Need Help Identifying a Pin


Apr 11, 2007
Buffalo MO
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Tesoro Toltec II
This pin is about the size of a dime. It appears to have a militia man on the front. The letters MLM or LMM depending on how you perceive it can be initials or Roman Numerals. The pin is intact. It was found at a old Methodist Church. Not sure if that has anything to do with what it is. If you notice the Continent behind the man is Europe not North America. (I think) I've had this for about a year and was just trying to identify it.



If it were roman numerals it would read 1950. It wouldn't be written that way.

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MM = Minute Men ???? ???

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M L M===Multi Level Marketing

Its an atique spammers pin!!!!!!!!

sorry...couldn't resist ;D

Seriously though, it is a terrific looking find in very good shape. Anyone would be proud to show it off.

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I'm thinking it's not religious b/c the guy is carrying a gun. Maybe it is minute men... Whatever it is, it's pretty cool. Any idea of how old it is? Seems like a distinctive pin design.


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why would a minute man pin show Europe Africa and Australia?

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Yeah, I guess you're right I got a gun and I was in church sunday. I was thinking the guy on the button looks like he'd rather shoot someone than save someone ;)

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Multi Level that i got a kick out of. ;D
These are all great ideas and basically the same thing me and any one else i have showed it to comes up with. It it is a more euro type pin, then it might be familiar to them. It was very close to the surface right out the back door. The church (the original part) i believe was built in the 1870's. I've never had occasion to go back there again, but i really need to make a point, its not all that far from where i live.
Thanks for all the thoughts so far also.

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Here's a couple of thoughts...

The minuteman is standing on a pedestal. I think he is an image of the minuteman statue at Concord. Perhaps he is on Europe representing "our boys" fighting there.

WWII Liberty pin of some sort?


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Military Liaison Mission.

The US Military Liaison Mission was established on 7 April 1947, subsequent to the signing of the US/Soviet Huebner-Malinin Agreement in March 1947. The unit took down its colors on October 1, 1990, in Potsdam, Germany, as directed by the JCS as a consequence of the end of the Cold War.

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How about "Lexington Minute Men"?

A quote from a PBS web page:

[the Lexington Minute Men, the oldest such society in continuous operation in New England, is a historical society]


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Hello all!

I am in contact with the historian at the Military Liaison Mission Association who is trying to see if this pin "rings a bell" with any of their members. it just so happens their organization is having a convention this coming weekend and so, if it is associated with their group, certainly someone there will recognize it <fingers crossed>.

Now to muddy the waters a bit...

I attached a picture of a Foreign Area Officer emblem which is similar in design (modern soldier vs minuteman - complete "globe" vs "old world") to the subject pin. I am also contacting them to see if they can help with the ID. (now if there were just some melding of the FAO and MLM, we'd have this thing nailed down! <LOL>)

I'll keep ya'll posted...HH



  • fao_new.gif
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Wow! Thanks allot Batch. Sounds like you might just have the connections to get this solved. I have contacted a few of my friends over in Europe and asked them if it resembled anything they have seen, and got just about the same reply as everyone here. Thanks everyone else that has viewed/posted on this subject also. I appreciate all info and thoughts. You all just care so much. /sniff :'( ;D well either that your your just nosey like i am. he he

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