New 49ers win temporary restraining order for dredge workaround

Thanks my friend...I passed it on to them.I much appreciate it!

If they want background, rumor has it Shannon is pretty tight with Jeff over at Proline. Best of luck to them...

Has anyone done a side byside comparason of the ban on dredging vs the Salmon return/spawning recruitment. I believe it become worse after stop of dredging.

Has anyone done a side byside comparason of the ban on dredging vs the Salmon return/spawning recruitment. I believe it become worse after stop of dredging.
...ironically they have claimed record runs since two-three months after the moratorium?

...ironically they have claimed record runs since two-three months after the moratorium?

Yes, and the forest service also said the carstens fire started was started by a campfire. the funny thing about it was the mariposa gazette just ran an article talking about lawmakers considering an open ban on all campfires in the state. This was a few days before the fire started. Convenient? Or what about our sheriff picking and choosing who gets a ccw in Merced county not by merit, but by popularity. The law is becoming criminal.

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Yes, and the forest service also said the carstens fire started was started by a campfire. the funny thing about it was the mariposa gazette just ran an article talking about lawmakers considering an open ban on all campfires in the state. This was a few days before the fire started. Convenient? Or what about our sheriff picking and choosing who gets a ccw in Merced county not by merit, but by popularity. The law is becoming criminal. scootin through right now to allow those who idetify with the opposite sex(Think/say they are trapped in the opposite sex's body)to use the opposite sex bathroom/lockerroom......this State is done...I am officialy ashamed to say I reside here

The mother wanted a little girl, been dressing the boy as a girl since birth. District tried to arrange temporary bathroom facilties, no go. Offered use of facility facilities, no go. The problem is not the little boy,, but the mother as she is determined to somehow make this little boy into a girl, at all costs. It is truely shameful, but this transgender is just the next deviant behavior that the left has on their agenda to legalize and normalize. I like Kuger am embarassed of what this state has become...

It is possible for Justice to prevail however truth, honesty, integrity, morality have to exist in order for that to happen, IMHO. I've not seen any of those ingredients in business, politics or government for some time now....................63bkpkr

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