Nice Bell Found at Shipwreck Site...with pictures.

ScubaFinder said:
I never once said I pulled the bell out of the water, read the thread. I did "find" it, you mention yourself that it went missing when it was sold to an Italian. The first time anyone else saw it again was when we showed them the pictures, they were all exstatic because it was a great and very important find. Anyone with a brain took one look at that bell and knew it didn't just come out of the water, the photos are in a living room and it's already conserved. I didn't know the details of when it was found or I would have posted them. All I wanted was more info about it because it was incredibly important. We all had a very intelligent and informative conversation about it which everyone enjoyed a great deal. I've never seen this article that you claim shows the same bell, even though the date is different. Why is it suddenly surfacing now while you are trying to extort money from your ex-employer. Guys like you are the reason this industry has a bad name.

I don't know where you get your info, but I didn't have an investor on the hook when we located the bell, and I've never heard Rick say anything even remotely resembling what you are implying. He has always been a stand up guy, and I doubt seriously that your conversation ever took place. The bell came off of the Maimon site we were working on, and was a huge peice of the puzzle for us and we were very excited to have located it again. I was very proud of it and shared it with my fellow treasure hunters. Those are my true colors and I'll stand behind them until I die.

I’ve been following the shipwreck thread for about 3 years and read this particular thread when it was active.

This thread’s title is “Nice Bell Found at Shipwreck Site….with pictures”

Then you start the first post with:

ScubaFinder said:
Lookey what we found.......


SebastianSam said:
ScubaFinder, did your group find the bell on a shipwreck? When did you find the bell? It is in amazingly good shape. Has it already undergone conservation? How long was it in conservation for?



And you respond:
ScubaFinder said:
Sam, I have to hold onto a few of the details about the bell recovery...but lets just say the bell was found on a shipwreck we are exploring, but it was not yesterday...I got permission to share the info yesterday. LOL

Yet you say in your post above:
ScubaFinder said:
I didn't know the details of when it was found or I would have posted them.

You knew you and your group didn’t find it. You knew someone else found it years ago. Why did you “…have to hold onto a few of the details about the bell recovery.”?

And then…..

Jeff K said:
Jason... I'm sure the DR will want this bell, so how do you make the split short of cutting it in half? If they take the bell, what does your group get?

And you respond...

ScubaFinder said:
Jeff K, Great question, and let me say first that we wouldn't even think of owning this will absolutely be in the museum in Santo's too important and nice to sit in a private collection. That being said, Sr. Francis Soto and everyone at the ONPCS here in the DR have always treated us more than fairly at division time. It will be in the ONPCS lab for professional cleaning shortly, and will be sitting in a glass case after it's done, no question about it.


Of course you, “…wouldn't even think of owning this bell...” It was in some Italians private collection at his apartment. Is it in a museum in Santo Domingo now? Did the owner donate it? Did it go to the ONPCS lab for professional cleaning?

In your post above you say:

ScubaFinder said:
…Anyone with a brain took one look at that bell and knew it didn't just come out of the water, the photos are in a living room and it's already conserved


ScubaFinder said:
… The reason this bell was so well preserved is because it made it's way down into a small protected sandy area between two reefs...the sand is over 12 feet deep so the bell sat for hundreds of years in a nice calm anoxic sand shroud. Lucky us!

Thanks again!



ScubaFinder said:
I'm working on some coins that were possibly pulled off the same site before our leases were even in effect. The fishermen here aren't known for being particularly truthful about where they found things though...especialy shiny things. :) We're working on some better funding to allow us to have one team dedicated full time to this site, so as soon as we select our future partner, things will start moving quickly. I'll definitely keep you guys posted on anything we bring up from this wreck, and anything I find out on the coins..I haven't seen them yet, just heard about them and we're trying to make arrangements to take a peek.

You can tell everyone...

“I'm working on some coins that were possibly pulled off the same site before our leases were even in effect.”

But you can’t tell them the bell was possibly pulled off the same site before your leases were in effect?

And that’s just on the first page of posts. I’m calling BS. It’s clear you wanted everyone to think your group found this bell and, to quote your post above, “Anyone with a brain” can see that.

It’s also interesting that at the time this thread was hot you posted:

ScubaFinder said:
…We're working on some better funding to allow us to have one team dedicated full time to this site, so as soon as we select our future partner, things will start moving quickly.

Sounds like Themuseumguy isn’t far off on this particular issue he has.

And finally…from your post above:

ScubaFinder said:
Guys like you are the reason this industry has a bad name.

Look in the mirror buddy.


I wonder if you could tell us all whether you have a particular interest in this situation? I find it surprising that somebody who is clearly able to form and articulate opinions should have been following the TNet Shipwrecks site for several years without ever posting before now. We have had quite a few instances recently where so-called Newbies pop up with a particular agenda, and usually misrepresenting themselves and their reason for posting.

This smells like another such case, to me. Is this really your first post, or have you just adopted a pseudonym, and do you have a particular axe to grind in this situation? I know your profile says you registered in 2006, but I suspect that might be relatively easy to fake.

Maybe I am doing you a disservice, but I think that the posts so far have hurt both Jack and Jason, and I think that the least said further, the better.


mariner said:

I wonder if you could tell us all whether you have a particular interest in this situation? I find it surprising that somebody who is clearly able to form and articulate opinions should have been following the TNet Shipwrecks site for several years without ever posting before now. We have had quite a few instances recently where so-called Newbies pop up with a particular agenda, and usually misrepresenting themselves and their reason for posting.

This smells like another such case, to me. Is this really your first post, or have you just adopted a pseudonym, and do you have a particular axe to grind in this situation? I know your profile says you registered in 2006, but I suspect that might be relatively easy to fake.

Maybe I am doing you a disservice, but I think that the posts so far have hurt both Jack and Jason, and I think that the least said further, the better.



Old user name was "x-70 User". Pretty sure I had a few posts under that name, not in this forum though. Changed it a while ago. One of the mods here could probably tell you when.

I have no interest one way or another...except that I've been reading here for a long time. I was reading this thread when it was active, and I thought Jason pulled the bell up from the sea and so did a lot of other folks. In my opinion, Jason's posts were worded to make people believe that and I think I made it clear in my post above.

While I don't know any of the details of any other issues these two may have, as a subscriber to TNET and reader of this forum, it's clear Jason was misleading me (and a lot of other people....banner worthy...I think not) and I pointed it out.

good evening Ladies & gentlemen: I have very carefully reviewed every available post on this subject in here. If I had to present this in a court of law Jason would be declared innocent.

While he never flatly declared that he found it diving, neither did he deny it when congratulated on the assumption that he had, nor did he need to, since the congratulations were applicable to both.

All of his wording was carefully kept to the truth, the reader filled in the blank spots. The key word is the 'Intent', which under the circumstances, could be interpreted various ways. Basically it is what the reader wished it to be.

Rather like asking you for your literal interpretation of what constitutes objectionable or illegal Pornography. We all have different levels and of course 'Intent".

Under the circumstances, I have no hesitation in recommending him for the Explorers Club when he produces the required certified data. Need I say more?

Don Jose de La Mancha

People can throw as much shit as they want to, but i would be very proud to work with Jason.

So if people & trolls don't have other agenda then try to crusefix the people who tries hard to save the history here in the DR,
they should be quiet and stick to their very very safe 9 to 5 jobs in the tin factory.

Not to offend anyone reading this, but history is more important then fighting like little children and wasting time.!

Good day all;

I, like others have stated above, have been reading this website for years. I believe this is my second post as I do not find it at all neccessary to routinely voice my oppinions simply because I have them.

However, I have followed this thread daily since it's inception and personally have no doubt that Jason has mislead the patrons of this thread/treasure net concerning the bells discovery. Furthermore, his behaviour of only posting to incite his rival here is indicative of a misleading nature and his deletion of his threads only neccessary to hide his actions and his perspective.

This thread has been very informative for those who (or would like to) invest/participate in treasure recovery. Even more telling are the responses that have been provided as spin control from both sides and the "regulars."

Unfortunately, once those in the know have spoken it is almost impossible to remove the damge that has been done.

God bless Mark's family for their loss.


Real De Tayopa,

I think IF:

NCR were a publicly traded company
and they were looking for investors at the time Jason made his post
and the background of the bell surfaced
and Themuseumguy made his allegation about the bell story being used to bring in an investor

the SEC would be all over it.

Jason's posts would not help him or the company.

Trond said:
So if people & trolls don't have other agenda then try to crusefix the people who tries hard to save the history here in the DR, they should be quiet and stick to their very very safe 9 to 5 jobs in the tin factory.

Like I told Mariner, I'm a long time TNET member who was misled (along with many others).

I've also been a beat cop for 22 years. Far from the, "very very safe 9 to 5 jobs in the tin factory." As you can see below:

America's Most Dangerous Jobs-Jobs with the most fatalities

The following 10 positions saw the most deaths in 2008:

1. Motor vehicle operators<
Number of victims: 908
Most common manner of death: 66 were highway-related.

2. Construction trades workers
Number of victims: 720
Most common manner of death: 37 were attributed to falls

3. Material moving workers
Number of victims: 248
Most common manner of death: 14 fall-related fatalities and 12 were struck by objects

4. Law enforcement workers
Number of victims: 144
Most common manner of death: 38 were highway-related and 33 were homicides

5. Agricultural workers
Number of victims: 33
Most common manner of death: 19 highway-related fatalities

6. Grounds maintenance workers
Number of victims: 128
Most common manner of death: 20 deaths each from falls and being struck by an object

7. Sales supervisors
Number of victims: 124
Most common manner of death: 52 homicides

8. Vehicle and mobile equipment mechanics, installers, repairers
Number of victims: 110
Most common manner of death: 30 were struck by objects

9. Supervisors, construction and extraction workers
Number of victims: 108
Most common manner of death: 24 fall-related deaths

10. Metal or plastic workers
Number of victims: 102
Most common manner of death: 15 from being struck by an object and 13 from falls

Good morning my friends, and I consider you all to be, whether we are in agreement or not.

Jason's actions and posts, were neither illegal nor misrepresented. The incorrect interpretation lies with us in wanting to believe an assumption on our part and not asking him outright !

I have no doubt that Jason did have a client's response and interest in mind, however I personally believe that the potential client's first question would, or should be, be about the Bell. From his past actions, I have no doubt that Jason would have quickly cleared up that point honestly.

X70, You are in law enforcement, congrats. While in college I worked nights at San Quintin, I also served in the US Border Patrol, Texas.

Poncho, If he was / is right, don't you believe that it was correct of him to post his version on the truth regarding the operation? Wouldn't you ?

Don Jose de La Mancha

"Poncho, If he was / is right, don't you believe that it was correct of him to post his version on the truth regarding the operation? Wouldn't you ?

Don Jose de La Mancha"

Hola Don Jose,

His version of the truth was not what appeared to motivate him at the time of his deleted postings. It appeared that he was more interested in protecting/securing summer dive employment and to incite themuseumguy to post on the "Bell" thread so he could respond and "set the record straight." And, once he was convinced he had been hired his interest in vetting themuseumguy/NCR was nolonger his priority (rice bowl protected).

Posting his version of the truth regarding the operation is absolutely understandable and appreciated; his motivations however appeared to be selfish and decietful and, in my opinion, provided no lasting contibution to this website or the verasity of it's posters.

Thank you for your respect and perspective Don Jose.

I would also like to thank all of those who contributed to this thread in an effort to vet the bell and it's history. And of course to treasurenet for having the courage to allow this type of discussion to transpire.

May your greatest treasure be those who support you!!

Via con dios mi amigos,

Whit all due respect to all the readers

I really hate to see things like this happen in a public forum. Especially when others try do damage some ones reputation. Even worst when it comes from some one who claims to have been part of a scam or fraud and now is going public because he is blackmailing his partner in crime because of some money issues among them…. Even worst if in fact there was no scam going on and this person is saying there was a scam just to get even or to blackmail the person who he claims owes him money……

If you witness and are fully aware that some one who you work for is committing a crime and you don’t say anything and play along you are as guilty as the person who is committing the crime…Sure you will probably do less time in jail than the one who committed the crime….

On Jason’s bell thread I believe he was clear enough when he said quote on quote “I have to hold onto a few of the details about the bell recovery...but lets just say the bell was found on a shipwreck we are exploring, but it was not yesterday...I got permission to share the info yesterday.”

It’s no secret that Jason is a great friend of mine and in my home we consider him as family. I know the mans character and yes he is far from being perfect but the one thing I know for sure is that he is an honest man and he would never mislead an investor. At the end of the day and the truth of the matter is that the bell did come from the wreck site he said it did. Even if the thread was started to attract the attention of an investor and if the decision of the investor to invest or not was based on the fact that the bell came from that wreck site then what is the problem if the bell did come from where he is saying it came from…..If people understood that he had just found it even when he said “I have to hold onto a few of the details about the bell recovery...but lets just say the bell was found on a shipwreck we are exploring, but it was not yesterday”

Read along the lines “lets just say the bell was found on a shipwreck we are exploring” isn’t this telling you that some one else found it? “but it was not yesterday” and isn’t this telling you it was a while back?

And by all means I am not trying to justify the man because he is my friend..
It is what it is…What is the exact truth…OK….Jason did not find the bell in the bottom of the ocean. He found the man who bought it from the man who found it in the wreck site Jason was exploring…So does this make it a less interesting wreck site….NO…right? The wreck site actually got more interesting when Jason found this man who had the bell that came from his wreck site…..

These are just my 2 cents, I don’t what to start a debate with any one I am just expressing my humble opinion like every one else has. I will rest my case by saying that many have regret crucifying some one after its all done…

It’s a shame that NCR and Jason never got a chance to continue exploring this site…Oh well, like I said before…It is, what it is

All the best,


I think Jason is a man of his word and was looking for as much info on the bell & shipwreck it came from.... Sometimes the best finds you keep to yourself.... I know he loves history and would do anything to save it. Relicdude :icon_pirat:

Well, I can't blame some of you guys for feeling the way you do, but my intentions were not to decieve anyone, only to share a significant find with the bright minds here at TNET and start a discussion that would hopefully clue me in on the origin and history of this wonderful bell. Thank you to my many friends who know what kind of person I am for defending me in all of this ugliness. I do apologize for my part in it.

First off, NCR was nowhere near being a scam or de-frauding investors out of money...period.

Jack Rea is no longer employed by NCR, is hurting for money, and recently sent threatening extortion emails to Rick Berry (president of NCR) stating that if he didn't receive money, he would post this fraudulent press release for all the world to see. I knew about Jack's intentions ahead of time because I am still very good friends with the Berry family. When I got a PM from Jack asking for my help in fooling everyone on TNET into believing NCR was an investment scam, I saw an opportunity to discredit his claims in public. I'm not proud of my actions following, but understand that Mark Fleckenstien was a VERY close personal friend of mine...I worked with him on 4 other projects for the two years before I left for the DR. I had an early Thanksgiving dinner at his house last year and I loved the guy like a brother....I took Jack's false accusations about Mark's death very personally, and I let that affect my judgement.

When Jack claimed in his "press release" that NCR was the reason for Mark's death, I stopped thinking clearly and tried to stoop to Jack's level to beat him at his own game. He was being very deceitful, and I tried to deceive him in kind to get him to post his BS press prelease. I told him what he wanted to hear (not the truth or what I was actually thinking). When he posted, I then tried to tell the truth about NCR. We weren't without fault, but we were nothing remotely close to a scam, we worked very hard and came very close to our goals. After that, it got very ugly and very personal, Jack posted my PM's where I was saying anything but the truth, just telling him what he wanted to hear. I never claimed to be perfect, and I rarely hit below the belt, but I felt Jack truly deserved to be hit repeatedly below the belt for trying to falsely ruin the reputation of some very fine folks (unless he was paid some money). Again, I'm not proud of it, it back fired and made me look worse than I really am, and the whole thing is very regrettable.

As for the bell, we were the first ones who were able to track it down 30 years after it's disappearance. It took a lot of hard work and relationship building, and many people asked us not to discuss the bells origins, location, or any details. These included the man who currently had possesion of it, the man who had originally found and sold it, and the government institution that had let the bell slip through it's fingers decades earlier. A lot of people could have come out looking bad, the guy who bought it and the fisherman who sold it could have been arrested, and a few other things also. I gave my word to these people, and I kept it. I thought by saying it "didn't come up yesterday, and not WE found it on a shipwreck, but IT came off a shipwreck we were working on" made it clear enough to anyone reading that it wasn't found by us. If that mis-lead you guys, then I am truly sorry, it was not my intention to mis-lead or be dishonest. Again, my only intention was to share a great find with my friends here, and protect some people in the Dominican Republic who I had given my word to. I had to adhere to a lot of rules and promises just to even be able to share it with you guys here.

The bell is not yet in a museum, but it's location is now known, and it is available to that museum if they want it. The museum is currently closed for renovations, and I am not privvy to the details of what will become of the bell. I just helped to track it down and bring it to the light of day again. I, along with those who helped me, are very proud of that accomplishment. If the mods here see fit to remove this bell from the banner, that wouldn't change my thoughts a bit. I thought the thread itself was worthy of the banner due to the contributions of many of the folks here.

Some seem to want to make me into something I'm not, and that's OK too. I know who I am, but everyone is entitled to their opinion, and TNET generally lets people express thier opinions. I have nothing to hide, and the only thing I've gained from TNET is a lot of life-long friends. If a few people want to try and make me out to be something horrible, it won't change my love for this site, or the good people I've met on it. It's just sad that one guy with bad intentions can so severely damage the reputation of a guy who has given years of honesty and integrity to this site. That's unfortunately the world we live in.



Good luck, Jason.

As I said in one of my posts, this thread was one of the most interesting we have had on TNet in the last few years, with some terrific input from knowledgeable people who combined to provide great interest and enjoyment for many of us. Looking back, I can see how you managed to walk a very thin line. I know from personal experience how nervous people are about allowing any publicity about items that they have acquired. I was told once about a wonderful bronze cannon that was found off the western tip of Cuba by some local fishermen, who sold it to a collector in the USA. The gun is cast in the form of a lion, with the mouth forming the gun's muzzle. I think it probably came from the Cortez ship that ran aground there in 1526 and then sank back into the sea. The crew tried throwing overboard everything they could, in an attempt to re-float the ship before it sank. The incident is described in one of Cortes' letter to Emperor Charles V. The cannon must have been trapped among the submerged rocks, where it was found by local fishermen. I think it was was one of the first bronze cannons made in Mexico.

The person who has the cannon does not want to allow it to be made public. It was probably illegal to buy it from a Cuban source, for the same daft reasons as we can't buy Cuban cigars here in the US, but what a shame we can't all see and appreciate this marvelous piece of artistry.

I think we are all better for knowing about the bell from the wreck you were working on, and I for one appreciate your efforts in bringing knowledge of it into the public domain.


Jason, you have now confirmed what was merely a suspicion. You and Chagy are a couple of boozing, womanizing, modern day pirates, bums. Ones that steal, loot, and destroy priceless artifacts just to finance your debaucheries, artifacts that should be left to Mother Nature to destroy, you aren't competent enough!

Err ah, Can elle and I join you ? Naturally we each have different reasons, I doubt that Elle would go for the womanizing. However an extremely handsome, worldly, considerate gigolo such as myself might be acceptable.

In any event how do we now stand on the Bell, it's history etc.?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. Chagy, now about blackmail---------------????

mariner said:
I can see how you managed to walk a very thin line.

Well said, mariner. A tough line when the original finder wants to remain anonymous.

I despise threads that degenerate into this drivel. Nonetheless, I care about Jason and need to add my two cobs. Jason was hired to work on a project of mine a few years ago. I spent time with him and the others on the project. Additionally, through the ARRG group, I spent a considerable amount of time with him and the guys. While I might advise Jason otherwise in some of the choices he made in this endeavor, he is overall an outstanding man. He is not an arrogant know-it-all. Nor does he exhibit a deceitful pattern that bothers other team members. Everyone I know who has worked with Jason likes him and is willing to work with him time and time again. That's not always the case with the type of men this industry attracts.

Incidentally, I find it interesting that Jack exempts Jason in his press release from being part of the scandal...

I want it to be PERFECTLY CLEAR that Jason Nowell tried everything he could to make the project run right and get work done but was against unsurmountable odds!

NO WAY is he to held responsible for the lack of professionalism of NCR.

Yet now he claims Jason is a outright liar who fleeces investors?

Don't believe it. Is Jason a man with no flaws? Nah. I could point out a few - and he could tell me mine. Bottom line is I would hire him tomorrow and know that he would be straight up with me in our dealings together. I stand to gain nothing by posting this. I simply want to contribute to eliminating any hesitations anyone might have in future dealings with him.

All the best,

elle said:
And I forgot one other important you already mentioned Jas...THE SUN.

The Jesuits use the SUN mark as the symbol for Jesus Christ. They believe that Christ is the Light and the Life.
The SUN drawings around the cross....and the half sun over the "H" is a clear indication that this is a Jesuit bell.


on the money there...x :icon_thumleft:

Good afternoon ELLE, jason etc. : for some reason I was thinking about that bell, Tubares, and Your campaign Elle.

I remembered that I met Lupe vega who helped me with the Gloria pan mine investigation. He arranged for me to go to Jorge Juan's cabin in the Gloria Pan barranca. I had a young couple of Tarahumaras that agreed to act as my guides.

We went afoot since I was in prime condition and figured that i would have no problem with a young couple, that to me were kiddies, sheesh was I wrong. I left my mule and sleeping gear at Tubares since there was no grazing up there, and carried only 35 lbs - after all, it was only for one day..

The young couple in their teens, promptly ran up the hill and disappeared. I staggered on trying to catch up with them, near the verge of a heart attack, and finally stumbled over the rim where i had last seen them, I saw them wrestling (?) in the grass. As soon as they saw me, they jumped up laughing, and RAN up to the next crest. This was repeated at least a 'billion' times that first day. sigh

Then to add to my woes, it started to rain, a cold penetrating rain with wind. sheesh I was beginning to feel sorry for myself and wonder why or how I ever became involved with exploration and lost mines. As for my guides they appeared just as happy as if they had good sense.

We stayed in a cave that night where I warmed up a bit. The next day was an even worse repetition of the first, if possible. The boy called to me and pointing to a cleft in the ridge above us, fairly close to the Gates of Heaven, and said that was where I had to go. From there it would drop down into the barranca of the Gloria Pan. All that I had to do was to go down the barranca until I saw Jorge Juan's cabin. simple enough, no? As They then 'ran' off giggling and playing, I overheard a remark on how i had slowed them up from a two hour 'walk' to two day one??

The 'next' Day, about dusk, I finally saw a small one room brush covered shack and stumbled to the door, where with numb fingers I tapped on the door. No response, so I repeated the knocking, still no response, so I started kicking the damn door, it swung open. There was no-one there, so I entered.

It was by now dark, my matches were wet, and after three days of stumbling through cold gusty rain, continuously wet, I was trembling with cold and beat. All I could think of was getting warm and to sleep. There was just enough light to let me see a broken cot with a sleeping bag on it. Without further ado I crawled into it. sheesh it was so dirty and greasy that it was stiff as a frozen sail , but it did get me warm and I went to sleep listening to the wind howl, shake the cabin, and the roar of the rising arroyo.

The next morning it was bright and sunny, so after starting a fire and cooking breakfast, I returned to liking the life of an explorer and commenced searching the cabin. it was litterally full of junk, from mining equipment, to books and pages of notes. Being nosey, I quickly found why my unwilling host was gone. He had formented an uprising against the Mission in the 30's, He was called the "Arab". The gov't was still looking for him, There were vague references to a Priest having been killed. He had been involved in several murders and had lately been shot in the stomach, but recovered. This was my unwilling host, sheesh.

This is your job Elle, check on this.

Anyway, I quickly found what fit the sealed entrance of La gloria Pan mine and decided to return to El fuerte, where my friend and partner was waiting, so that he could be there when we opened it. That part you already know. About this time an Indian arrived with my sleeping gear, so I returned to Tubares with him.

Incidentally the return trip only took 1/2 a day ?

So Elle, dig up what you can about this mini, aborted uprising. But remember, the Gloria Pan was closed in the 1600's, along with Tayopa, Tepoca, Las pimas, LaTarasca, and two others near Caborca.
This also includes El Fuego de Barras (?) south west of Tubares.

Side thingie, to the East from the bell tower, on the south side of the river, there is a small rock walled corral. Check it with a metal detector. During the last rev. a gov't pay roll officer, with his escort ,were caught by the rebels and took refuge in there. They were all killed but the pay roll as never found. It is probably buried in there . It was claimed to be mostly gold, but this I doubt, since even a single peso was a large amount of money in those days, still the silver would be worth quite a bit and could go to help restoring the Mission.

Thank you Jason, as usual it is Elle's fault. This is a fill in for her project.

Don Jose de La Mancha

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