New photos!

DigEmAll said:
Great photos Nahabit! You said he had American boots? Did we supply your army with boots or do you think it was a trade?

Certainly supplied, till 1943 each second Russian soldier has been dressed in the American boots (the truth on memoirs of veterans they were bad quality, but it is better than anything) it referred to landlease/In the beginning of war the government the USA has presented the Soviet union 1 billion dollars in gold on purchase of tanks, planes, clothes and canned food with a beef. The small arms from the USA was not delivered, the basic ways of deliveries were through England northern escorts and through alaska to the Far East

hi every one.i respect other views on what nahabit does but im behind him all the way because what he finds reminds me that war. that is an act human fail and over time always repeats it self.showing these finds could remind us all on the effects of war and maybe on day war will be a thing of the past.he does the right thing i think and keep on hunting. all the best and support.


Nice Finds Nahabit! That bayonet is nice, what country was that from?

JakePhelps said:
Nice Finds Nahabit! That bayonet is nice, what country was that from?
this is german bayonet

Brilliant pictures & information as ever Nahabit, truly amazing work you are doing there.

WOW = incredible picture/foto :o

What is the white ball in the upper right of the relics? Also is that an M-1 Garand stripper clip I see or did some of your countries use a rifle with this type of ammunition?

DigEmAll said:
What is the white ball in the upper right of the relics? Also is that an M-1 Garand stripper clip I see or did some of your countries use a rifle with this type of ammunition?
A flask

I like seeing those pictures..... very nice.


I applaud your country's interest in exhuming valiant soldiers for proper funeral rites and burials. The archaeology side of it puzzles me somewhat though, as I don't see any other real value to digging up dead men other than the reasons stated above.
I am a 2 time Vietnam Vet (Combat Medic) and I am glad that we are sending teams to Vietnam now and recovering the bodies of our dead left there for proper rites and internment in their homeland also. Comanchero

Nice relics. I see buttons, buckles, bullets. All very interesting.
HH Angela :)

Dave N Japan said:
Oh' I did not know he was a Russian military for munitions disposal expert! I guess he will be safe with all those unexploded ordinance in his house. I hope so! They do have some great laws there! Looks like people can do what they want. We have way too many laws here! I know a couple of other people that live there! I wish I was there!

Yes, Dave !!!

I´m also impressed: 22 years old, and already 2 highly qualifying educations, military expert on explosives and educated archaeologist !!!
Wow, in my country one would have to be at least 32 to have managed that !!! You must be a highy intelligent wonder-boy, Nahabit.
Congratulations to your skills and your exiting job !!! :)

With friendly regards

Where are the "New Photos"???

Nahabit, is someone deleting your photos to us, or did your quit posting any more interesting new finds ??? ??? I'm just curious as to why I havn't seen anything up to date for quite awhile, now. :P Well, I hope you and the team are doing OK anyhow! ;D Comanchero

Re: Where are the "New Photos"???

Comanchero said:
Nahabit, is someone deleting your photos to us, or did your quit posting any more interesting new finds ??? ??? I'm just curious as to why I havn't seen anything up to date for quite awhile, now. :P Well, I hope you and the team are doing OK anyhow! ;D Comanchero
In photos human bones have been represented, it contradicts rules of a forum.

Well, once again, freedom of the press is supressed. This will be my last reply on this topic, since there is really nothing interesting to view and discuss any longer. Someone fickle must have had some nightmares about the truth of war in all it's horrors, including real photos of recent finds. >:( So be it. See ya on another topic, maybe, if they don't outright ban you now. :-[ Tch, Tch! Such thin skinned people! And they are probably the very ones that let their little children out in horrible costumes for "trick or treating" on Halloween - an abominable practice in itself! IMHO! ;) ;DComanchero

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