in the USA a citizen should have the expectation of walking about freely.
However , thanks to certain factions Freedom is only a distant memory in books.
I don't want to get into the off topic politics, So I am refering to the publics
loss of public land use rights
As a member of the GPAA and the Desert Gold Diggers in southern AZ we fight everyday against the BLM and their land grabbing rule changes but the people back east have already had their rights taken away long ago.
So the fight out here continues. Hopefully this show will bring more attention to the rights to our land being slowly sucked away from us over time. The days of the lone man working his mine like the Dutchman are almost gone.
With all the environmental crap, bonds, access roads and new illegal rules only large mining companies have the ability to gain access to the gold deposits and it gets worse every year.
Our club lost a huge portion of their claims because their non profit, now what in the world is the BLM doing accessing your IRS records to check this, their status as a non-profit was
questioned because they said all the claims they had were worth to much and they could not be classified as a non profit so they had too give up claims.
More power to the cast and crew of the show! Anyone the files a claim anywhere in Arizona knows the crap they stick you with.
Original 1876 mining rules gave you the right to sink a shaft twenty foot deep before you filed a claim then and only then you filed the claim and had the right to your claim and create your own road to your mine.
The Government cannot look at any individual as a "Small" Recreational Miner and must give you the same rights as a large company to your mine without all the BS.
Any man that has the strength of Character to take on the system by filing a claim and doing battle for the rest of us is a true blooded American your the front line in the battle for our mining rights!
More power to the show!!!