Needing help from different people on this coin is it a mule or a fake? HELP!!


Jul 27, 2010
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Golden Thread
Hi all i have had this coin that i found back in 1995 when i was 16 and have only recently got back into the hobby and am now looking through my finds trying to identify

some finds. This is the only one that has given me a big headache!! I cant see how a "modern reproduction coin" could find its way 5" underground in the middle of a

field full of other old coins and relics. I have got a few oppinions but have been advised not to give up quite yet as a lot of people say its real! I am now going to see if this

site can shed any new light on this coin as has been suggested that could be a "mule" coin. I was under the impressionm that any modern repro HAD to have COPY

stamped onto the coin to proove its fake. Here is the list of answers i have had from another forum showing the coin and have still been told not to give up yet!? what do i

do? Any help will be greatly appreciated and thankyou in advance! Lee.

I can tell you it is a "hammered"
I have SEEN that before.. "1 groat?"

The variations I have seen all have a shield rather than the "roselike" symbol in the center...
I would look in the neighborhood of These:

Thanks for the links but i have been through all the coins there in the past and had no joy

Yeah, that was about it for me..
On a brighter note, you know it's "uncommon"

5) hi found this on the internet sounds very much like your coin Fourth bust left; V to

right / Crowned coat-of-arms over cross fleury. ... Seaby #2661 James I (1603-25) silver Thistle Penny. S-2661. N-2106. Famous ROSA SINE SPINA (rose without thorns)

issue, the legend surrounding an open Tudor rose. ... London mint, dated 1624. IACOBVS D G MAG BRI FR ET HI REX, sixth crowned ... - Cached

This coin really is STILL driving me mental. iIm guessing that it is fake or somthing as the front and back just doesnt add up! one side is from 1 king and seems the other

is from a different king?? what is anyone''s views on this. If it is fake why was it burried deep in the ground?

I D G ROSA SINE SPINA. James by the Grace of God a rose without a thorn ....ON 1 SIDE


Civitas London A silver penny of King Edward I ...on the other side

I dont know if i should send it to a specialist to look at it as i want to keep it it may get lost in post knowing my luck! i just cant id the coin which is pretty annoying!!

What would you do if you had a coin like this?? Thankyou. Lee

send some pictures to the British Museum ?

lil bit a strange coin! not as usual coins. more like some copy

Hi Lee,
I'm afraid what you WILL need to do is register the coin with you local Finds Liason Officer.
If not, you might end up getting prosecuted and lose the coin!
It's over 300 years old, precious metal, and comes under the 1996 treasure act.
As it's a single find you'll likely be able to keep it.
Your local F.L.O. will likely as not get it identified.
I think it's genuine, probably a silver "penny"

this coin is genuine ,, like paul said let your local f l o officer have a look and get his oppiniojn on it

Hi people i contacted to the Portable Antiquities Scheme website with pictures weight ect of this coin and this is the reply i got back from them the man i contacted

specialises in the period of the coin. This is my reply...

Dear Lee,
Many thanks for you email. I've taken a look at the images and unfortunately the coin does look like a modern fake, probably produced for museum shops and the like.

It's based on real coins, the first image with the cross based on medieval coins of the 14th and 15th centuries. The inscription reads CIVITAS LONDON which means 'City

of London' and on the real coin relates to the city where the coin was struck. The other image showing a Tudor rose is more like the slightly later coins of Edward VI and

Elizabeth I in the 16th century. The inscription 'ROSA SINE SPINA' (A rose without a thorn) is typical.

Sorry that the coin isn't a real one, but thanks very much for getting in touch. If you've found any other coins you'd like to report do let me know and i can point you to

your local FInds Liaison Officer.

I just find this a little bit strange, Where it was found buried in the ground i also found a Elizabeth 1 halfgroat loads of old buckles barrel tap buttons thimbles ect. How

would a modern coin from a museum manage to end up in a field pretty much in middle of nowhere in amoung all these other finds. Im still baffled but guess i got my

answer. I fort that replica coins had to have replica stamped onto them for legal reasons. Cheers people. Lee

hi, curious as to where you found this coin, the odds of finding a coin that has been made for a museum shop would be pretty rare in itself , i have brought some of these

myself and they are marked with an obvious sign to denote that they are reproduction coins for the museum market, dont rule out the possibility that this coin might be

a mule, thats a coin that was struck from 2 different dies and could be worth a fortune, fingers crossed .
should have read your last post fully before i posted my reply as it answers my question but it does seem mighty strange to turn up with all those old artifacts , still i

think i would dig a bit deeper as those museum pieces are usually very obvious as fakes, happy hunting

Honestly this has driven me CRAZY! I dont know what or where to go or do next to dig a bit deeper. I found the coin in my home town haverhill on the land that is now

the back 9 holes of the golf coarse. They gave my father and i permission before they constructed the new 9 holes. Any ideas what i should do next as i really beleive it

cant be a fake coming from that site. Cheers. Happy Hunting! Lee

I'm with you on this one lee i can't see that it's a fake and i would send all your info to the british museum's numismatic dept and see what they say about it, or if your

local take it yourself ,

Looks like a rose farthing unsure what date

Weighs 1.04 grams

cant find in seaby coins of britain 1995

I have spent absolutly ages i mean weeks looking online and i cannot find this coin it is in absolutly mint condition too!

can anyone help me identify this coin?

So does anyone on this sie have any other thaughts on what i should do shall i just say oh well its fake when its been found with loads of other old artifacts?? Ta . Lee.


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leered1979 said:
Welcome to Tnet :hello:

Its a modern fantasy piece.

I can't quite remember the Law covering these, but I believe it has to do with 'selling with the intention to deceive', & this one could be argued that its not like a true coin, therefore should not fool anyone (also if I sell stating its a copy, then no harm done). However, that said I know people reproducing coins without 'copy' on them & they are fooling people on ebay all the time:

I was recently given a Celtic coin struck recently without copy, a lots of it happens.

Hi crusader was the celtic coin that you was given made from the right material or was it a plated base metal ? Thankyou. Lee HH
It was solid silver, although they can make it from any metal they want.

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LaZoOro said:
all sorts...coins you can see it from a mile that it is a copy... and i can tell i saw many many users throwing away 200 - 500 $ or even more for a worthless copies! when i was selling a genuine and rare roman and medieval i sold many them just for a buck or bit more.. lol so much from a great business on ebay! i should sell copies and my store would be still open :P :dontknow: :o
You may of had more luck selling coins auction style. I've found that some items get looked over in a store because there is no room for bargaining. A lot of people think if they can bid, they are getting the best deal. I've had many items that wouldn't even hardly get views in a store sell, for high dollar being sold auction style.

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Hi I know this is a very old post but I have found a coin exactly the same as this but cannot find any information with regards , did you find out anything in the end?

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Hi I know this is a very old post but I have found a coin exactly the same as this but cannot find any information with regards , did you find out anything in the end?
Welcome to Tnet.
They are just something sold at fairs to kids for fun.

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