p2c said:
(1) I'll believe it when I see it
(2) Here there is a hard clay level in most areas that coins don't really go past. Usually that is between 6-12 inches depending on location
(3) if it is pulse induction but does discriminate, will it be as good as explorers and etracs at hearing the good targets? Depth is not the sole measure. A lot of people tout depth, but I've noticed what is of at least equal or greater value is hearing a target as good, that other detectors would lead one to believe is trash. If this is brand new discrimination technology on PI, I doubt it will be anywhere as refined as the current FBS detectors. i.e. I'd wait a decade (several generations and refinements of such a detector) before making the jump.

Being an "Explorer 4" doesn't make sense after calling the 3rd an SE. But the bigger point might be if it's a PI then it definitely wouldn't be an Explorer. Someone was obviously having fun posting crap and people ran with it.

Iron Patch said:
gibsondan said:
If Minelab put such a detector on the market and it was used in public places, like parks, you'd need something bigger than a Lesche digger. You would need a post hole digger! The powers-that-be would work overtime banning detecting. Andy Sabisch called this a rumor on Findmall. He also said such a detector would cost more than $5000 and getting one for $2000 would be fantasy.


I did that in the Fall! ..... only it was a 6 pound cannon ball I was reaching down for. ;D

Hey that's Me getting Beer Cans :D

I also heard the new unit is automatic: You take it out of it's case lay on the ground do some setup, just sit back drink beer the unit will automatically hunt the ground find the buried target and if target is not over 10 inches deep will dig it for you and bring back the treasure. this is done with 10010% discrimination and if target it over 10 inches deep it blows a horn to tell You!

oldbill said:
I also heard the new unit is automatic: You take it out of it's case lay on the ground do some setup, just sit back drink beer the unit will automatically hunt the ground find the buried target and if target is not over 10 inches deep will dig it for you and bring back the treasure. this is done with 10010% discrimination and if target it over 10 inches deep it blows a horn to tell You!
wow that is some machine!....lol

These silly rumors come up every year by people that are snowed in or have cabin fever. :laughing7:

Goes4ever said:
oldbill said:
I also heard the new unit is automatic: You take it out of it's case lay on the ground do some setup, just sit back drink beer the unit will automatically hunt the ground find the buried target and if target is not over 10 inches deep will dig it for you and bring back the treasure. this is done with 10010% discrimination and if target it over 10 inches deep it blows a horn to tell You!
wow that is some machine!....lol

Actually there are 2 additional options: (1) a cloaking device so you can enter places with out permission and (2) it has a transporter unit, so you don't have to dig, just lock on and energize. These aren't on the basic unit, but there is a sport and luxury version.

dingdong said:
OK lets wait a minute french patten Deepers 20 with disc.Many said that was bull Minelab french patten 20 withDISC its no joke its raw power all u wil see in time and will want it in the worst way less then 2000$ its anew ball game and MINELAB leeds the way again

High Power Detectors are Illegal in the U.S.
Land of Laws.
due to FCC Regulations

Granted this is just a rumor

Granted this is just a rumor . But it would be nice if they came out with a detector that could go deeper.
What's funny about this whole thing is , there isn't a person that wouldn't give their left $%&% for it, Even if they cost $4000.00 . Hitting coins etc, that you couldn't get it the past would be like find silver back in the 70's all over again. Just fill in your holes the way you should and no one would even know you were there. JMO

I get dimes and Penny's at 20" with the Sov GT and 15 DD WOT.Whose to say they couldn't compact the coil?

DrBobinMO said:
Andy Sabisch, who definitely has an "in" with the Minelab company has already squashed this rumor elsewhere.

Even if it was true they would say it wasn't so sales wouldn't be hurt with the current model.

I have the XS and know for a fact that 20 inches on a coin is possible.Sure I wouldent want to dig that deep in someones yard or a park but in the woods or a cornfeild heak yeah I would. Beleve what you like..... but my deepest coin yet was a barber dime at 18 inches.

The deepest coins i every found were only 7 to 8 inches and they was 3 Morgan dollars for a coin to sink naturally 20 inches it would have to be in the ground for over 400 years and by then there wouldn't be much left of it unless it was gold ,I did find a 1760 French silver larger and heavier then a Morgan 12 inches in a just plowed corn field , 20 inches deep no way !! beach sand maybe . Dd60

But he said it was a PI detector that is not a coin detector all you would be doing is digging every thing at deeper than i want to dig.

All I can say is if this new machine can punch 20in easily on a coin then it will probably give us all cancer! LOL I'll stick with my 6in deep seated dimes and such. 8)

"Medical scientists baffled by onset of foot cancer among Minelab metal detector users"! Thanks for the headline Johnny R . M :hello2: nty

Who is this Field rep?

There is not even an explorer #3 made yet.

I've been asked about this mystery machine before and I can honestly tell you that it sounds to me like M-lab knows nothing about it.


DrBobinMO said:
Andy Sabisch, who definitely has an "in" with the Minelab company has already squashed this rumor elsewhere.
Andy dosen't work for minelab. He just wrote a book about the detectors. I would know about this before he would. But, yeah squash it

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