well,I would like to add my 2.5 cents , I used to use safty deposit boxes,and I got real friendly with a bank employee,who handled the boxes, and quickly found out ,that to trust any bank employee,is a major mistake. Bank employees are for the most part underpaid,have not gone through strigent background checks, do not take drug tests ,and it is my opinion a large percentage of identy thefts are funnled out of banks from "trusted Employees". To top it off,like credit cards,issued by your banks,the banks may start sourceing out their 1800 numbers to india/Canada/Phillipines. This means all your personal data can be breached by unknown "bank employees' in these foriegn countries. About 20 years ago or less,the safty deposit boxes were breached by some very cunning thiefs in Westwood Calif.{U.C.L.A.} It has happened/it will continue to happen.Did you know that locksmiths have access to safty deposit boxes,when one has to be opened,and that some locksmiths have extensive criminal records. Best way to hide loot /convert it to cash,and buy real estate,wash the cash,now thats my 2.75%