Newbie needs help with cannon identification.


Jul 3, 2021
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hi. I?m Bradley. I?m so green I don?t even have a metal detector. I have had cheap ones and never did anything spectacular with them. I do have access to some historic properties so I should get another. For now, just a picker, collector, enthusiast, and a fan of picking money up off the ground.

I just acquired a small bronze cannon, alleged to have been recovered from a wreck in the Caribbean in 1969 by (group? Ship?)
Called Four shadows? It does appear very old, has corrosion in powder magazine, appears to have had its touchhole linered, worn shiny on its trunnions.
However, it looks like someone used a grinder or something to get the coral off, it has mold seams down the length of each side and it?s oral alleged provenance said ?15th or 16th century pirate cannon? which casts a cloud of bullshit over the whole thing. One unusuallity, apparently, is that the ?button? on the breech end is square, which I haven?t seen in any image searches except on one French signal gun photo which had zero info and was being offered for sale as a stock image.
Bore: about 2 1/4 inch
Length, about 26? overall
It?s appearance does lend credence to its having been on the sea floor for a while, wall thickness and heft not consistent with reproductions.
I?d like to identify it so as to build the correct carriage or mounting for it.
Can you help? May I send pics?

Meanwhile, I?ve made a batch of powder, not yet corned but flashes ok, and I?m going to lash it to a heavy pallet and shoot some pool balls out of it. Fun!
God help the British navy if they come up the bay this afternoon!

Welcome! Do not blow yourself up. If the touch hole actually intersects the barrel, that is a good sign. Salt water will eat up bronze, on a molecular level at least and personally I wouldn't put any powder in it. During the American Revolution the iron cannon the Americans made tended to blow up (and sometimes kill the people firing it) during battle and even in testing.

And yes, need pics.

Jon from s/e Michigan 8-):cat::occasion14::headbang:

Welcome to the forum! :icon_thumleft:

Welcome From L.A. (Lower Alabama)

....please post some pics and lots of them. I would have to hear it fire myself. A light load of powder and a paper or cloth wad to start with.

Welcome to Tnet. :hello:

Welcome to the forum! Can you share some pics so we can see and understand better what you are talking about?

You've found a great place for information and fellow treasure hunters of all kinds -- welcome aboard! :occasion14:

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