Newbie here ,Think I just found a meterorite shower intact!


Nov 19, 2008
Hi everyone,
I am an Aussie currently working in the Middle East. Just had a big day out in the desert and stumbled on a field of meterorites , truly!! My first ever filed find I am so over the moon! Can't believe it myself! I have searched Australia-wide for meterorites and I wasn't even looking in the desert, and there it was, a field about 500 yards across with a few scattered further afield. The rest of the area was yellow sandstone so they jumped out at me when I climbed the plateau.
I collected about thirty but couldn't carry any more.Most are from 1-4" across and all show the thumbrint of true meteorites . I am going to try and attach a pic for you all.I think they are Iron types but need to refresh all my reading now I am remotivated. So thrilled at my luck just had to share with someone!
Can anyone tell me what I need to cut one to check the Windmanstatten pattern inside? Will a dremel with a diamond saw do it? Don't have a lot of tools here.


  • desert rocks1108 003.jpg
    desert rocks1108 003.jpg
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Good luck on identifying them.

I don't know diddley about meteorites but those sure look like meteorites to me.

Are you on or near a construction site? Any welders/steelworkers anywhere nearby? They would have a chop saw to cut re-bar or iron pipe. You would get a very rough cut but then you could possibliy get several grades of emory cloth and sand the cut surface down. You would want to go as fine as 600-800 grit, I would think. The finer grits like 320 and up you would want wet or dry emory paper and use it wet. You should get a nice polish on it at 800 grit.

Have you tried a magnet on them? Are they magnetic?

There is a Meteorite forum here on TNet, and I bet those guys could point you in the right direction. That's a great discovery if they are in fact meteorites. :thumbsup:

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