Now That Someone Has Decoded The Beale Papers As OF Jan 2014

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So we have someone who has done the impossible and decoded the Beale papers.

My hat is off to you John you proved it to me. I will not post his email to me or even say what he said. But it looks like we have a winner in the race to decode the ciphers.

I seem to miss out on some of the fun here. Thanks Franklin for keeping me up to date with all the goings on. Hope your new book does well!:icon_thumleft:

Crypto why did you use the Jan 2014 for the thread ? I will email you too .

Why did you have to post this why did you not send crypto a PM? We do not need to know what you are doing behind the scenes. It is none of our business as you say.

Why did you have to post this why did you not send crypto a PM? We do not need to know what you are doing behind the scenes. It is none of our business as you say.

He reads these post from time to time .

Yep. Laf wrote that he does not know where poe-boy came up with the alleged email from Laf containing proof.....

Fabricated ruse of confuscating data.
Case closed.

char·ac·ter as·sas·si·na·tion
ˈker(ə)ktər əˌsasnˈāSHən/
the malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation.

char·ac·ter as·sas·si·na·tion
ˈker(ə)ktər əˌsasnˈāSHən/
the malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation.

Or, the work others have done by claiming it as unique to ones self.

char·ac·ter as·sas·si·na·tion
ˈker(ə)ktər əˌsasnˈāSHən/
the malicious and unjustified harming of a person's good reputation.

Not all torts result in bodily harm. Some cause harm to a person's reputation instead. Defamation is the general tort that encompasses statements that damage one's reputation. There are different forms of defamation, including libel and slander. The difference between libel and slander is simply whether the statements are written (libel) or spoken (slander).

What has this got to do with the Beale Treasure?

What has this got to do with the Beale Treasure?

Good Question Franklin , If you had a work of Fiction it would be using all fictional people . If you have a true story you would have to be very careful in how you portrayed the people in the in that story . Just as in the Beale Papers is working with real people in a good use of there name . Everyone in the Beale Papers is portrayed as a good person to the esteem . No antagonist !

A fictional title of the time used fictional names . A non-fictional title of the time used real people .

Or, the work others have done by claiming it as unique to ones self.

Not correct ! If a person put out a work of truth and it shows all other works to be non-truth and fictional , is it the same as a work of truth being slandered as a work of fiction ?

Bring on the truth.

Not correct ! If a person put out a work of truth and it shows all other works to be non-truth and fictional , is it the same as a work of truth being slandered as a work of fiction ?
No body / evidence of work exists to even claim cause of habeas corpus should your claim be censored or put in detention. ( Such suspect action of dragging feet protects that vulnerability ,but also defeats your claim.)
No proven date of your having a copyright and that will factor ,without a confirmed date; (already fumbled by you allowing poe to post a false one and not denying it till challenged much later) ,how can you claim a solve? No date has been presented. Or any claims against your claim been resolved.
Therefore the secret ,non existing ( as far as any proof) ghost of your claim can both wander about aimlessly ,or remain invisible/ unproven. What does not exist, can not be detained ,claimed,contested in court as to originality ,and you might be legally thorough in trying to sell it, or anything related..

Without a proven work of such truth as evidence to show any support of your claim( it's disproving previous theory) ,it remains as with all your claims ,conjecture.
If you had a decent legal team ,you would know that. Or are you simply playing games online?
You may provide their contact info to confirm your claims legality and what date it was confirmed as disproving all previous theory by which specific legal tests and disprove your lack of any proof.

Easy Peasy. No proof = no claim.

... If you had a work of Fiction it would be using all fictional people . If you have a true story you would have to be very careful in how you portrayed the people in the in that story .
Just as in the Beale Papers is working with real people in a good use of there name ...

A fictional title of the time used fictional names . A non-fictional title of the time used real people .
Which brings us back to the adventure dime novels published during the same time period as the Beale Papers.
These tales of daring do were based on the names of actual people who were living at the time of publication, creating fantastic adventures for the main character that never occurred. Ned Buntline is a prime example of a dime novel writer who created many legends of Wyatt Earp.
Other names of real people used in the dime novels of that period were Kit Carson, Billy the Jid, Jesse James, Buffalo Bill, Annie Oakley, and even the pirate , Jean Lafitte.
Real names, fabricated stories.
In the 1885 Beale Papers, the name mentioned in the job print pamphlet living at the time of publication and sale is Max Guggenheimer.
The "unknown author" and his chosen "agent" are alluded to, but are never mentioned by name.
All others mentioned in the Beale dime novel have long ago passed away, the last during the "2nd year of the Confederate War".

The statement, "If you have a true story you would have to be very careful in how you portrayed the people in that story"-
It has never been established if Thomas J Beale ever existed as a real person, Robert Morriss is only employed in the story as the keeper of the iron box and codes until he passed it on, Sarah is mentioned as his wife and cook, and Coles, Clay, Witcher, Jackson, and Chief Justice Marshall are only mentioned as "plot dressing" to create a believability in the Robert Morriss character that is being presented.
It has never been established with any evidence in 132+ years since its publication that anything detailed in the Beale Papers narrative text ever happened outside of the pages of Ward's dime novel job print pamphlet.

The "authentic statements" only convey that the work is an original work by the author and not derived from another source, not that the story contained therein is true. Similar statements appeared on dime novels of the same period as the Beale Papers.

No body / evidence of work exists to even claim cause of habeas corpus should your claim be censored or put in detention. ( Such suspect action of dragging feet protects that vulnerability ,but also defeats your claim.)
No proven date of your having a copyright and that will factor ,without a confirmed date; (already fumbled by you allowing poe to post a false one and not denying it till challenged much later) ,how can you claim a solve? No date has been presented. Or any claims against your claim been resolved.
Therefore the secret ,non existing ( as far as any proof) ghost of your claim can both wander about aimlessly ,or remain invisible/ unproven. What does not exist, can not be detained ,claimed,contested in court as to originality ,and you might be legally thorough in trying to sell it, or anything related..

Without a proven work of such truth as evidence to show any support of your claim( it's disproving previous theory) ,it remains as with all your claims ,conjecture.
If you had a decent legal team ,you would know that. Or are you simply playing games online?
You may provide their contact info to confirm your claims legality and what date it was confirmed as disproving all previous theory by which specific legal tests and disprove your lack of any proof.

Easy Peasy. No proof = no claim.

If I have proven my claim then it would be a fact that I decoded the Beal Ciphers . Untill that point it is a claim .

If I have proven my claim then it would be a fact that I decoded the Beal Ciphers . Untill that point it is a claim .

Finally! You caught on. Key word ; "If". (/Assumption.)

state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
"he claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family"
synonyms: assert, declare, profess, maintain, state, hold, affirm, avow; More
an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt.
"he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links"]

Finally! You caught on. Key word ; "If". (/Assumption.)

state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
"he claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family"
synonyms: assert, declare, profess, maintain, state, hold, affirm, avow; More
an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt.
"he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links"]

1,000,000X Like

Finally! You caught on. Key word ; "If". (/Assumption.)

state or assert that something is the case, typically without providing evidence or proof.
"he claimed that he came from a wealthy, educated family"
synonyms: assert, declare, profess, maintain, state, hold, affirm, avow; More
an assertion of the truth of something, typically one that is disputed or in doubt.
"he was dogged by the claim that he had CIA links"]

So we can say I have a claim for 1 . 2 we can say you guys form an opinion or supposition about (something) on the basis of incomplete information. 3 we can say that I am in need of Proving my decoding scientifically with the help of a cryptologist .

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