New Gold Pan


Oct 5, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Hello, fellow Gold Panners.

Hopefully me posting about my personal project that has been several years in the making isn't stepping on any toes here. But I'd love to get the word out as well as some feedback of what people think of a pan I've designed and patented.

Like so many of you, I have been a gold panning hobbyist for many years. I just love the feeling of finding gold, all by my own hard work. As the years went by, I started to look for a way that would make gold panning faster and more efficient, so I decided to turn my hobby into the a project and invented my own personal Gold Pan with new technology and a patented design. These new designs include a pan that's completely see-through, which is a blast to watch in action! These gold pans are hardy and lightweight, aimed at hobbyists, families (including children), and newcomers alike!

This is a project now live on Kickstarter! You can view the project here!

If you would like to take a look and leave feedback, it'd be much appreciated.

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Pretty soon there will be an "add-on" to the pan for only $29.95, that allows you to put the pan just on the bank of the river and the gold will just jump in to the pan all by itself.
Until then i'll just use my Garrett super sluice for 12 bucks and pan all the gold i can find.
Remember its not the pan that finds the gold, its the person handling it.:tongue3:

If it doesn't sit flat and stable on the ground and I can't empty my sluice/bucket into it without fear of it jumping into the river, I'm out.

That looks like a cute idea for kids to pan out bags of paydirt in the backyard into that cute blue bucket. But for any sort of real prospecting it misses the mark.

For $50 I can buy a tried and tested Garrett Pan(Or other brands) and an entire set of bucket classifier pans. Talk about value.

Not to mention my Garret Pan acts as a dry place to sit when the ground is wet after a rain, keeps my pack off the mud, plus the other stuff already mentioned.

I know mining the miners has always been a thing but for $50 that's a bit much.

I remember seeing some russians trying to advertise this pan on youtube a couple years ago, I dont think they intended to ever sell gold pans. They got their $20,000 free and clear from the looks of it.

50 buck's for a gold pan?........ Not in this lifetime.

While I will not be ordering one & don't really see where it could serve any purpose in my gear, just for the sake of clarity I will say his price for a single pan on Kick Start is $25. Also the Kick Start thing is almost a charity thing. You are helping an entrepreneur start a small business (that will probably fail for lack of capital) and getting a little something back in return. Almost like a "Go fund me" account but with a trinket in return to go with the warm feeling in your heart :laughing7: Looks like he has raised about $20k so far. Ain't America great!!!!!!

Yes, it's a Kickstarter fund. Yes it's almost charity. I'll buy those. A better pan or even needed, not so much. Mining the miners.

While I will not be ordering one & don't really see where it could serve any purpose in my gear, just for the sake of clarity I will say his price for a single pan on Kick Start is $25. Also the Kick Start thing is almost a charity thing. You are helping an entrepreneur start a small business (that will probably fail for lack of capital) and getting a little something back in return. Almost like a "Go fund me" account but with a trinket in return to go with the warm feeling in your heart :laughing7: Looks like he has raised about $20k so far. Ain't America great!!!!!!

it's not that hard to get funding for a good product. if hes got 20k I think he has enough to make a fair go of it, Obviously the tooling is there. The realistic pricing is not.

a lot of money being spent on a product that is not improving the gold pan line.

It's pretty certain that their market will not be experienced prospectors. Vacationers, especially those with young children, and others (total newbies included) who really have no clue may bite though. Those on vacation have money set aside for "entertainment" and, if they are in an area with placer gold, the panning method is simple enough that even the least experienced may get some gratification, more so than inexperienced newbies with a conventional pan are likely to get.* Cheaper entertainment than some movie experiences, water parks, Disneyland, etc.:icon_thumleft:

Not for me though.

*I once showed some visiting Chinese tourists how to pan and they proceeded to ignore my instructions and spent 15 or twenty minutes per pan inspecting every rock and grain of sand....probably would not have wasted as much time had they had a gold claw pan, followed the instructions for it and might even have found some gold...they didn't.

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I see nothing about this pan which would stop the picking.

"but it could make a good hat as mentioned. I'm gonna stick with my Stetson though even though it cost more. I would try one if someone loaned it to me, but you just can't beat a $10 pan .

$50?!?!! Does it come with Starship Enterprise shaped classifier? The Garrett Super Sluice is $8.46 on Amazon. Garrett's deluxe gold pan kit is $42.45 and it comes with everything a n00b would need to get started.

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*I once showed some visiting Chinese tourists how to pan and they proceeded to ignore my instructions and spent 15 or twenty minutes per pan inspecting every rock and grain of sand.

That is the way they are, even 150 years ago. Up here in NoCA when the chinese came over for the CA gold rush all the area they could get for mining from the white miners was area that had already been picked over. They went in and processed it and still made a living, but probably then wasted it in the opium dens.

looks like we have a drive by but pretty old though. He made his one and only post on Oct 5 2016. That is the day he joined t-net and also the last time he visited. Which means he has not even seen any of the great comments.

I had to hunt google to see what he was even talking about. Maybe someone else snuck in and relayed a few. The model I saw was not clear it is some kind of green and a single pan is now $25 and not fifty.

He might have been a good contributing member if he just stuck around.

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looks like we have a drive by but pretty old though. He made his one and only post on Oct 5 2016. That is the day he joined t-net and also the last time he visited. Which means he has not even seen any of the great comments.

I had to hunt google to see what he was even talking about. Maybe someone else snuck in and relayed a few. The model I saw was not clear it is some kind of green and a single pan is now $25 and not fifty.

He might have been a good contributing member if he just stuck around.

Pretty sure his post was only meant to generate funding for his kickstarter account.
Looks like he was pretty good at generating donations from around the net.

Yup.... Just a hustle.....

Mining the miners was always the best hustle. I know I'm nealry 1g into all my toys for about $20 of gold lol! Can't wait to get back to the river though!

LOL..... You got me to thinking about the same thing....
Tallied up my equipment expenses and I'm in at about $650.
And my take so far..... At todays spot about $70.
Granted I don't get out nearly as much as I could and this is beach gold gotta move a lot of sand for that....:laughing7:


Time and knowledge change that as your time in mining grows. I'm on the other side, way ahead of my equipment costs.

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