The Tesoro LST is highly regarded, with a proven track record over many years. How the AT Pro will fare by comparison remains to be seen. Frankly I have no interest in either of these units at the moment, but have had a look at their features. Below are a few feature set comparisons between these units.
Waterproofing is a great asset if you ever plan to search in and around streams.. Not everyone hunts precious metals strictly in a desert. Many of the detectable gold producing areas of North America are not desert areas. I saw a video of a guy using the AT Gold in the Chaudiere River system of Quebec. He located a signal in mid-stream, placed his AT Gold down into the fast flowing knee-deep water while he extracted what turned out to be a really nice gold nugget. Can you imagine how much more difficult that scenario would have been using a non-waterproof unit?
The AT Gold has a “low-medium-low” fully adjustable iron tone breakpoint capability in the motion all-metal mode. No… I doubt it’ll work on larger iron at any depth… after all, what prospecting-capable VLF model does? But it should relieve some of the tedious digging of many small shallow iron targets. By comparison the Tesoro LST has no target ID or tones, but has a conventional discrimination circuit supported by a preset ground balance platform.
Batteries… AT Gold uses 4 batteries whereas the Tesoro LST uses 8 batteries for pretty much the same operating time.
Weight… the AT Gold is one-half pounds lighter by comparison… a difference many will appreciate.
Ground Balance: AT Gold has both autograb and manually adjustable ground balance controls. Set them over clean ground free of metals and you are properly balanced. Checking the ground balance becomes second nature, and periodically you can redo an autograb when necessary to re-establish proper ground balance.
The Tesoro LST relies exclusively on autotracking, handy for newcomers, to keep the unit ground-balanced in the all-metal mode only. There is no manual, or autograb feature. Nor to my knowledge can the autotracking be turned OFF or LOCKED. Autotracking will track into corrosion associated with some metals…particularly to the plentiful subsurface iron junk that litters mining camps and tailings.
Gerry McMullen is on video finding a # 9 birdshot with the AT Gold and small sniper coil over on the Garrett website. I have no idea how that compares to the LST.
Garrett: "Prospecting with the new AT Gold" video