don't you pull your BS here ,i love clay like a father and i full respect who and what he has done with his life and why , some of you come here with no other reason than to troll the site , grow up ! i could be here till my death and never tell you a signal fact, but the fact is where thousands have failed i did not . i found the mine and i am lol at people like you . for being so childish ...i am not here to play games i don't want the legend to end in a big Gold rush where thousands get killed for gold the legend has had enough deaths so far , I will say it so your little brain can understand clearly what i just said , " ( there is no possible way two people can take a dead human body and put it in that shaft , ) out right fact !" if you have never seen the mine before you may think the way you do, but you can not left a normal size human body over your head to a heath of 9 ft tall , as i said it is impossible to do that .. Waltz dragged the nephews body down the canyon to hide it because he could not do the same thing .. if you and i tried to put a body in that shaft it would take days ! and 4 or 5 people to complete ... the opening to the mine is up above you by 9 ft ! straight up . you can't do it . i could not do it . no one could . fact ! i am not like the rest of you . i never had to go out there and search for years , i was not looking for the mine . i just found it by accident, i covered over 40 miles a day when i was there , i searched full areas and grid pattern the areas i was looking . i found the Hoya and it was under 24 ft of rock .. i am not looking for fame or greed .. sorry i will leave that for other people .. i would love to get the chance to meet Clay . i, i even tried to give the mine's location to clay .. but i could never reach terms with Wayne .. he is about the only one i trust at this point and if you had people follow you out there and shot at you and come to your home and scare your girlfriend you would do the same thing i do . i hate to tell you this but telling anyone where the mine is , can be even more dangerous that knowing where it is .. i had 3 or 4 stalker for 4 years , i took photos of 3 people watching from the peaks following me , i posted those pictures here . i do believe i have the largest high speed film pictures ever taken of the mountains ,over 700 photos , i was a photographer they are not your campsite Kodak family photos , they 3 degree sequences 45 shot pattern ..not just a random shot of a mountain . they are full size in the best detail you can get ...i did not take a picture of a old rock pile . i took pictures of the whole mountain at a time from many different angles... ,please grow up and understand if i have not given the location of the mine out i am doing that for a good reason .. i do in fact know where the mine is located ...most of the legend is made up BS ...and that's a outright fact ! was Waltz telling the truth about the mine .." YES" is it a real mine , "YES" . it is really hidden that well ..."YES" ... it is just the way Waltz left it .. , i dont have the money to get to AZ and i have not ask anyone for a red cent ! .. i was the smart one . i did not take ore from the mine for a good reason . i was being watched and i did not want them to find it if they searched me at the time ...i don't fear you dude , but your not the only one watching the dutch hunters .. and there are a lot less good ones left these days ... you always go on and on with attacking me for your own BS reasons , they have no merit here . what do you think would happen if someone posted the real location of the mine here on the web . it would be the biggest shootout in AZ history not to mention the people that would get hurt rushing into the mountains to go see if it was there even if it wasn't think before you jump to conclusion. why would i stay here year after year watching the sites i go to dozens of site every day to check up on background research ... sorry only a very little of that has anything to do with the LDM legend ... i have been researching the legends for over 51 years ..yes ....i know where the mine is ..!