OK guys, we got alot done today but we aren't even close to done.
1. We've updated the postbit area even more. You'll now see it is very space efficient and we have icons to represent the different values (post count, join date, age, etc) -- if you mouse over the icon it will tell you what it presents but I think you can figure it out easily.
2. The old site background is back. The gold coins are here again.
3. We've got a cleaned up, metal detecting, treasure map having, pirate chest guarding Pirate again in the header. The old mascot lives again and larger and more detailed then ever
4. Tons of little bugs fixed, too many to list.
5. Fonts sizes increased in some areas.
6. I'm working on the Charter Member chat area but don't have it ready to go yet.
7. You should be able to "hide" an area or forum category on the forum by clicking the minus sign in the top right hand corner of the forum category so you don't have to see it on your screen anymore. This won't hide or ignore posts from that section in "searches" or "new posts" though
Other things that I'm sure I'm forgetting. We will keep plugging away though!