"Forget about the bacon and eggs... just get Jim H to go in and talk dat bear to death."
Reminds me of a man from Tennessee, legend says he used to grin a bear down.

Kilika, in another week or so, I'll be up on the shield here in Ontario doing some detecting, there'll be a number of remote areas where I'll have bears on my mind too, and unarmed as usual. Nope, I think some of you will have to help Chris with detecting this fantastic site to keep him safe. Still though, maybe bacon/eggs and coffee for breakfast would be tasty.
Chris, last night I was thinking about this site and wondering if in fact it was a bear since you didn't actually say that you'd seen him. Those droppings ought to be chock full of seeds, or else maybe it's no bear at all. In these parts bears only den late fall to early spring. But cougars will den all year around from what I've heard; you men probably know more about their den habits in that area. You don't want to run into some big ol' Tom, unarmed. Something to think about.
"Its a lot of work but i think that gully needs a raking, when it cools down."
Well flyspekau, that makes at least two us that are thinking the same thing. Been wondering if there's an easier way to move, say, 12 inches off the surface?