
Full Member
Feb 17, 2005
W ent to new school to give it a try . Looked like it was paved with coins, but soon 6 kids came running over ( school is out ) getting under my feet. One even starting digging in holes i was getting coins out of , i almost hit his hand several times as i was digging . He managed to grab about $3.00 in coins before i could pick it up . Another grabbed pinpointer and digging tool and tried to get away with them !! managed to run this one down . ( GIRL ) . I would sit md down to dig and they would grab it , try to pull it away . One girl told me to give her money . when i asked why, she replied that her mother told her white folks were supposed to give them money !!!! Needless to say soon as i could get equipment back I left . Did end up with $5.39 for 1 hr time . I think next time my wife tells me we need to leave ms. I`ll agree, and, lets go NOW !!!!! ;D will detect for food........BR...549 ;D

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I am originally from MS, and have heard that comment more then once while I was there. The parrents don't seem to have taught them
1. manners
2. respect
3. work ethic
Sorry for the bad time. Best thing to do is hit it early on a Saturday or Sunday

lostlugnut said:
I am originally from MS, and have heard that comment more then once while I was there. The parrents don't seem to have taught them
1. manners
2. respect
3. work ethic
Sorry for the bad time. Best thing to do is hit it early on a Saturday or Sunday

Well how could the parents teach these values when they don't possess them thereselfs?


WoW! Man, never had an experience like that yet. I feel for you and don't blame you a bit for picking someplace new to look. It is a bad state of affairs when the kids don't have manners and parents teach them lessons like that before they can even think about getting a job. Looks like there will be a few more sucking money out of the taxpayers in a few years.

Next time,

tell the little xoxtards that you're searching for a BOMB that was supposedly planted, and that they need to get as FAR away as FAST as possible because the whole BLOCK could BLOW UP at any time!! ;D

Sorry you had a bad experience ,bright side; you know where not to go again.That is terrible.

I feel compelled to but don't really know how to respond to this post. ?I have some very good friends who are black and have very well behaved and well disciplined children. ?Then again, I have known some whites whose children are as bad or worse than the kids you encountered. ?I don't think it's a black or white thing, rather the environment in which they evolve as human beings. ?I have seen 3 generations of monsters evolve in several families both black and white. ?I don't know the answer as to how to change it. ?Kids have to be removed from that environment at birth if they are ever to be productive members of society. ?But how do you accomplish that? ?I don't know, I wish I did. ?JIM

jimmileo said:
I feel compelled to but don't really know how to respond to this post. ?I have some very good friends who are black and have very well behaved and well disciplined children. ?Then again, I have known some whites whose children are as bad or worse than the kids you encountered. ?I don't think it's a black or white thing, rather the environment in which they evolve as human beings. ?I have seen 3 generations of monsters evolve in several families both black and white. ?I don't know the answer as to how to change it. ?Kids have to be removed from that environment at birth if they are ever to be productive members of society. ?But how do you accomplish that? ?I don't know, I wish I did. ?JIM

Can I get an "amen"??


Good response Jim,



Wow....what a shame........... >:( ? ? Congratulations on getting to keep your detector though! ?;D

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?AMEN ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Nana ?;)

yep... skipper punks are skipper punks... black, white or yellow... skin tone makes no difference...

like someone said b4, it's all about the parents...

trash begets trash...

I had something similar happen to me not to long ago with the kids digging in my holes.... I cant believe the lack of manners taught to a lot of kids today... I would go back, just not at the hours a kid would be out playing

All things being somewhat equal it's the "teachers" that usually fail . . . . and the teachers are us. I guarantee you my grandfather was a teacher!! ::) We make the laws and rules and we enforce or don't enforce them. The sad part of all of this is any change you make today will 20 years before you see the affect. 20 years before if you made the right "adjustment."


nobody is going to like this probably but I also felt compelled to type even though I should probably avoid this not so pc subject. If you think that story is bad then read what happened to me from people I thought I knew..........
I have had some very personal experiences with this. I think the main problem in the above situation is that the mother and father are teaching racism towards white people. Why is it a black child can come up to a white child and call him a racist name and it is not that big of a deal and usually shrugged off, but OMG if a white kid calls a black kid something its a crime against nature and everyone white and black is offended??? Does that seem equal and fair? I have been repeatedly called whiteboy/cracker/whitebread/honkey/... more times than I can count and if I reacted the exact same as a black man would to blackboy/nigger then I would be confronting a lot of people.
Oh wait did I just offend everyone? Of course I did, that was the point now ask yourself this -----> Why werent you so offended when I called myself the exact same thing in reverse and even included 2 extra? Because this is becoming the norm! Please do not really take offense or edit my post unless it is truly needed. I specifically left the "N word" in there to make that point clearly obvious to everyone. I am not directing this comment towards anyone and Ive never use that term myself, nor do I feel that anyone should be called names or treated differently. You would never even think of editing the words I typed that were aimed at me. If the black population truly wants racism to stop they have to help out and stop teaching it to their children as well.

Now of course a few white families still teach racism to their kids, BUT I have seriously noted that many many black familys regualrly teach some form of racism to their children. taught anything from the extreme hate to something so simple as not to trust a white person. A while back I moved into an area where the population is 70% black 13% hispanic 7% white and i forget the rest, so the census says... I have done nothing but be helpful to almost every neighbor of mine because once people found out i could fix things I swear to you almost every single family on my block has come to me at some point needing help which i give. I have done 6 brake jobs fixed 2 lawnmowers, installed a stereo, broke into a mans car who had locked himself out, pushed a car almost a mile with a black gentlemen whose car broke down, jumpstarts, flat tires, you name it ive done it for almost nothing. Even after repairing 2 childrens bikes in the same house, letting them metal detect with me and keep the change, those same two children constantly make comments either out loud or under their breath that are very racist and clearly came from the mouth of an adult. Also they were told never to talk to me or go in my yard. I actually feel this sort of glare and hate just eminating from that house and all of the 8 occupants (as well as a few other houses). Another instance is where my next door neighbor pretended to be very nice for a while all the while talking a lot of trash and horrible lies to the other neighbors. This person went wayyyyy out of their way to give me a hard time. Calling the police on me constantly for ridiculous reasons, saying im giving young kids alcohol, and probably !DRUGS! WTF :o calling the city complaining about the condition of my house and yard, saying many people come in and out (im a lonely ole guy with a live in girlfriend, i rarely have company, never touched drugs, and I only drink about 4 times a year), saying I gave kids bb guns/ i shot at them and threaten them, and even going so far as telling more than one kids parents that I was inviting children into my home and doing strange things with them!!! What did I do to them, you guessed it, im a white man. I am not saying this because I assumed it but instead because I was finally told that it came from this ladies mouth directly into the ear of one of my black friends(who used to hate me because of this woman and now agrees she is nuts). She actually said she "didnt want my kind around there?!" and saying she will do whatever it takes to get me out!
Lastly I had a bunch of little toys that I wrapped up for all the kids around here. I gave them to anyone who came over and said merry christmas. Almost every child got one, but get this... and this one really pissed me off... I had wrapped up a very pretty and somewhat old & expensive beanie baby very nicely, and gave it to a 4 year old girl (and a different not as cool toy to her 8 year old sis) telling her to go home and make sure its ok before she opened it. Well a week goes by and I didnt see her at all, so when I finally did I almost could not believe it when she asked me why I had given her dirt?!?!?!?!?! Excuse me? I said what do you mean, what happened. She proceeded to tell me that she handed the package to her mom and told her I gave it to her. Her mother shook it squeezed it and threw it in the trash! telling her it was dirt and I had played a trick on her and not to talk to me or go near me. This was very very upsetting to me. Not just because $20-30 dollars was thrown away but I am a good honest and fair person, I went out of my way and got kicked for it.
I find it very sad that we as a nation have tried to make everything fair for americans yet there is still one race with this overlying feeling that another race owed something or are out to get them..
I find the saying in the original post to be a perfect example.
mother told her white folks were supposed to give them money !!!!
This is an extremely ignorant comment.

I dont care if this is a touchy subject something needed to be said about this. The fact that she tried to steal only adds to the problem. Not only is she not being taught manners, respect, and honesty, but on top of that to fear and hate. This can ONLY lead to bigger problems. I finally got this off my chest as well. Say what you want about me but I judge people by their actions not anything else, and I see this as a big problem that can only get worse.
You can hate me if you want but im not a bad guy.

oh and one last comment to add to jimmileo's question about how to change it...
Anti-racism needs to be taught in school at a young age, to every race, and the racism needs to be replaced with a greater understanding. Things like that take time to unwind from the mind, and I think kids should be put in that situation in a completely controlled setting before they end up having it happen in real life and not knowing how to handle themselves correctly. Its just an idea but it is the best I can do. :-\

it is being taught at the schools !!! - if u read all the posts everbody's put down - its the parents fault ~ !
i want the teachers to stick to reading writing and math - not social problems - i dont want some teacher telling my kids how to feel about somebody else - thats my job ! - and ultimately their decision - believe me - they learn lots about all the GREAT black Americans - we should think of people as Americans - not - putting them in special categories because of their skin color. If all men are equal lets keep it equal - not devided. - if u truly want to practice - WHAT THEY PREACH - (the parents fault) LBP ;D

First let me begin by saying that Racism and stupidity do not know any race color or creed. I am hispanic and have been pulled over for no reason by a local police . Go figure ? I was P.O. ed at the time but later I thought what a sad person to live in fear of others who are not exactly like everyone else. I happened to live in a white upper middle class suburb at the time. Anyway whenever I see kids in an area where I want to look I leave Spectators = trouble is the bottom line. Try early in the AM it works for me. I went at 6:00 this morn to sucha a place. It is truely sad that this had to happen. I have 2 kids of my ownand it hurts all of us when people teach hate, ignorance and intolerance to thier kids . What ever you do GO BACK sounds liek a great place to hunt.

Ace villav

Lets get back to that good parts.......$5+ dollars found.....WOW!!!!!

Although the situations was bad, way to hang in there..... ;)

GL & HH,

Upstate NY

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