New Coin Found, Looking for Information


Jun 12, 2016
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All Treasure Hunting
Byzantine Coin Found, Jesus Christ Figure, Looking for Information

Hello Everyone,

I found this coin and would like to know if anyone can help me with some information on it. I believe it may be an Ancient Byzantine Coin, and may depict Jesus Christ, but I may be wrong. Thank you for your help ahead of time. IMG_20160612_231707.jpgIMG_20160612_231739.jpg

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Great work. Someone on this site Will know the answer.

Byzantine, for sure.
If it hasn't been ID-ed by later tomorrow--when I get back to my office, I'll take another look.
BZ coins are rare posts on Treasure; congrats !
Welcome to Treasure Net !

Thank You alabama11 & Mackaydon for your responses. I appreciate any help.

Where was it found?

Yes, it is the image of Christ. Around his head is a nimbus. The nimbus symbol will often be called a 'halo' today.
The difference is that the nimbus looks more like a flat disc behind someone's head (as shown on your coin), whereas the halo is typically a ring above the head.
Part of the description of your coin will include the phrase "nimbus cr." standing for nimbus cross; the image of the cross on the nimbus.

If I were forced to guess, I'd say: Anonymous (attributed to sole reign of Constantine VIII and also to the last few years of Basil II), AE Follis, Class A3, 1081-1092.
Part of the description would probably read: "Bust of Christ facing, wearing nimbus cruciger........."

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