Jr. Member
Hey guys. Yep you got it I'm pretty much a noob. My son and I have a year under our belt of looking every where but where we need to. But that just changed. We found our first gold weekend b4 last in Northern GA , and we found more this past weekend in Western NC. My son and I and another SC prospector that turned me on to this site named Astrobouncer met @ thermal city and sluiced for about 8hrs this past weekend and found about double what we did in Northern GA. All total about 20 small flakes.
Now on to the new question. My son and I would love to build a dredge and or highbanker. Money is tight and I have to do it on the cheep. I just bought a 2.5 horse clean water pump that pumps about 60 gal per min from harbor freight for $129 bucks on sale. Got 2 year warrante with it. I know its off brand but if it tares up I got 2 years to keep taken it back. I need to know if this will be OK and if so what else I need and where can i buy it on the cheep. Got a kid in collage and tryin to pay the house off so money is a big object.
We have also built pretty much our on highbanker set up I think we got all that stuff together . We have a keen 4 ft sluice and we made the box from a heavy gage plastic storage bin from Lowe's that cost like $16.00 and then ran PVC to it and connected a hose fitting to it that works on same connection as our blue bowl. The grizzly was an old grill grate and a new grate cover that my son bought that cost like $6.00 . All together we got like $60 for the box and grizzlys and $10 in plumbing and $120.00 in the sluice.
Thanks ahead of time for the help. This site has been a great support and resource hope to meet ya all on the river at some point.
Now on to the new question. My son and I would love to build a dredge and or highbanker. Money is tight and I have to do it on the cheep. I just bought a 2.5 horse clean water pump that pumps about 60 gal per min from harbor freight for $129 bucks on sale. Got 2 year warrante with it. I know its off brand but if it tares up I got 2 years to keep taken it back. I need to know if this will be OK and if so what else I need and where can i buy it on the cheep. Got a kid in collage and tryin to pay the house off so money is a big object.
We have also built pretty much our on highbanker set up I think we got all that stuff together . We have a keen 4 ft sluice and we made the box from a heavy gage plastic storage bin from Lowe's that cost like $16.00 and then ran PVC to it and connected a hose fitting to it that works on same connection as our blue bowl. The grizzly was an old grill grate and a new grate cover that my son bought that cost like $6.00 . All together we got like $60 for the box and grizzlys and $10 in plumbing and $120.00 in the sluice.
Thanks ahead of time for the help. This site has been a great support and resource hope to meet ya all on the river at some point.
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