Congrats!!!! It's nice to see somebody from my state to find this amazing find....I'm sure your still shaking.
Hey I drive thru Bangor when I visit my boy at U-Maine.
I'D say Banner except it already there. This is what our hobby is all about. Not just the $ value but the rush of finding that which has been lost or left. Enjoy your finds and treasure the treasure found in our hobby!
My first words that came outta my mouth when I saw this...................Wholly Fluck! OMG, WTG, I'm happy for you. Congratulations, great inspiration for all of us...........Rich
If it was me that found the cache I would probably keep low profile about it. Just because you never know someone might try and claim that it was a lost relative that buried it or something of that nature. I have heard of stories like that. Man finds cache now it's the courts decision to find who owns it or belongs to. Anyway it don't get better than that way cool.