NEW ACE 250 Coming

Same story as many others...

Saw two episodes of Diggers and immediately bought an ACE 350. Within a month I had a propointer and AT Pro.

Still trying to get the girlfriend interested but she's not into dirt and stuff.

My wife is not much into digging but she loves the outdoors so if I take her I make sure we do as much or more of a hike as we do detecting. She also likes to swing the detector but the AT Pro is a little heavy for her especially with the stock coil. It's kinda of a bug that bites if you let someone find something so maybe let your girlfriend use the detector while you're out (and plant some jewelry or something in the ground, ha!). I think that would be an awesome way for someone to propose, bury your engagement ring, in some sort of protective case of course, in the ground and go out to metal detect with her and find the ring. You'll already be on your knee!

I'm pretty happy with my Ace 250. I've probably got a good 30 hours in with it.... But still learning. I'd love to get the pointer, but not in tbe budget right now. I find the machine to be reliable and I have found iron a good 8 to 12 inches down . My biggest problem is I'm embarrassed in public to do it, somehow I feel awkward ... And I like to be alone when unearthing my great discovery ... Lol

Just keep your head down and enjoy. When I'm out in a public place, I try not to make eye contact. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't want to stop every 15 min to explain what I'm doing.

Was told friday the garrett 250 is on back order, and they should get some in yesterday or today. Waiting on an email telling me it is shipped. I wish I would have known about Bart before I ordered my md.

Ky Red said:
Just keep your head down and enjoy. When I'm out in a public place, I try not to make eye contact. I'm not trying to be rude, I just don't want to stop every 15 min to explain what I'm doing.

Shouldn't be a problem avoiding eye contact, I have a bit of social anxiety and do that anyway ... Lol. If somebody questions me , I might get all flustered and slur... 😆.. I'd give detecting a bad name... I'll stick to my land and the forests . Plus my husband said he won't be seen in public with me detecting... Lol

I received my Ace 250 last month and with out a doubt I think I made the best purchase! I love this md! Very easy to use, I haven't been able to go out in a few weeks cause of the weather, but I might go this weekend. Next on my wish list is a DD coil, and a Garrett Pinpointer! Right now I'm using the V4 and it's big an bulky, I really should have investigated more before I bought it, but you live and learn right? Anyone interested in buying a V4 pinpointer? :happysmiley:

I finally bought my own ACE250,from Texas Premium detectors,after watching all the great videos here on this site and on YouTube.I decided to buy one now.I half to say in 2 days I've found in my front yard 2 beer cans about 4 inches down,a copper pipe about 4 inches long and about 6 inches down and 35 cents in coins,a quarter and a penny in one hole,and the rest scatterd all over the yard.I have to tell you,when you dig that hole and find that coin,it makes me feel good.My wife says I finally have a toy that pays me back,one penny at a time.

I was detecting in my brothers yard when he was out of town on vacation.

I found a quarter, 3 pull tabs, and his sewer line.

I am loving my Ace 250. But it snowed again here in Iowa, but it will be gone enough by tomorrow to go out again. I am starting to think using it is addictive, seems like going to work will interfere with my hunting time! Good Luck everyone !

I get my new ace 250 in two days.(first detector ever) I can't wait for the two feet of snow to be gone so I can start trying it. (The crappy part about living in Minnesota) Hope it is as good as people say it is.

I love(d) mine so much I got a AT Pro and still bring out the 250 as well. Love the small coil on the 250 in trashy places so ordered the 8x5 for the Pro on Sunday. Enjoy!

I've had my Ace 250 now for 1 week & have found $1.50 worth of coins in my front yard and I'm still looking,I have also found some interesting junk too.Deepest coin has been a quarter@8 inches,it also had 2 pennies in the hole to.I love mine and am waiting to get out in the woods real soon.

Shouldn't be a problem avoiding eye contact, I have a bit of social anxiety and do that anyway ... Lol. If somebody questions me , I might get all flustered and slur... ��.. I'd give detecting a bad name... I'll stick to my land and the forests . Plus my husband said he won't be seen in public with me detecting... Lol

Lol you sound like me! My wife thinks I'm a big dork. My plan for when I start going to public places is to occasionally yell random words and stare at things that aren't really there. That should keep people from trying to interact with me!

Using headphones has helped me avoid answering questions by passers-by. Not that i mind, but hey, i'm busy here! LoL. While wearing them, the park walkers just watch me as they pass. As soon as i take the headphones off "find anything good?" I just raise the trash i pick up from the surface and say "Nope, just cleaning the park. "

I have an AT Pro but so far have just read the manual and watched the videos on the Garrett website. The weather in N.E.Ohio is crappy so I figured by the time it's a bit better I should know a little bit about the AT Pro. Next I'm going to buy the Garrett Pinpointer because I've read some very good reviews about it. :hello: More later

If you are as new as I am it does take a minute to understand what's going on. The 250 was my first machine ever so I had no clue. Hang in there and you will start finding things, then thats when the addiction begins. I have since upgraded to the Pro and love it too. I'm still very green and learning as I go. Watch the videos, listen to the pros here and you will do fine. Best of luck!

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