New Equinox update

I just updated my 600 today and tried it out for a little while. So far my pinpoint feature seems a little different (for the better) and also picking up deeper targets in places i have previously detected. My tid's are a little different than they were, but seems to be more stable.
I wish minelab would explain the details better too, but figured it would be worth a shot updating to the newest firmware.
Still alot of testing to be done, but so far so good for me. I figure if end up not liking it, I can always change it back.. its nice we all have that option.
I think that it will take some getting used to figure out the details and nuances of how this new version works for us, as we are are familiar with the firmware we have been using. Nothing like learning the same machine again for the third time! But it dont think it will be too hard. I guess time will tell if we all like it or not. Hopefully it will unlock some better treasures for us all!!
Happy hunting

I installed it and took it out for a test run and I will say that it seems to have quieted the machine down *considerably*. None of that random (non-EMI) chatter, even at sensitivity of 25. I'm happy, so far at least.

The 600 was always using 5 frequencies in multi. It's just the 20khz and 40 khz single frequencies that the 600 didn't have. My understanding is that the new 4khz is just an additional single frequency, and not added to multi as a 6th..

How reliable is your source for that information? That's a pretty big (IMO) detail for them to leave us guessing on. It seems to me that 4kHz added into the multi mix could be an excellent addition.

I've installed V 3 on my 800. I'll use it on Cocoa Beach this evening and report back. 8-)

Let me know, I'm interested....

The 600 was always using 5 frequencies in multi. It's just the 20khz and 40 khz single frequencies that the 600 didn't have. My understanding is that the new 4khz is just an additional single frequency, and not added to multi as a 6th..
Looking at the youtube test it looks like the 4khz is only added to single frequency and not the multi but I may be wring.
4khz seemed to be mich more stable and quieter than 5khz. and multi.
Minelab is terrible on explain to us on what they are doing when they put out an update. They are lacking in public relations.
We had this same confusion with the F2 update.

Looking at the youtube test it looks like the 4khz is only added to single frequency and not the multi but I may be wring.
4khz seemed to be mich more stable and quieter than 5khz. and multi.
Minelab is terrible on explain to us on what they are doing when they put out an update. They are lacking in public relations.
We had this same confusion with the F2 update.
He tests each frequency alone but how do we know if it is added to the multi? Only ML knows I guess.

He tests each frequency alone but how do we know if it is added to the multi? Only ML knows I guess.
I’m not sure but I don’t think so because when he had it in multi it wasn’t hitting on it as well but I may be wrong. I think it was just added to single freq.

Wish Minelab would explain their upgrades better so we don’t have all the confusions.
And dose it do anything else in the update. It says for Asia so do we need to do the update on other parts of the world.

Minelab has NEVER given good explanations of the internal workings of their machines. Most of us gave up worrying and just enjoy the fact they outperform everything else, however they do it.

All I wanna know is what are the large deep objects in Asia

I’m not sure but I don’t think so because when he had it in multi it wasn’t hitting on it as well but I may be wrong. I think it was just added to single freq.
I just wonder if the other frequencies are causing it to sound that way. I normally hunt in multi so it would be nice if it did give a bit better depth there too.

Hey Toasted, that's what I was thinking??????? So, I just did the download, it worked and the equinox came back on. If it wasn't so hot, I would run out and try it. Perhaps tonight...

How reliable is your source for that information? That's a pretty big (IMO) detail for them to leave us guessing on. It seems to me that 4kHz added into the multi mix could be an excellent addition.

It says right there in the ad that the other single and multi frequencies are not effected by the new version. I installed the upgrade yesterday and gave it a short test drive. Much more testing needs to be done before drawing any conclusions, but, in my short hunt, I found it to be more stable at any given sensitivity, and the I.d. number didn't jump around as much. That's an improvement in my book even if nothing else is improved. More info as I continue to use it.

New version improves the wow and flutter on the capstan drive for the 8-track module.......

I can confirm that 4 kHz is available as a single frequency on the Equinox 600.


I installed 3.0 on my 600 and ran it in my yard and test garden today. Maybe the feds have upped their EMI since the last time I ran but I could not get multi-freq stable at 23 sens like I used to in 2.x. It does quiet down at around 20 but I was surprised how many times I ran the noise cancel it still came up with the same chattery number. I can confirm that 4 khz works well - and was very stable surprisingly considering my Deus hates 4 khz in my yard.

Park 2 is still a killer in the iron and I am getting good depth with Field 1 as before - so I guess that's good news. I just have to figure out what the deal is with the chatter now in multi.

Otherwise I did not notice anything 'new' when I scanned quickly through all the settings but I admittedly haven't read the new manual yet either! lol

I installed 3.0 on my 600 and ran it in my yard and test garden today. Maybe the feds have upped their EMI since the last time I ran but I could not get multi-freq stable at 23 sens like I used to in 2.x. It does quiet down at around 20 but I was surprised how many times I ran the noise cancel it still came up with the same chattery number. I can confirm that 4 khz works well - and was very stable surprisingly considering my Deus hates 4 khz in my yard.

Park 2 is still a killer in the iron and I am getting good depth with Field 1 as before - so I guess that's good news. I just have to figure out what the deal is with the chatter now in multi.

Otherwise I did not notice anything 'new' when I scanned quickly through all the settings but I admittedly haven't read the new manual yet either! lol

Odd... that sounds like the exact opposite of my initial experience with it. Mine seemed MUCH quieter.

Ditto toasted.....

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