Hey all
I took lanny's, terry's,bkpr63, and many others advise, I decided to go with the gold bugII' it showed up last weekend ,I had already read the manuel three times, watched countless utube videos, including one put out by terry,very helpful by the way,before it even arrived, doing those things sure made it easy to start using, I'm taking it out almost every night and running it around the yard, the manual ground balance is actually pretty easy to get used too, just working around the yard with it I'm seeing how often ground balancing is needed, without this forum it would of taking me forever to figure that out, thanks again guys.
The bug sure is sensitive, I,ve found aluminum foil1/2 the size of a piece of rice, #6 bird shot i threw in the weeds, 22 shells ,and it can find my piece of gold smaller than the #6 birdshot I glued to a poker chip 2'' under the ground. Impressive, That audio boost switch sure is nice If the weather holds out I'm going to try it out in the mountians this weekend, can't wait, I'll let you know how it goes.
By the way I bought the 6.5" and the 10'' coil. I think that small coil will work well where I go
Thanks Toddles