Re: "No Stamp Act 1766" Buttons
This from the site Blacksheep posted...
Demont is one of the foremost collectors and appraisers of rare coins and Americana, and president of the North Star chapter of APIC (American Political Items Collectors) for the states of Minnesota, Western Wisconsin, parts of the Dakotas and Iowa. He also owns Historic Americana Investments.
He has one of the first known American political buttons ever produced. Made in 1766, it is a metal clothing button with a raised profile of William Pitt (the former British prime minister who spoke passionately against taxing Americans without representation) with the words “No Stamp Act” embossed on it.
“It is very similar to one produced by Paul Revere. It was the spark for the Revolution!” Demont said.”
Yes, that Revolution, the one that gave us the right of Freedom of Speech that started this whole hobby.
While Demont is a high-end collector, he insists that this hobby is for everyone. Alan Beam proves Demont’s point.
I also did a web search and only
one other item with the No Stamp Act logo on is a tea pot that is now in the SMITHSONIAN.....
Once again, those buttons are an AWESOME find and as suggested by others...DON'T clean them any further and put and keep them in a safe place, for they could be VERY valuable. Hope you find some more of em when you get back there!!