NRA says no gun sales at its new Great American Outdoor Show

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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they Lost their Minds ? :dontknow: they better lower the cost of space to free

NRA says no gun sales at its new Great American Outdoor Show

The NRA announced Wednesday that vendors will not be allowed to sell guns at its new Great American Outdoor Show, a more restrictive policy than that of the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, which the NRA boycotted. (Contributed)


Visitors will not be able to buy guns at the NRA's new Great American Outdoor Show next year.
Vendors will be allowed to display firearms -- including AR-15s and other guns that promoter Reed Exhibitions would have banned from the now-defunct Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show -- the NRA said Wednesday. However, vendors will not be allowed to sell any firearms, including guns that Reed would have allowed to be sold at the Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show.

NRA says no gun sales at its new Great American Outdoor Show |

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The NRA has been completely WORTHLESS since they caved on the old assault weapons bill.

While they have caved on several issues I was against, they are still the strongest ally we have to fight for our gun rights. If not for them we would lose all gun rights.

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

I wouldn't be attending anyway but, if I lived in the area and there were going to be gun booths there, I would attend. I WILL NOT attend anything being run by the NRA where they prohibit guns. They are getting as bad as New York. Maybe I'll send them back their membership card. Enough is enough!

The reason the Eastern Outdoor Show went under is because they weren't going to let retailers sell "evil" rifles. So they "fix it" by no sales. 100$ they dont even have the show who is going to go. Its no SHOT show. I will not be going. I doubt the majority of potential customers and venders will go since this is a worse deal than they protested the original show.

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I don't have any proof , but I think I smell a lawyer liability clause . Guess we'll have to wait and see what thier reasoning is .:dontknow:

Honestly I'm terrified about what the state of personal firearms ownership will be in 50 years. This slippery slope is an incredibly fast one

Why don't they just shoot themselves in the foot? In essence, that's exactly what they're doing.
I'd say, yup.......that's just what they're doing. It doesn't sound like the NRA we used to know. Old C. Heston is probably rolling over in his grave with this one.
You're right, though. It doesn't make any sense at all.
They won't get a dime out of me as long as this continues. I can't support the NRA if they're turning 'yellow' on their stance to stand up for our 2nd amendment. All members should threaten to cancel their membership. Power is in numbers and, of course, $$$$$$.

WE just talked about this.

My take is that the NRA looked at it's wallet and blinked! To make this show what the NRA needs it to be or at least envisions it to be, gun sales had to go. Afterall it is not a gun show, it is an outdoor show.

That said i hope they let Lancaster Archery sell shooting equipment. I could use a few things.

WE just talked about this.

My take is that the NRA looked at it's wallet and blinked! To make this show what the NRA needs it to be or at least envisions it to be, gun sales had to go. Afterall it is not a gun show, it is an outdoor show.

That said i hope they let Lancaster Archery sell shooting equipment. I could use a few things.

NF , I'm not getting your point on ( gun sales had to go ) ? Firearms are as much or more a part of the outdoor life as archery supplies . Not sure if you understand Pennsylvania Gun Laws . EVERY firearm sale ( pistol or long gun ) from a ( dealer ) goes through the PICS system before the sale is approved . I'd say attendance will be low if they stand by that ( NO SALES ) policy .

This may be out of the box. I thought I read the NRA brought in the big guy's to show off their new stuff at retail prices. I can see the conflict with the small guy competing each other by dropping prices to pay the nut for booth space. But as a consumer always looking for a deal I'm sure after the show I would be shopping the local dealers for the best price under retail. I think if I had a booth there I would be (Doing the Kohl,s trick) and handing out 30% off coupons (Or what ever fits)
I'm sure the NRA did not want the left media all over this thing. If some nut job walked out with a sale and used it in the parking lot. I guess we'll see what there idea was or maybe we won't???

This may be out of the box. I thought I read the NRA brought in the big guy's to show off their new stuff at retail prices. I can see the conflict with the small guy competing each other by dropping prices to pay the nut for booth space. But as a consumer always looking for a deal I'm sure after the show I would be shopping the local dealers for the best price under retail. I think if I had a booth there I would be (Doing the Kohl,s trick) and handing out 30% off coupons (Or what ever fits)
I'm sure the NRA did not want the left media all over this thing. If some nut job walked out with a sale and used it in the parking lot. I guess we'll see what there idea was or maybe we won't???

yes good point. if some body wants gun control, buying one there and
going psycho would do it.

I also would imagine you could say Put that away for me, and Buy it at the shop later,
sort of like lay away's without money changing hands yet.

yes good point. if some body wants gun control, buying one there and
going psycho would do it.

I also would imagine you could say Put that away for me, and Buy it at the shop later,
sort of like lay away's without money changing hands yet.

LMAO... I don't believe that someone who is an advocate of gun control would start shooting up people at a gun show. That would be like Gandhi blowing himself up in a crowded area in order to promote peace and love for his fellow human beings.

LMAO... I don't believe that someone who is an advocate of gun control would start shooting up people at a gun show. That would be like Gandhi blowing himself up in a crowded area in order to promote peace and love for his fellow human beings.

These days nothing surprises me.

But Hey !

your entitled to your opinion.
& I hope your right.

but remember this ..
if you believe the History books Japanese Pilots Committed Hara-Kiri for their country
and there were actually Terrorists from another country in the planes that hit the twin Towers, not remote control.

some people do the craziest things.

Of course I personally am not afraid to step out my house so :dontknow:

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These days nothing surprises me.

But Hey !

your entitled to your opinion.
& I hope your right.

but remember this ..
if you believe the History books Japanese Pilots Committed Hara-Kiri for their country
and there were actually Terrorists from another country in the planes that hit the twin Towers, not remote control.

some people do the craziest things.

Of course I personally am not afraid to step out my house so :dontknow:

If myself and others are entitled a opinion then would you be so kind as to reinstate all of the posts that have been modified or deleted that did not violate the rules here?

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