Just a few thoughts. For those who think treasure doesn't exist--- Good for us! Laughing all the way to the bank couldn;t be funnier. Now for some sobering news, face value is less than a hundred dollars. Think about that the next time you come across an old newspaper story about the recluse who only hid away a few hundred dollars! That aint' much is it? Personally, I don't know how you can even sit down, with the huge stones you must have! You know, posting about a found cache. Spooky! Even as I speak, people could be planning. The old saying "you missed it by an inch, you might as well have missed it by a mile" could have happened to you if for instance you had strayed only a few feet in either direction. Of course having said that, if you had indeed done just that, instead of a nice silver cache, you would have been posting about an incredible gold cache! Or would you? And finally, could you have explained your way out of weighing coins in a grocery store had security been notified? Usually them scales are used for weighing bananas and such. You might have made the six o clock news you know. Oh, and one last thing, I really do appreciate you posting this. It gives me hope! Thanks, and "go get em' kid".