Hal Croves
Silver Member
Just got back from Cuba, and I too, have just finished Glover's book.
My immediate reaction is that Dr. Glover is to be congratulated for putting together quite a comprehensive tome concerning the legends, stories, and myths associated with the Superstitions. What makes it exceedingly valuable is the tremendous amount of level-headed and diligent research that went into each subject covered in the book. Dr. Glover doesn't have an agenda, and doesn't manipulate or distort anything. He asks very good questions and lets you make your own decisions. That approach alone makes his book very valuable. This seminal work should be, and I daresay will be, the bible for any serious dutch hunter. If you only buy one book concerning the LDM, this book, without question, is it. It's worth every penny.
The biggest benefits it offer, IMO, is showing how many of the tales have become convoluted, mixed up, and conflated with other tales, becoming a mish-mash so to speak (apropos of oral traditions). One then gets the idea of just how much there is to really sort through.
The other important thing that a hopefully sensible reader will take away from all this is the realization that you can pretty much make clues fit anything you find in the Superstitions. Without very specific directions (most DH'ers didn't have any), even the most experienced DH could be standing right on top of the LDM and not know it.
As I've mentioned before, the only reason you see a visible mine (or signs of one) is because it has been played out. Any miner(s) with half a sense would have taken extreme care to disguise a producing mine, very well, especially in that for many of them, mining was seasonal. And then there is the nature factor- nature does a great job of adding to the disguise, especially when it has time.
That being said, this book is a real wealth of information, both old and new. I was able to take away quite a bit of new information from it. A few questions were satisfactorily answered for me- for example, Ruth's demise being an act of murder; new information from the book has made that pretty much a conclusion.
I hope to see subsequent editions with new information added and editing corrections made.
My signed copy is already dog-eared, with a Cuban Pesos bill as an alternate bookmark:
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Great review and now my next purchase.
Welcome home.