Dit, you continue to look for a scandal where no scandal exists. The authors wrote what they wrote, there's no secret missing documents, or nefarious revisions to cover up misdeeds. Everything is there for anyone to read it, all at face value.

You did prompt me to revisit this topic and refresh my interest. I'm in the process of writing a book on dowsing/LRLs, a significant expansion of both the chapter I removed from ITMD (and not for nefarious reasons, I should note) and all the material and reports I've written over the years. I had intended to include a passing mention of the expansion of dowsing into drug & explosives detection, but I've now decided it really needs more than a passing mention.

And, impressive sounding reports they are Carl. Kudos! Unfortunately, lacking in substance, and integrity.

Wow! I didn't realize that Physics, or Dowsers were being incorporated into Explosive detection? Your new book, sounds like another CM, startling expose for the EE manuals, and public laughter?

I hope you intend to include a public consensus of the true definition of DOWSING, lest it will be as irrelevant as all of your other articles on electronic Frequency Discrimination devices.

TNET recognizes the difference by not permitting the mention of Electronics, on their DOWSING forum. You might notice that I did not place my X-Scan article on the DOWSING forum, even though there are NO Electronics in the device, or it's operation. You see, even this dumb Kentucky Hillbilly, knows the difference between Mental Dowsing, an application of Physics, and obvious electronic configurations.

HINT: The true definition of DOWSING has every thing to do with the mental ability of the human mind. There are no electronics involved, required, or utilized. Good luck with your fictional book. Dell

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Deception? Where is the deception? "these terminologies were originated, and used, and promoted by Dell Winders..... descriptive term for my products" Molecular frequency discrimination and Harmonic Induction Description are terms invented by you to describe your products but you've NEVER, in the many years you promoted your products using these terms ever defined WHAT these terms mean. There is NO scientific definition of these terms. THAT is the deception. ╦╦Ç

OK, you don't believe you were not deceived by the DOJ article even though there are inferences pertaining to my MFD & HID products that are not true.

The definitions are defined by the product. I have seen all 5 of these descriptive words commonly used in Electronic applications for years. I guess you have not? Whether they are Scientific, or not, I don't know. I didn't know they had to be? Would you deny me the use of these words because I don't have a degree?

Actually, the term MFG, was applied to my product on ABC 20/20 news program, by Scientist who used it for an Archaeological discovery. I can't take all the credit.

A show of Appreciation is not necessary for my providing information for your research. Dell

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Would it be too forward of me to request an inscribed copy when it reaches the shelves?

In 24k gold even, so if you misplace the book you can easily find it with an el ar el.

Non-electric perhaps. But the technique is still very specialized and beyond most of us.


In 24k gold even, so if you misplace the book you can easily find it with an el ar el.

Splendid! So much easier to read without the Nomex and Kevlar. :-*

The definitions are defined by the product.

Here we go again. Wasn't that what Nancy Pelosi meant when she said, "If you want to know what's in it, vote for it"? I am assuming MFG is a typo and you meant MFD. ╦╦Ç

I'm trough catering to you and your game of "Gotcha". All the information you are seeking can be found on the Internet. Dell

Hi Charlie P. The method is so simple an 8 year old can figure it out, and build it. Nothing special here. Adding electronics for commercial use will be a bit more complicated especially getting the closed minded ego of an EE ,to even believe it is possible, as is witnessed on this forum. Dell

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Actually, the term MFG, was applied to my product on ABC 20/20 news program, by Scientist who used it for an Archaeological discovery. I can't take all the credit.

Can you give us the scientist's name and location/description of the find? I'd like to look into that.

“It's a contraption which might have been thrown together
by a ten year old boy who knows a little about electricity
to mystify an eight year old boy who knows nothing about it.”
— Robert A. Millikan

Each chapter of my book begins with a quotation, and this is the one I'm using for the "Active Devices" chapter. I found it especially funny in light of Dell's post.

If it ain't too late to edit your book, you know it might be better to classify locators as "body response" vs. "non-body response". My opinion every locator is "active" and every locator is electronic, every locator is powered by something be it just the movement of the rod through the earth's magnetic field (assuming it is a body response unit). So the body response units require knowing or learning how to use the L-rods.

So to confuse things, what would you call a non-body response unit that can also be used with L-rods (body response)? Not so black and white now, is it? Kinda what Dell has been saying since the 1980's.

Nihil sub sole novum.

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“It's a contraption which might have been thrown together
by a ten year old boy who knows a little about electricity
to mystify an eight year old boy who knows nothing about it.”
— Robert A. Millikan

Each chapter of my book begins with a quotation, and this is the one I'm using for the "Active Devices" chapter. I found it especially funny in light of Dell's post.

Well at least now we know one person will find humor in it.

Feel all better now?

" Neither comprehension nor learning can take place in an atmosphere of anxiety."

- Rose Kennedy

Whether they are Scientific, or not, I don't know.

These are phrases that you INVENTED specifically for your devices. To say you don't know if they are scientific or not is....... DAMNING! ╦╦Ç

Can you give us the scientist's name and location/description of the find? I'd like to look into that.

I won't state the name of the Scientist, but an excerpt from ABC 20/20 starts at about 9.26


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... but you've NEVER, in the many years you promoted your products using these terms ever defined WHAT these terms mean....

These are phrases that you INVENTED specifically for your devices. ...

Terry, if I understood Dell's posts, the terms described AN OBSERVED RESULT . Ie.: EFFECTS. Those terms don't claim to describe the science of the HOW it works.

So you owe the forum an apology. We're waiting. :clock: :hello:

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.... an excerpt from ABC 20/20 starts at about 33.26 ...

Huh ? The video is only 33.26 min. long. So how can the part you wanted to draw our attention to "start" at that point ? Was that a typo ? Can you let us know at what point your vocabulary terms were used ? Thanx.

Terry, if I understood Dell's posts, the terms described AN OBSERVED RESULT . Ie.: EFFECTS. Those terms don't claim to describe the science of the HOW it works.

So you owe the forum an apology. We're waiting. :clock: :hello:
My understanding of erectile dysfunction is very small (groan) and the amount of info I know about quantum mechanics is also small, but I know where to go in the scientific community to get answers. When Dell gives a convincing def of HID, I will apologize. Don't hold your breath. ╦╦Ç

... When Dell gives a convincing def of HID, I will apologize. ....

The "convincing definition" of HID is that it POINTS TOWARDS GOLD (or silver or whatever) in tests. What more can you ask for Terry ? What is so hard to understand about this ? Why do you keep arguing with results ?

Sheesk, it's no wonder you never find the big-ticket items we all want to find in this hobby. Go ahead and content yourself with clad from sandboxes if you want. But others of us here are out for big-game !

PS: Sorry to hear about your erectile dysfunction. :sad10:

Back to the subject of this thread.

X-SCAN (Experimental) Remote sensing, multi discriminating Long Range Locator (LRL)prototype, with Laser attachment and wireless" Weight Chek"

100% Pure Physics No batteries, No wires, No electronics

Hand held, lightweight, highly directional, and non visual. You actually "Feel" when the X-Scan locks on the " Field" of a discriminated target, even blindfolded.

Range: Up to 60 + meters

Depth: X-Scan does not measure target depth It detects the emamating "Field" of a target above the ground, or water surface. The target can be at any depth as long as the Emanating "Field" is not blocked and rises to and above the surface. The "Field" of a freshly buried target on the surface, or a couple of inches in depth can usually be detected immediately. A target buried 1 foot in depth may take up to a week for the "Field" to reach the surface and be detectable. Deeper buried targets take much longer to be detectable. Weeks, months, or years, depending on the depth, soil, and atmospheric conditions. Both MFD and HID discriminating LRL's are applications to the same physics and subject to the same limitations whether they are electronic, or non-electronic.

The deepest I have detected with the X-Scan, or MFD devices, and recorded with electronic Geophysical instruments is a Silver Vein, 20 meters below the ground surface.
There are a couple of simple methods to determine the approximate target depth that can be learned.

Simple, Easy to use, hand held, light weight, highly directional, multi target element discrimination. It works according to a proven theory of MAGNETIC RESONANCE (MR) and HARMONIC INDUCTION DISCRIMINATION (HID)

X-SCAN, prototypes are nothing new. I have been experimenting, conducting scientific double blind tests, and field tests with this concept for more than 10 years. I placed the first Frequency Discriminating LRL (MFD) concept on the market in 1986 after 6 years of experimenting, testing, and personal use. There are now manufacturers of this proven basic concept (with Treasure finds) throughout the world, so I have a precedented comparison to guide me. A few Treasure Hunters have purchased my earlier X-Scan, prototypes to conduct their own experiments and provided me their personal feedback and suggestions. Their feedback has proven to be very beneficial.

Admittedly, in my own mind, I am amazed and logically what myself, and others have experienced with the multi-element Discrimination abilities of the X-Scan concept do not seem possible. For example. detecting and tracing buried PVC water pipe, or discriminating between the ink and dyes of modern US currency, and 1800's vintage Confederate currency, from a distance. Because of my own skepticism of this possibility I don't intend to make any advertising claims of the X-Scan's abilities, if any, but I will post in the future what appears to be happening.

It is my strong belief that with the addition of electronics and imaging software this concept will be the future of all Geophysical instruments

X-SCAN, Explanation (photo)
The Black object in the photo is an attachable Laser Pointer. (optional) It serves to point a Red beam pointing to within 5 inches of the target
It also appears that it may act as a carrier wave and better defines the target

The module near the handle is the Resonance chamber. Samples of the searched for target is placed in this chamber. Unlike electronic Frequency Discrimination (MFD) that only discriminates onr element at a time, HID appears to have the ability to detect and discriminate to specific combined elements that may be contained in a target. For example, Pharmaceuticals.

The White box pictured below the X-Scan, is the "WEIGHT CHEK". It doesn't actually measure the weight of the target, but serves to help measure the volume of the emanating magnetic field that surrounds the target and can be nulled out in increments of volume with the dial. By comparing with an object of known weight, the weight of the unseen target can be estimated. This is an extremely helpful tool in the field when analyzing the potential of a target and eliminating digging unnecessary holes. It has been used for years with the PRO-4 model, and by Dowsers, which required a connecting wire from the L-Rods to the WC. It would remotely null out up to 5 lbs, of solid target weight, or up to 2 ounces of Micron particles, sulphide and oxidation which resonates strongly.
The WC, I am working on now requires no batteries or attached wires and the present model nulls out by volume, up to 20 lbs of solid target weight, and about 2 ounces of Micron particles, Sulphide, or Oxidation.

Thanks for reading. Dell

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Ok, Dell, with your last post, #139, we've gone full circle. I will refrain from further comment until I can prove fraud if you will refrain until you can prove fact. ╦╦Ç

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