No one talks about it: Feeling awkward.

Some are funny: "Is that a geiger counter?" We have a local metal salvage yard and the guy does "Indiana Jones" knock-off commercials with things like pulling a chrome toaster out of a booby-trapped tomb. One of the kids is imitating his voice "Metal! We want your metal!" Another time, different group, kid yells out: "Can you here me now".

Some are sad: "Are you poor?" {this with a little boy handing me a dollar that his mom had pulled out}

Some are nuisances: One teeny-bopper to another in a town park - "He's always here digging for buried treasure." Other kid threw a handful of change towards me. I'll get to it. ;)

Some are obnoxious: "Do you know that's stealing?" {For this in-my-face woman I pulled out some can slaw and assorted trash in my finds bag and said: "Did you want this in your kid's feet?"}

What a sad world this would be if we didn't have a few eccentrics and odd-balls. I'm honored to be one! I'm not sure being "normal" in today's society is such a good thing. Feel awkward? Hell yes. I am awkward. Haven't been to a high-school reunion since graduating in 1977 because I never much fit in then, either. Face it, it's kind of a nerdy, introvertive hobby/pass-time/pursuit.

robert roy said:
However, there are alot of individuals who are hostile towards people with metal detectors. For some reason they feel you shouldn't be there. I guess they think we're going to steal their children. Well, believe me, I have had kids, and I don't want anymore, certainly not rheres! :D

RObert R

:D :D :D :D

I don't have a problem hunting around strangers "except" when they intrude on my time. That is why I prefer to hunt in fields, woods, and, abandon houses.

I agree with you Charlie P. I been doing MD ing for over 30 years. Get all kinds of questions. Even had some teenagers ride pass on bikes and throw some pennies at me. Heck I said thanks and picked them up, did not even have to use my Bounty Hunter to find them. Little kids are a lot of fun they have a million questions for you.
The funniest one was when I was working a park, and came across a man & lady doing you know what on a park table. Well I just kind Of kept my head down and kept on with my work. They finally saw me and off they went into the woods. And I just kept on doing my thing like I never saw them. LOL
So whats more awkward me MD ing or the couple on the park table. LOL

I have the OK from the City Park Dept., the Corps of Engineers, land owners or where ever I detect, and have a copy of the rules, so I feel ok, because I know it is ok.
Once while diggin in a city park, I had laid my detector beside me, and all of a sudden it started raising all kinds of hell. I looked over and there was a Basset Hound whith his chocker collar and dog tags hanging down, slobbering all over my coil. I looked up and there was an elderly gentleman at the other end of the leash. He (the gentleman, not the dog) asked,
"find any gold?"
I just politely said no, I just got here. He wished me good luck and went on his way.

Another time I was on my knees when I noticed two pairs of shoes right in front of me. It was a couple of kids from a local church wanting to "preach and pray" with me. I told them I respected their beliefs and ask that they respect mine, as I'm just here fo a short time before I have to go to work. One said, "We want you to find Jesus". I told them if He's made of metal and not over a few feet deep, I will. They hauled ass in a hurry mumbling something as they left.
Most people are kind, mostly courious but never a real pain, so far.
Like I say, "God, I love this hobby". And I know how to be a smart ass when I have to.

beaverdigger said:
One said, "We want you to find Jesus". I told them if He's made of metal and not over a few feet deep, I will.

ROFL!!! :D

>>>>>>One said, "We want you to find Jesus". I told them if He's made of metal and not over a few feet deep, I will. <<<<<<

Now that Freakin Funny!!!!!!!!!! :D

If I do find him maybe I can get him to turn those pull tabs to quarters!!!!!!

Robert R ;D

Heck no i dont mind hunting around people. i have just as much a right to be there doing what i want to do, as they have to do what they want to do. I am also a pro at ignoring people when they try to talk to me, but at the same time i know whats going on around me most of the time.

bootybay said:
at the beach... it evening but still daylight, had two women, bout 10-15 ft from me...had the head phones on..all the sudden the one woman says DO YOU MIND?? I had to remove my headphones n she says cant you see we are trying to have a private conversation here??????? MOVE... I looked at her n said, YOU dont own the beach, I Have head phones on and frankly I could care less what your discussing nor can I hear I said I will MOVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE when I feel like it... and very unlike me .... I shot her the bird.. I guess she pissed me off... thats bout if for the temper kicking in.. and feeling funny at parks...

EXCELLENT BB!!!!!!!!!!! You're a person after my own heart. ;D ;D ;D Some folks seen to go way out of their way to be real anal orifices. Then, when someone stands up to them, they want to act shocked and put out that someone would "give it back to them". Way to go.

Now, as to the original point of this thread--- When I first started MDing, about 30 years ago, I felt a little bit emparassed at the strange site I probably made because no one else in the area was doing it. That didn't last too long. After a short while, I adopted the attitude that "this is MY hobby and it made more sense than chasing a little white ball around for hundreds of yards just to kick it into a hole in the ground. ::) Or something to that effect. And I didn't put as much money into MY toy as those people did. ;D ;D ;D

robert roy said:
Yea, I know what you mean. I used to feel that way.
When I told my eighteen year old granddaughter I had taken up metal detecting she
was sincerely embarrased! Her image was/is like so many other people of some old geaser
with a beard haunting the parks and beaches hopeing to get enough money for a meal? Hummmmm.
Never know WHO these people are. Keep your distance!

I got over it.

However, there are alot of individuals who are hostile towards people with metal detectors. For some reason they feel you shouldn't be there. I guess they think we're going to steal their children. Well, believe me, I have had kids, and I don't want anymore, certainly not rheres! :D

RObert R

Robert Roy: you are right on with this one........know exactly what you mean. ;D

I had a kid in a park ask me if I was looking for worms. He said he knew a good place to find them. I could hardly contain my composure. Then I looked over close to him, and there stood his mother smiling. Maybe she put him up to it, I don't know? He was probably five-six years old.

I have had the opportunity to hunt all over the country. Being in a new place will make me a little skittish at first, but after I go to a park or beach or school, a second time I usually relax and enjoy what I do. I ve never had a problem on the Texas beaches, everyone wants to know what youve found. Its nice to visit with folks but after a while I just wanna hunt. Never really had a problem except in Kentucky. Went to a state park and as I was leaving the area, with my detector on my shoulder, a park ranger asked me if I had been detecting. I just kinda smiled and he smiled back. He then told me that was a nono but he was cool when he found out I was from Texas. I guess its just each place is different for me, but I love this hobby so it all comes out in the wash in the end. TMAN...



I have never felt awkward and I do my own thing but try to stay aware of my surrounding. Some places might not be the safest places if your in unknown territory. And with all the werd folks out there even the best of places you might have an encounter. If I am out at the beach and there are folks at the beach I working I usually give them 20-30 feet or so of privacy by walking around them. At night if I see them probably 50 feet or so maybe more as some folks are doing their own thing. :-X If I have kids pop up on me I have a hard time shoving them away. I usually toss a few pennies when they are not looking and let them find/dig them even if it interupts my own hunt. Guess I'm just a softy down deep. Always cover holes and always try to cut a nice plug and make it look like it hasn't been dug at all to my best ability. Putting dirt on a towel works well for this.

BuckleBoy said:
I try to be as inconspicuous as possible when I hunt--at all times. I don't want anyone getting any ideas that I'm finding the Mother Lode or Grand Jackpot in Aunt Bessie's yard. I also don't want any detector Vultures swooping in for a piece of the pie when I'm not there. ;)


My thoughts exactly. I don't want anyone knowing my business or what I've recovered.

dont be embarrassed to do something you love, we're not hurting anyone doing this hobby as long as the property is respected. Im like you though, i dont like drawing attention, so i dont do it in town (i hit the country!), but i think the 'stares' are just curiosity, they wonder what you've found, or what your gonna find. They probably wished they had one too! Life is way to short to worry about what others think, if you like doing it, do it, i 'SWING for tha BLING', and if it bothers somebody, tell em to turn their heads and mind their business!

If you feel like the person stealing hub caps, we may need to find another hobby.
I gotta quit feeling that way. I could get me a big german shepard, not mean but one that looks bad. Gnewt

Only time I get uptight is if a gang of kids show up. Some neighborhoods around here are quite old...but you dont wanna be there after dark.
That's my problem...I have a tendency to be fearless and i need to be a little more cautious about where I detect alone.

There are so few of us over here, so we do get the stares, generally it's pretty good and a lot of people want to know how deep, how much, etc. etc. Kids love following me and help me dig on the beach, I just bet a few of them will become treasure hunters one day too.

Johnny Ringo Silver said:
I dint live near beaches and such, soo it is not very common to see people metal detecting here where I live.
At first I would hesitate to put on my knee pad and nail pouch because I thought I would look goofy, but once I did it for a while it didnt bother me at all. I'm 34 years old and married with kids for gods sake.....
I dint care what someone thinks of me as long as they let me hunt there property!!

well put I'm 33 and dint care anymore

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