Deflect your win? Not a problem.....:tongue3:

Problem ..... there is no problem. Just a win

Sent from my SM-S902L using Tapatalk

It's rigged,, 2 million dead people voted,,
I really hope this GAME isn't rigged.
I am LAST! !

This is a legal ballot, I am not dead yet and I vote for me.

Sent from my LG-V495 using Tapatalk

Hey Scuba, how'd you like our snow today? I was hoping to detect this weekend with my son....melt baby melt!

Oh and Last again!

hello did I win yet.

Good morning everyone.

Sent from my LG-V495 using Tapatalk

Too many years of getting up early for work.......Coffee:coffee2:

Retired 3+ years, still get up way too early, screaming bladder, oh well make coffee and watch news and weather. Check out latest T net finds, go out for breakfast but later will go to small town park(60 deg. today) and find pennies and tabs of my own. Oh yeah and check to see if I am LAST.

Sent from my LG-V495 using Tapatalk

Oh man it's hard bucking against the wind.

Sent from my LG-V495 using Tapatalk

Yep,, got to the dentist. Only a few more trips left,
It's raining hippos and elephants out there.
We're supposed to get at least 2 1/2 inches over the next two days.

Another 11 hour day at work, I need to retire:sadsmiley::sadsmiley::sadsmiley:

Another 11 hour day at work, I need to retire:sadsmiley::sadsmiley::sadsmiley:

Well just 30 more years and then you can. Remember we have to support all the snowflakes in this USA.......

Well this snowflake had a full day.
Did laundry, food shopping, bank, changed sheets, and moved some furniture.
We ended up getting 2.2 inches of rain today
We're supposed to get another inch of rain tomorrow

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Admirable work ethic, I have some laundry to get done too......

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