New Fisher F-Pulse???????

Ya know, I was looking at both the Fisher "F-Pulse", and the Teknetics "Tek-Point", they are both the same pinpointer, same price, same features, same design, just different colors. I was going to ask if anyone has used either, and your thoughts on them. Reading this thread, I've decided to stick with the Garrett. Thank you! Good infro. I also have the Minelab Pro 35, the one thing I really like about it is, the four sensitivity levels are soooooo...easy to change from min. to max. back and forth. I will say though that the ferrous tone thing it offers? pretty useless, turned that feature off.

Well, this has been a long thread and even Fisher’s chief engineer, Carl Moreland has gotten involved. I understand that some adjustments have been made. Has anybody gotten one in the past month or so, and if so, how is it doing?

Well, this has been a long thread and even Fisher’s chief engineer, Carl Moreland has gotten involved. I understand that some adjustments have been made. Has anybody gotten one in the past month or so, and if so, how is it doing?
Andy. Thanks for the feedback. I know Carl and I know that First Texas welcomes frank customer feedback. I hope you don’t mind, but it sent the text to Russ Balbirona - Marketing director at First Texas. they reall care about their stuf, but getting everything perfect is tough.


Let me see if i got this right. You ask a question on a forum whether newer product that had prior issues still had those issues. I respond to you in private, as i didn't want to post what i said, on a public board. You in turn seem to know all the players at FTP, and decide to send my comments directly to multiple people at First Texas Products. That sounds like a scumbag move to me. You weren't asking whether things were fixed, as if you were searching for a new device for yourself. You were looking for info to pass along to your masters. You said you hoped i didn't mind that you had sent it to marketing and engineering. Well thanks for doing that before seeing if I might mind, which I do ! Unbelievable!

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I have an early production one and it has problems. I have corresponded with FT about it and they indicated that they had taken steps to improve the user interface, etc. My post was to see if anyone else could corroborate that recent ones were in fact working better.

Sorry Andy. I thought sharing your frank feedback with the folks who make the product you were commenting in the PM to me on was a good idea. I sent an email to Russ Balbirona who is in the Marketing Department at First Texas with the info you shared with me. Yes, I know Carl from before he went to work at Whites, which was before he joined First Texas - from his Geotech forum - but my email was to Russ only.

You are correct that the proper thing to do would be to request your OK to forward it. Perhaps you could have expressed you disapproval of my actions in another PM - but, that’s your call. I did not solicit PM’s in my post, I expected that anyone who had data on recent pinpointers would share it with all of us.

The content of your PM seemed to me to be in no way off-base, ill-judged or hasty. I supposed that this information would be useful to the manufacturer. You were not named and there is no way - until you made your post above that your comments could be attributed to you.

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Most likely my last post on this particular thread:hello2:

On the 3rd time out with the replacement F-Pulse, it started to act up. This time a different issue than in the past. Every time I would touch the tip of the probe to the ground, it would emit a beep (just a gentle touch, not prying, or bumping, or anything). Touch the ground 10 times, I'd get 10 beeps. I'd have to wait after each touch to see if it would continue to beep, as if I'd found the target, or to determine that it was just a false alarm. Extreeeeemly time consuming to work that way! Also, whenever the Minelab Equinox 800 would get within about a good 4 feet of the pinppointer, the 800 would start beeping like crazy. I tried switching frequencies on the F-Pulse, and also Noise Cancelling the 800 many, many times, but to no avail. The only way I could use the two devices in tandem when on the ground was to place the coil of the 800 behind me a good four feet. Only then would the 800 stop beeping. Turns out, PI pinpointers and multi-frequency metal detectors don't seem to play well together (I got that from a good source), and who knows when or if things will be changed to make them play better together. This particular F-Pulse had to go, and a different model would have to be purchased.

Fisher customer service from every single person I dealt with was exemplary...better than I could ever hope, and something that I hope other companies would try to emulate!!!! They offered to keep sending me units to try, until I found one that worked well with the 800, but I declined and decided I'd be better served by having a different model of pinpointer. While waiting for the first replacement F-Pulse to arrive, I borrowed and used a few Garrett Pro-Pointers and Pro-Pointer AT units and experienced no weird interactions between them and the 800. They worked as expected.

I reached out to the original selling vendor who had initially directed me to contact Fisher with my concerns over the unit looking like it was previously used and not functioning properly, and he consented to offer me an exchange. I was worried that too much time had elapsed between the initial purchase, waiting for the replacement units from Fisher, and my now delayed attempt to return the F-Pulse, but Bart at Big Boys Hobbies stepped up to the plate and took care of me! He even shipped me a pinpointer that had a slightly higher price than the Fisher, without charging me the overage. He also took care of the cost for shipping me the new one. In conversation before I shipped the F-Pulse back to him, I offered to gladly pay the difference plus shipping, but he said it wasn't necessary. Keeping things real - Although my initial thoughts on the customer service (when I got the defective unit, and told to contact Fisher) were lackluster, Bart truly did take care of me in the end, and took care of me better than I had hoped for!!!!

I now have a Garrett Pro-Pointer AT that arrived last evening. Can't wait to take it out and use it. Hopefully this saga has been concluded!:thumbsup:

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The beep when touching the ground was most likely the spring in the battery cap.My second one was doing that, and I noticed that I could shake the pointer and hear the batteries rattle. They were surely bouncing and losing contact. That was a brand new unit. I stretched the spring some and added a wrap or two of scotch take around the batteries for snugness. The second F-Pulse came missing one of the pads for the side of the batteries. Fisher lacks in quality control.

They also said they would look for a unit off the production line which had the sensitivity and detecting distance, like my first F-Piulse did. It got an easy 5 inches on a nickel, dimes an easy 3 1/2. Second one they sent only gets 2.75" on dimes and 3 1/4" on a dime. Their engineer on the phone said 3 1/4 on a nickel instead of 5 inches was normal. Frank said he'd keep an eye out for a "hotter" unit, and then we would swap. That was months ago, not a peep from Fisher. I am left with nothing better than the Carrot, it's green though.

A buddy of mine who got one of the first generation F-Pulse pointers showed me that his still gets an easy 5 inches in distance. I got tired worrying about it, and am living with my Green Carrot.

Someone saying they will do something and them actually doing it, are two different things. Proper business means following through!

I bought one of the F-Pulse pointers and it is arriving tomorrow. My reason is that the two Garrett PPr units I have both can beep continually on highly mineralized clay in Mid Ohio when they have soil clinging to them. I am going to start carrying baby wipes to thoroughly clean the units, but, I'll also be using the F-Pulse for highly mineralized areas and searchiing small streams for tiny nuggets.

My one concern is that I love my Garrett AT-Pro. Since the F-Pulse runs from 2.5 kHz to 25 kHz in 16 frequency bands, I'll adjust it higher than the 15 kHz used on the top band of the AT-Pro is I have any issues. At least, that's the plan.

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deleted my post because I diid not realize the original post was from 2018 LOL

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I don't know the specific frequencies offhand, but you have a choice of multiple frequencies. If it interferes with your metal detector, you can select a different frequency on the pinpointer, to find one that does not interfere.
The range is from 2.6 kHz to 25 kHz according to one video I watched. There are 16 frequency bands.

No, the frequency is 2.5kHz - 2.7kHz.

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