Need side scan

To all T-Hunters out there. I have seen grainy side scans of Tom's wreck. He does have a wreck in deep water. I have also seen pictures of artifacts that he had retrieved from the wreck. I've spoken to Tom many times. From what I have heard, Tom has a valuable wreck, but I've also explained to Tom that he is going to need better documentation to get investors to invest in this wreck. That is why Tom is trying to get help with a good ROV and other eqiupment to validate the wreck for investors.

I can understand Tom's frustration after finding the wreck and then having the latest problem with a company that promised to provide everything that was needed and then they backed out. I won't mention the company, but if I did, it would come as no surprise to anyone that knows the company. I don't think this company ever had any intention of salvaging the wreck, I think they just wanted free press coverage. I also think they are short on funds.


It's really allot more complicated. This wreck is curently held in admiralty by another company. How they got it is a long story. Tom actually found the wreck back in 90's.

I helped negotiate a deal to get my friend Tom back on site and he took it from there. The wreck is inside the FKNMS and according to the permit they are in the survey and inventory phase, not the recovery phase.

The wreck is in deep water, it is some 40+ miles off Key West, there is a pretty good current, and it is in silty mud.

Do they need to get some divers in the water to verify its a treasure wreck? Absolutely.

Would an ROV be the way to go? Only a good working class ROV that can hold in the current.

Should they get more side scan images? Yes. Its always better to get as much data as possible before putting divers in the water.

Recovery is not an option right now!

RGecy said:

It's really allot more complicated. This wreck is curently held in admiralty by another company. How they got it is a long story. Tom actually found the wreck back in 90's.

Is this the same wreck Sub Sea Research was surveying a couple years ago south of Rebecca Shoal?

barney, I doubt it. Sub Sea looked for this wreck, but could never find it. That's why they made the deal with Tom.

barney said:
tom yerian said:
I need only a boat to get me there,myself to get me there, and two teck. certified divers, with video and this thing would be over!!!

Tom, if that's all you need I would be happy to help. I would love to photograph/video the wreck for you. I also know numerous people with boats in the Keys and can likely do this for a fuel split. Just let me know.You have my email/phone...???...WT

OK, Tom...So Wilf threw the deal over board? You had too many people that knew what they doing make suggestions such ROV and he dropped you like a hot potato. I guess Old Man was right, he wanted to use you for the publicity of it.
Tom, I sure hope hope somebody with some equipment and real financing can cut a deal with you. A real deal from a real treasure hunter. Not a make believe one that takes investors money and pays for him and his family to go to the Domincan while promising you and then leaving you high and dry. I hope to GOD that you did not give him the coordinates of your wreck.

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