Welcome aboard Jelka!
Welcome aboard Jelka!
Jelka, welcome to TNET ! Now that you are investigating metal detecting, I hope you make lots of great finds when you get your metal detector!
We might have long winters ,but dress warm and hunt the woods,they stay unfrozen most of the winter,don`t let the cold get in your way. Gary
Stay within your budget,get the one you like between the two you picked there is little difference...Hobby Lobby has a 40% off coupon on their web site and they sell Bounty Hunter my buddy got his BH Tracker for 60.00. What ever you get read the manual over and over till you understand it then take you machine some where it can find some good stuff....remember you WILL Dig a lot of junk,it`s part of the game. The hobby of metal is all about hearing the little diff. in tone and less looking at the meter...more sound and little sight the meter`s all lie Learn the cut the plugs in you own yard...take any trash/junk with you when you leave the site...you got all winter to decide. Gary
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Hello Jelka and welcome from Alabama. I wish you happy hunting. Feel free to share your cool finds as well as the things that you learn.
Welcome to Tnet from N. Mississippi.