New issue


Jr. Member
Apr 27, 2024
Good morning everyone,So being new to detecting,I guess I've been so excitedi have been having good finds, Unfortunately I opened my mouth to guy at store,he detect as well but has health issues so can't dig anymore.He apparently must have told someone,the next day someone went to my spot and completely pounded it.When I went yesterday there were multiple areas that had been dug,Is this hobby that cut throat? The land I hunt is private, I spoke with Farmer who hays property yesterday when he was out working,he wasn't impressed with there backfill as they left rocks exposed.I know him personally and he knows it wasn't me.He did say he hopes that doesn't continue or he will deny access.Ugh.Has anyone else run into this issue? Thanks

Good morning everyone,So being new to detecting,I guess I've been so excitedi have been having good finds, Unfortunately I opened my mouth to guy at store,he detect as well but has health issues so can't dig anymore.He apparently must have told someone,the next day someone went to my spot and completely pounded it.When I went yesterday there were multiple areas that had been dug,Is this hobby that cut throat? The land I hunt is private, I spoke with Farmer who hays property yesterday when he was out working,he wasn't impressed with there backfill as they left rocks exposed.I know him personally and he knows it wasn't me.He did say he hopes that doesn't continue or he will deny access.Ugh.Has anyone else run into this issue? Thanks
I agree,was disappointed and pissed about it,Some people have no respect or morals 👎

I agree,was disappointed and pissed about it,Some people have no respect or morals 👎
Why are you replying to yourself?

It happens where folks are too lazy to do their own leg work in finding permissions or where to hunt on public spaces.
I've even caught guys trespassing on the private land/border of my property. (Members of a Canadian forum)
The real joke is the one guy posts "with permission" type of BS.

Belonged to a club 15 yrs ago.
I would put the finds from that day on the finds table, guys would ask where I dug them.
I didn't care if they went to the location either so I told them.
Buddy would text me and the parking lot looked like it had 4 members there the next day. :laughing7:

Basically keep the cards close to your chest when somebody asks.
Give a general idea of where you found it but the exact location.
"Like on the other side of so and so place/village town.

It happens where folks are too lazy to do their own leg work in finding permissions or where to hunt on public spaces.
I've even caught guys trespassing on the private land/border of my property. (Members of a Canadian forum)
The real joke is the one guy posts "with permission" type of BS.

Belonged to a club 15 yrs ago.
I would put the finds from that day on the finds table, guys would ask where I dug them.
I didn't care if they went to the location either so I told them.
Buddy would text me and the parking lot looked like it had 4 members there the next day. :laughing7:

Basically keep the cards close to your chest when somebody asks.
Give a general idea of where you found it but the exact location.
"Like on the other side of so and so place/village town.
Oh okay,I appreciate the advice and will do that from now on.On a good note I just received a permission for a new spot .A very early farm in next town.Im going to try it after work,so fingers crossed.Thank yo again I will need your advice 👍

Lol technology isn't my strong suit.I hope everyone gets a chuckle 🤭

Just so you know I wasn't challenging you. Maybe you aren't aware you can edit your posts and add further comments to it.

Oh okay,I appreciate the advice and will do that from now on.On a good note I just received a permission for a new spot .A very early farm in next town.Im going to try it after work,so fingers crossed.Thank yo again I will need your advice 👍
Best of luck on the new permission.
Once you get known (farmers talk to each other)and they trust you, permissions will come easily.
They also respect the fact that you are another set of eyes looking out for their lands.

Had a turkey hunter a few years back state that I was kind of messing up his hunt.
I apologized and moved on to another location of the permission.
I called the permission to ask a question on a cellar hole location, and mentioned that I spoke to the hunter.

"He hunted once few years back on the one field-he certainly doesn't have my permission to hunt now, I'll call him.
Thanks for letting me know."
Strange thing I've never seen that van around since then.
Detecting is one form of hunting, and the other is a bit dangerous if a permission didn't allow it.

Good morning everyone,So being new to detecting,I guess I've been so excitedi have been having good finds, Unfortunately I opened my mouth to guy at store,he detect as well but has health issues so can't dig anymore.He apparently must have told someone,the next day someone went to my spot and completely pounded it.When I went yesterday there were multiple areas that had been dug,Is this hobby that cut throat?
Hi Athens,

From that question, I'm guessing you haven't seen the BBC series, "Detectorists" (currently playing on about a dozen or so streaming services).

Like any hobby/pursuit, you'll find all kinds: those who are conscientious/ethical, and those who aren't.

The club I belong to recently had a hunt. The public park where it was held specifically said that detectorists were NOT welcome back to the site on their own afterward. :icon_scratch:

IMO, it's just laziness. What's to be gained by leaving a mess, one or two extra holes dug in a day? 🤦🏼‍♂️

We need a detectorists version of:
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.

Yup, the hobby can be cutthoat. Watch out for the guys who want to be your buddy and go detecting with you. They never ask you to go to their favorite spot, they just want to see where your honey holes are and will come back with their buddies to hunt them to death. Plus, you'll never hear from them again! Main reason I usually detect alone...

Good morning everyone,So being new to detecting,I guess I've been so excitedi have been having good finds, Unfortunately I opened my mouth to guy at store,he detect as well but has health issues so can't dig anymore.He apparently must have told someone,the next day someone went to my spot and completely pounded it.When I went yesterday there were multiple areas that had been dug,Is this hobby that cut throat? The land I hunt is private, I spoke with Farmer who hays property yesterday when he was out working,he wasn't impressed with there backfill as they left rocks exposed.I know him personally and he knows it wasn't me.He did say he hopes that doesn't continue or he will deny access.Ugh.Has anyone else run into this issue? Thanks
That's ultra common here. The golds even worse. It's bad story after bad story with that. Iv been accused by a landowner in the past for damage done by others.

Hi Athens,

From that question, I'm guessing you haven't seen the BBC series, "Detectorists" (currently playing on about a dozen or so streaming services).

Like any hobby/pursuit, you'll find all kinds: those who are conscientious/ethical, and those who aren't.

The club I belong to recently had a hunt. The public park where it was held specifically said that detectorists were NOT welcome back to the site on their own afterward. :icon_scratch:

IMO, it's just laziness. What's to be gained by leaving a mess, one or two extra holes dug in a day? 🤦🏼‍♂️

We need a detectorists version of:
Take nothing but pictures.
Leave nothing but footprints.

Yup, the hobby can be cutthoat. Watch out for the guys who want to be your buddy and go detecting with you. They never ask you to go to their favorite spot, they just want to see where your honey holes are and will come back with their buddies to hunt them to death. Plus, you'll never hear from them again! Main reason I usually detect alone...
Wow,You are correct and unfortunately me being naive and trustworthy has gotten a great place to hunt completely pounded, I guess that spot will have to wait till next spring and hopefully the frost pushes up some neat finds.IDK but ,I agree with all to keep things close and not divulge to much information,I guess if I tell anyone asks I'll just send them on a wild goose

That's ultra common here. The golds even worse. It's bad story after bad story with that. Iv been accused by a landowner in the past for damage done by others.
Oh man that's that's just plain rotten.People don't seem to understand that hunting of any kind is a privilege not a right.Damage to property or miss use usually ends up with no one able to enjoy it and usually gets posted.Im also a a vid bow hunter and it's a similar story, Everyone wants to know where I hunt,and I hate to lie but do not tell anyone, when I was younger,I was fortunate enough to harvest a beautiful buck,I told one person and next day Orange army was there.Sad .

Im also a a vid bow hunter and it's a similar story, Everyone wants to know where I hunt,and I hate to lie but do not tell anyone, when I was younger,I was fortunate enough to harvest a beautiful buck,I told one person and next day Orange army was there.Sad .
A very good analogy.

We had to stop allowing hunters and post. I got S&T of picking up their litter, broken arrows, empties (both glass & aluminum), and damaging/killing our trees with blinds. One took a shot at our border collie who was in our back yard, claiming he thought it was a fox. NFW--IMO he just wanted to kill something. Several have discharged weapons less than the legal 500' (like, within 100')--a couple even toward our house.

And did any of them ever offer so much as a piece of jerky from what they took on our property? Nope.

And FWIW, I have hunted, and owners always got a share. I'm not against it; I'm just not putting up with the BS anymore.

A very good analogy.

We had to stop allowing hunters and post. I got S&T of picking up their litter, broken arrows, empties (both glass & aluminum), and damaging/killing our trees with blinds. One took a shot at our border collie who was in our back yard, claiming he thought it was a fox. NFW--IMO he just wanted to kill something. Several have discharged weapons less than the legal 500' (like, within 100')--a couple even toward our house.

And did any of them ever offer so much as a piece of jerky from what they took on our property? Nope.

And FWIW, I have hunted, and owners always got a share. I'm not against it; I'm just not putting up with the BS anymore.
Any hunters that do that are definitely not ethical and I would do the same.I actually posted my property in Maine due to a family member baiting deer,on my land,First time posted since 1948,ugh I feel you pain.When I ask for permission for any type of hunting,I always offer them either meat or some type of help or work they might need help with.That usually helps me gain access and at the least a new friend.People respect the fact you ask ,and not just trespass even if not posted.

and not just trespass even if not posted.
Agree. I don't know why (some) people have the idea that if it isn't posted, it's fine to just walk on in. Why isn't the default thinking "If you don't own it, stay off it, unless you're invited" ??

Another analogy.
Bad people doing bad things with guns, and now all gun owners are bad guys.
Plain and simple there are a few people that will make everybody else look bad no matter what the activity is. The people doing the right thing go unnoticed. It's the eff-ups that make the 10 o'clock news is what the public perceives of the activity/item. Blood or severe damage gets viewers for MSM.

Agree. I don't know why (some) people have the idea that if it isn't posted, it's fine to just walk on in. Why isn't the default thinking "If you don't own it, stay off it, unless you're invited" ??
Because if that were the default thinking, there likely wouldn't be a United States. Manifest destiny, westward expansion... all that 💩

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