Gentlemen, may I interrupt this episode of the Tom and Terry Show for a moment please, thank you.

It has been my experience through observation, that when someone constantly belittles others, it's generally due to their own feelings of inferiority. Be it through virtual cyber bullying on a public forum, or through videos made by enticing others under the guise of "documenting" their stories, when in truth they are made with the intention of disproving them. Either way, it's a sad commentary.

Mr. Winders has graciously attempted to share his invention with others of like interest. He is not selling anything to anyone. He is not being disruptive, or insisting that anyone accept his design or theory of operation.

And in case you haven't noticed, he is not consenting to your projected inferiorities. You are obviously wasting not only your time, but ours as interested parties, as well.

I'd thank you to cease and desist this activity, and perhaps save yourselves further public humiliation. But, of course, as with us all, the choice is yours to make.

Best Wishes,

Tom and Terry show, Dit? Touché! I have not "belittled" anyone. I would have been banned. The U S DoJ has declared LRLs a fraud, but I have not. I DO question their veracity. I have seen videos debunking LRLs. I have never seen one proving they work. Dell's "invention" does not have a patent. A patent requires a product be fully explained and DO something. (I do not think ANY LRL has a U S patent). Treasurenet's LRL forum is as legitimate as are all the other forums here. This particular forum hosts HOTTLY debated opinions. Do not tell me I cannot voice mine. And... I've been called some pretty vulgar things but never... inferior (blush). ╦╦Ç

What is there to " HOTTLY " debate, Mr. C? Nowhere do I see the OP making any grand claims, only offering a brief overview of a device he has put together, and his personal opinion of how he believes it works. If you see no value in the device, or his theory of its operation, then fine. Discard it and carry on.

As to the DoJ citing LRLs as Fraud, US law defining fraud as "wrongful or criminal deception intended to result in financial or personal gain", again.... Nowhere do I see Mr. Winders attempting to SELL anything. He has plainly pointed out that the device is experimental. Now, if experimenting should fall under the auspices of the DoJ, please follow up with the proper documentation to support such a claim, and I will gladly step aside. Otherwise, I see no reason other than self promotion for this continued badgering of a fellow poster.

And thank you, but I pass on consenting to the gift of your insecurities as well. You'll have to find some other way to deal with them.

Best Wishes,

Dell and other members in our LRL forum have a right to post with out being attacked, hounded, ridiculed or challenged over their hobby or choice of equipment.

Discussion is allowed as long as there are no attacks, insults, or members are not hounded, ridiculed or challenged for their beliefs.

Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk

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"They shall wail and gnash their teeth outside the gates..." I'm not here to support the L-rod locators and I know there are some frauds out there. At the same time I don't like to see misinformation. Anybody here wants to search you won't find anything at the Department of Justice. So is this "fake news" intentional? I gotta believe so. I'll stop there.

Dell and other members in our LRL forum have a right to post with out being attacked, hounded, ridiculed or challenged over their hobby or choice of equipment.

Discussion is allowed as long as there are no attacks, insults, or members are not hounded, ridiculed or challenged for their beliefs.

Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk

Thank you, Sir.

Mr. Winders, please do continue. :coffee2:

....The U S DoJ has declared LRLs a fraud, ....

And DO YOU KNOW WHY the DoJ has done that ? Here's why:

..... when someone constantly belittles others, it's generally due to their own feelings of inferiority...

And so you see, it's not that there's any "fraud" or "bullying". It's only d/t the Doj has "feelings of inferiority".

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And DO YOU KNOW WHY the DoJ has done that ? Here's why:

And so you see, it's not that there's any "fraud" or "bullying". It's only d/t the Doj has "feelings of inferiority".

" Anyone who sends any online communication to deliberately frighten, embarrass, harass or otherwise target another is a cyber bully."

- State of California, Department of Justice, Xavier Becerra ~ Attorney General

From the Horse's mouth, Sir.

Your attempts to deflect only strengthen my point.

Dit, Ok, assuming all that you're saying (about definitions of "bully" and so forth) is true, then

1) how can a forum to discuss legitimacy of th'ing instruments exist? Heaven forbid that one party should take a dissenting View. Lest these labels be put on them?

2) but assume for the second we can use those labels: does that make the th'ing instrument being discussed necessarily valid and workable ?

Oops, double post

Dilith, your not a mod, if you think someone is violating the rules report it and let the mods handle it, neither Tom nor Terry is guilty of bullying in this thread yet.

Dell and other members in our LRL forum have a right to post with out being attacked, hounded, ridiculed or challenged over their hobby or choice of equipment.

Discussion is allowed as long as there are no attacks, insults, or members are not hounded, ridiculed or challenged for their beliefs.

Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk

I am assuming you are capable of discussing the "legitimacy" of someone's beliefs...without challenging them, of course. :coffee2:

Dilith, your not a mod, if you think someone is violating the rules report it and let the mods handle it, neither Tom nor Terry is guilty of bullying in this thread yet.

Thank you, Sir, and I most certainly will.

And no, I am not a mod...but You are, as I have noted in quoting your warning post above. Please accept my apologies if reminding a member to follow your rules is not acceptable policy.

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Thank you, Sir, and I most certainly will.

And no, I am not a mod...but You are, as I have noted in quoting your warning post above. Please accept my apologies if reminding a member to follow your rules is not acceptable policy.

My post wasn't meant as a warning but an exclamation of what crosses the line under our rules. Since no one broke the rules there was no need for you to be "reminding a member to follow your rules".

Sent from my P008 using Tapatalk

I see. My mistake, I do apologize.

I will just applaud your "exclamation" in that case. :notworthy:


Yes. So long as ANY hint of disbelief or dissent isn't labeled "ridicule".

Agreed, Tom. Anything less would be cultish, wouldn't it? :wink: :coffee2:

Ok, Dit. I respect your opinion, as I do Dell's and other's, pro or con. You MUST have a "thick skin" to be able to participate in this forum. The discussion has been argued here for YEARS and the players are NOT going away any time soon. To clarify, when I speak of Winders or the x-scan, I am more or less speaking of the LRL groups/products in toto. Has Dell sold the x-scan? I have read VOLUMES on the LRLs and their sales in recent days. It will take time but I believe I can re-find documents that will show Dell was very active in the sale and promotion of LRL devices in the past. The DoJ paper debunking LRLs and dowsing products, ditto, I'll find it. I have even read one LRL ad saying "money back guarantee", minus a 35 dollar shipping and handling fee, of course. Now, gotta go, I have some research to do. I'm not going away soon, either. ╦╦Ç

No one asked you to go away, Mr. C., contrary to what you imply. I look forward to your research regarding the OP's experimental device (that is the topic of this thread, btw, not LRL groups/products "in toto"). And congratulations on the cram session on the sale of previous LRLs, unfortunately it has no relevance to this device, as it's not/ nor ever has been for sale.

I've read tons of books, that doesn't make me an author. I've watched hours of music videos, doesn't make me a musician. All it has done, is given me an opinion....just as everyone else has. I'm perfectly willing to discuss yours, at your leisure... no rush. :wink:


The x-scan has never been for sale? Check out post # 35. His post (35) seems to be on just the x-scan. If his mention of "prototypes" means more than one LRL, then my lumping of other LRLs "in toto" is indeed relevant. Might I also add that if his products are based on the "scientific" term Harmonic Induction Discrimination, he mentions, there seems to be NO mention of that phrase in scientific circles. I asked him to clarify the phrase yet he seems to be refusing to answer, as he has been refusing to answer how his product works even after YEARS of experimenting. ╦╦Ç

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