New 2" dredge

Here is the pump specs... Taking it out today for a trial run


Good luck!
Be safe on the water, it's running a little treacherous with the heat we have had lately.

Yes it sure was flowing on the mountain!! I started out by snapping one of my hose connections off... Got that fixed then went to prime my pump and lost the plug in the water... Plugged it with some tape and ran for a bit with a tiny bit of cavitation so I didn't have full flow. I decided to try another spot across the river and it felt like I was playing Oregon trail and had to caulk my wagon or forge through the river... I ended up flipping my dredge and then it wouldn't start once I moved to the new spot...
First trip out... Overall fail

Sounds like an adventure. At least you got out in the fresh air for a little while.

Yes there is. Put in for your beach HPA or if we set up a trip I already have one. Would need a good filter for intake but that trash pump should do just fine.

I'm new to all of this! Ill have to look into that. I heard its fine gold at the beach... But gold is gold right?
I went to cayada creek today and it probably wasn't the safest of ideas... But I'm alive so we're all good.

I'm new to all of this! Ill have to look into that. I heard its fine gold at the beach... But gold is gold right?
I went to cayada creek today and it probably wasn't the safest of ideas... But I'm alive so we're all good.

Just google washington beach hpa print the paperwork , fill it out and mail it in. Make sure you check all the boxes on equip. types so you can take anything out there its good for 5 years you just have to email or call in the area and work start and stop times 24hrs prior to start of work its super easy. Also if you wanna work outside of the gold and fish pamphlet its just a hpa away and DFW has made the paperwork easier on us prospectors and its a free permit.

Just ... permit.
Thanks for that info! I am submitting my paperwork tomorrow.
I also cleaned out my upper section of my dredge and was pleasantly surprised! After flipping it over in the raging river (twice) I found over 20 little colors still in the matting. I can only imagine how much I lost... O well right? But I'm ready for round 2.

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