First of all I would like to say how thrilled I am to have found this site ! I feel like I should be paying someone for all the wealth of info submitted here ! I look forward to reading and sharing related stories with u all. Secondly, I have a question about a location I've hunted. I'm a novice hunter. I've never done anything other than field hunting in the past but this place I hunted today has so many posibilities, I don't know where I should begin. I'm going to describe my scenario and let you guys tell me what you think would be the best hunting. My 10 yr old son has been going with me but if I don't finding some points he's going think this is for the birds ! And this is something I would love to see him enjoy. Okay... I'm standing at the intersection on 2 creeks. ( In G-i-L-E-s County TN, ) southern middle.... One creek is of good size. 25+ ft across and waist deep in areas but average depth is maybe a foot or so deep, lots of sand and gravel bars. A smaller creek of 8 - 10 ft wide, 10 inches deep. The smaller creek runs into the bigger. I'm standing at the mouth. Behind me 300 acres of bottomland. All of about the same level/grade. Flat as a pancake. Behind me in the distance, a wooded ridge, 600 yards away. In front of me and overlooking the mouth of said creeks, is a steep embankment, but not straight up. Not a bluff... A steep steep tall hill that's elevation is about 1000 feet above sea level. From the top, u can see all the bottom lands.... and both creeks. At the top are huge bolders and mini bluffs. I have walked around up there several times but havent found anything but never haave really hunted it. This ridge runs for over a mile, overlooking this creek.... My grandfather is 94. They found a lot of arrowheads and tools pottery in the bottoms when plowing 50-75 years ago. They've ran several people off the land trying to find stuff. I've found a few points in the bottoms years ago but for the last ten years its been no till corn. Creek hunting has been VERY unproductive. 8 trips, NOTHING.... What would some of you more experienced hunters suggest so I can get this boy to findin some stuff before he folds up like a case knife on me! Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated ! Andy