is in need of further clarification and a visual aid then I will post a picture of the second page.... View attachment 786233 Can anyone here really trust an organization that does not have a proper grasp of the English language?

we have Grammar police ? :tongue3:

go after the news stations...
normal people don't talk in headlines,
or present tense over something that happpened yesterday.

The news reporter says something like
"Fire Burning, people running for lives"
then the report comes on & there is no fire, no running, Just ashes :dontknow:

My news station would say "here is some video of ashes after a fire
you can look at while the reporter tells you what happend yesterday"

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Native, the NRA is fighting for our gun rights, your attack on the NRA is getting old, it is they that led the defense against the recent attacks in congress..... End your attack on the NRA, this forum is about the 2nd amendment and the NRA is fighting for it....It is not about debating the NRA, if that is what you wish to do take it somewhere else...

Only here could posting the fact of where the NRA gets most of its income be contrued as attacking the NRA.

The NRA certainly doesn't hide that fact.

Without that money there would likely be a new freshly passed in the senate gun background law headed for congress right now. DC runs on one fuel - the dollar.

People on this thread, who are attacking the NRA, are upset that their organzation is letting them down by not allowing gun sales at the Harrisburg show. My post, which you've deleted, points out that the NRA has more to consider than what small groups of their membership may want.

Only here could posting the fact of where the NRA gets most of its income be contrued as attacking the NRA.

The NRA certainly doesn't hide that fact.

Without that money there would likely be a new freshly passed in the senate gun background law headed for congress right now. DC runs on one fuel - the dollar.

People on this thread, who are attacking the NRA, are upset that their organzation is letting them down by not allowing gun sales at the Harrisburg show. My post, which you've deleted, points out that the NRA has more to consider than what small groups of their membership may want.

Per our TOS and rules.............

"There are other times when whole sections may be deleted, or changed. We make no guarantees as to the lifespan of a post or thread, or attachment. We reserve the right to delete any post at any time for any reason."

"If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post!"

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It may come down to a well thought out publication? Can anyone else spot the multiple Grammar errors in this recent photo? If anyone is in need of further clarification and a visual aid then I will post a picture of the second page.... View attachment 786233 Can anyone here really trust an organization that does not have a proper grasp of the English language?

It is a publication, do you think any of us cares about the copy reader's errors in a publication....

As stated before this forum is not here for the purpose of debating the 2nd amendment or the NRA or as a platform to attack the 2nd or the NRA..........

Per our TOS and rules.............

"There are other times when whole sections may be deleted, or changed. We make no guarantees as to the lifespan of a post or thread, or attachment. We reserve the right to delete any post at any time for any reason."

"If you've posted something, and it disappears, don't make a big deal out of it in another post!"

Yeah, you've deleted enough of my posts that i've got that speech memorized. Still, I didn't make a big deal out of it, but you seemed to. You deleted my post and then posted your standard do not attack the NRA disclaimer. And again, to be clear, my post, explained why the NRA isn't allowing gun sales at the Harrisburg show. I'm still scratching me head as to why you had a problem with it? I know of no secret agendas within the NRA that would cause any pro NRA watchdogs any headaches in an open forum. What i posted is common knowledge that answers the question as to why no gun sales. For whatever reason, deep into a days old thread no one had bothered to post it. So i chimed in. if by posting the corporate connection to the NRA i offended anyone, not my intention.

BTW, i'm Pro NRA. I'm pro 2nd amendment. I just want it done right. With regards to the current, fight without the corporate money we'd be bringing a knife to a gunfight - no pun intended. The membership dues alone wouldn't be enough. That is, if the NRA could even survive as only a grassroots non profit. So the corporate connection is a good thing. With regard to the harrisburg show a compromise of the NRA's corporate and membership interests had to be reached. It's about balance and it's big picture stuff. Again, nothing negative regading the NRA.

It is a publication, do you think any of us cares about the copy reader's errors in a publication....

As stated before this forum is not here for the purpose of debating the 2nd amendment or the NRA or as a platform to attack the 2nd or the NRA..........

Absolutely people care! Well, those that notice!!!!

But, things like this happen all the time. I think it is fair to withhold any negative judgement unless things like this are the norm not the exception. obviously it isn't the norm. The NRA is a well oiled machine.

Last week i did a powerpoint presso to a pension board of directors. Lotta money on the line! One of the slides of the vendor provided and compliance approved presentation had a glaring typo. I saw it and my heart jumped! I'd missed it as well in my review before the meeting. I apologised, made a joke out of it and went on. So the upshot is, these things happen.

Yeah, you've deleted enough of my posts that i've got that speech memorized. Still, I didn't make a big deal out of it, but you seemed to. You deleted my post and then posted your standard do not attack the NRA disclaimer. And again, to be clear, my post, explained why the NRA isn't allowing gun sales at the Harrisburg show. I'm still scratching me head as to why you had a problem with it? I know of no secret agendas within the NRA that would cause any pro NRA watchdogs any headaches in an open forum. What i posted is common knowledge that answers the question as to why no gun sales. For whatever reason, deep into a days old thread no one had bothered to post it. So i chimed in. if by posting the corporate connection to the NRA i offended anyone, not my intention.

BTW, i'm Pro NRA. I'm pro 2nd amendment. I just want it done right. With regards to the current, fight without the corporate money we'd be bringing a knife to a gunfight - no pun intended. The membership dues alone wouldn't be enough. That is, if the NRA could even survive as only a grassroots non profit. So the corporate connection is a good thing. With regard to the harrisburg show a compromise of the NRA's corporate and membership interests had to be reached. It's about balance and it's big picture stuff. Again, nothing negative regading the NRA.

What the rule means is if something is deleted, dont make another post about it being deleted.......

I'm understanding what you are saying NF. And as far as bashing the NRA, I can't see where you did that. Perhaps that is one of the posts they deleted ?

What are the "multiple grammar errors"? Is it because the sign says "Help NRA fight for you" instead of "Help THE NRA fight for you"? In either case there isn't a grammatical error. When they say "Help NRA fight for you" they are using "NRA" as a noun making it more personable. (Noun=person, place, thing or idea) For instance, would you say it is incorrect to say "Help Obama fight for you"? Certainly not, so, in saying "Help NRA fight for you", using "NRA" as a noun, it is not incorrect either. By saying "Help THE Obama fight for you" would be incorrect just as "Help the NRA fight for you" would be incorrect using NRA as a noun. If something else is incorrect, I can't make it out.

I'm understanding what you are saying NF. And as far as bashing the NRA, I can't see where you did that. Perhaps that is one of the posts they deleted ?

I don't know what part of what i wrote got the mod to hit the delete button. I thought it was pretty good post. But it's not my opinion that counts.

Love the bike in the avatar!!!!

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