Near Death Experiences?

One of the reason for my liking "Contact" so much, was my relationship with my dad was like her's (Jodie's) in the movie. Yes, the awesome thing about the film was the bridging of "Science with Spirit", love those kinds of movies.:thumbsup: A new one that's pretty interesting (minus the blood, drugs & guns) is called "Lucy".
Looks like I managed to mess you up again Rebel...sorry....the "hummmm" was meant as a "hum" (wonder), in that I was wondering about those who connect "ufo" things with "spiritual" experiences. But I did like what you said about the "tones", interesting and agree with you on the "Crossroad".

Yes, can't wait to read Dr. Rings book. The "personality types" thing was something I saw when I took a look at his book before ordering it. He called it "Encounter-prone Personality", and was wondering if you heard of it?

One of the reason for my liking "Contact" so much, was my relationship with my dad was like her's (Jodie's) in the movie. Yes, the awesome thing about the film was the bridging of "Science with Spirit", love those kinds of movies.:thumbsup: A new one that's pretty interesting (minus the blood, drugs & guns) is called "Lucy".
Looks like I managed to mess you up again Rebel...sorry....the "hummmm" was meant as a "hum" (wonder), in that I was wondering about those who connect "ufo" things with "spiritual" experiences. But I did like what you said about the "tones", interesting and agree with you on the "Crossroad".

Yes, can't wait to read Dr. Rings book. The "personality types" thing was something I saw when I took a look at his book before ordering it. He called it "Encounter-prone Personality", and was wondering if you heard of it?

LOL! Huuuuuuuuu... "ENCOUNTER-prone Personality"...? YIKES! THAT explains EVERYTHING! And I thought it was a "FAMILY-THING"! HA!

Hmmm... THE OMEGA PROJECT; re-read it again... "In the research reported in this book, Dr. Ring shows that there are in fact startling similarities between persons claiming to have undergone alien abduction and those who have had a near-death encounter. Many ASPECTS of their childhoods and lives before their extraordinary encounters, as well as the changes they report afterwards, show uncanny parallels...." (Front Book LEAF). "(A)n 'encounter-prone personality' - a distinctive spiritually 'sensitive' , and visionary psyche..." (Front Book Leaf). JEEPERS! Maybe "Missing Time" in my MANY walks in the woods, with my dog, Tippy. Well, "THEY" were in my ALE; little GREY Beings claiming to be my family from FUTURE Time/Space. Demonstrating the TIME MACHINE & TIME/SPACE Machine; explained it ALL in PREVIOUS "posts" on this "thread". And I was advocating Law Enforcement Sensitives (LES) along the "line" of Remote Viewers of Operation STAR-GATE; US Army Intelligence, based at Ft. Mead, in Maryland. NOW "run" by CIA.

Hummm I first saw the "Encounter-prone personality" thing my first thought was "uh-oh" since I've had several "happenings" also. But, you said...(plus I looked it up again)...Dr. Ring believes that these "EPP" types are no more likely to fantasize any more than anyone else. And that they, most likely, have heightened senses and can perceive more than ordinary people can. He is thinking that these "types" of folk are an "EVOLUTIONARY" step up for you're good.:icon_thumright: lol

Also...YES...on what you say about your "missing time"....interesting for sure! As "humans" we are pretty "young"...and it can take some "time" for us to be able to accept "TRUTH" as it really is. So in the mean time, we have "helpers" coming to us in ways/shapes we can accept. When I was doing my "soul searching", I told "GOD" that all I wanted was to know the "TRUTH", no matter what...that I'd rather die than not know. So when I DID get my "answer" it was in "LIGHT/ENERGY" form & in NO "Time/Space".....Not in any kind of "material" shape or measurement.

Sometime getting things "materially" can throw us off & slow us down in our "growth" we "see" the way we can "understand"....if this makes sense?

Hummm I first saw the "Encounter-prone personality" thing my first thought was "uh-oh" since I've had several "happenings" also. But, you said...(plus I looked it up again)...Dr. Ring believes that these "EPP" types are no more likely to fantasize any more than anyone else. And that they, most likely, have heightened senses and can perceive more than ordinary people can. He is thinking that these "types" of folk are an "EVOLUTIONARY" step up for you're good.:icon_thumright: lol

Also...YES...on what you say about your "missing time"....interesting for sure! As "humans" we are pretty "young"...and it can take some "time" for us to be able to accept "TRUTH" as it really is. So in the mean time, we have "helpers" coming to us in ways/shapes we can accept. When I was doing my "soul searching", I told "GOD" that all I wanted was to know the "TRUTH", no matter what...that I'd rather die than not know. So when I DID get my "answer" it was in "LIGHT/ENERGY" form & in NO "Time/Space".....Not in any kind of "material" shape or measurement.

Sometime getting things "materially" can throw us off & slow us down in our "growth" we "see" the way we can "understand"....if this makes sense?

Agree; MORE later... getting bad weather coming in.

Agree; MORE later... getting bad weather coming in.

OK, safe now; MORE storms tonight & ALL day on Friday. "Light/Energy" is correct... on the THETA Brain Wave spectrum; most "psychic events" occur in the THETA "world"... with Ultra-violet "Ray" (beyond colors of the Rainbow; remember the song, "SOMEWHERE, Over the Rainbow"?) VERY Cosmic song, it is. TRUTH...? "We" are SPIRIT Children of G*D, having HUMAN Experiences; GOOD, BAD, UGLY... ALL based on "Free Will". To learn...? WHAT is it like to be HUMANS, with EMOTIONS (aka Feelings)... showing GRATITUDE for WISDOM gained. SERENITY PRAYER is KEY.

The "Missing Time" concept comes from UFO "lore" of ppl, who were abducted & could not account for hours "lost"... Budd Hopkins did research on this I think; I DO remember starting my journeys into the woods with my dog, Tippy. We started... then we were THERE, at the end of the journey @ 5 miles away at a store on Naked Creek Road (Nekked Creek)... LOL!
AND! It is not just materialistic "distractions" that throw us OFF the PATHWAY; in MY case, it was the need to have a job/career, working with ppl with disabilities; and later at a MAX Security Prison in Virginia. Living in Charlottesville, Va. in early 1980's was GREAT! REALLY getting into my INTER-FAITH Spirituality (JMU Minor in Religion) with ppl of ALL Faiths & age; ONLY to get TOO busy working, having little or NO time for THE QUEST. ALE "did a number" on me in Nov. 1992, with "clinical death", 2 1/2 months in "locked-in-state COMA... AND! The After-Life-Experience; coming back... with a renewed understanding of TRUE Spirituality in "normal" life. DANG! I might as well write a book on this stuff... BLOG...?

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I WILL "say" this... wife & I were OUT of the "MAX", when a NASTY "riot" took place there in 1996... Warden had his throat cut by an inmate (he lived & retired). The "MAX" looked different when wife & I returned there for a training session in 2000 for Operation Turn-Around, which was to be a Post-Release Program for ex-offender re-entry in to "out-side" society... THAT "dream" died or was transformed by DOC "guidelines". HA!

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Sorry you've been dealing with some bad weather out you way Rebel, stay safe! Yes, agree on what you said on why we're down here.:icon_thumleft: I did read Budd Hopkins book years ago & several others....when one has a "personal" experience with what we call "ufo" things, it does make you interested, you can't help it, it's just a part of your life now, as are the "other" things. Do/did any of your family members have any experiences in that area also?

LOL....yes, might as well do the "Book" (Blog), as you've already started.;) It is a juggle to live a reg. life and the "other" at the same time, but as long as "spirit" has an OPEN heart to work through (you & whoever) it can be done as you know & are doing. Just saw the movie "Interstellar", was looking forward to see it...not as good as I'd hoped & long, but interesting message. And just got my copy of "Omega Project" in mail, so looking forward to that.

Got some more on how "that dream" was transformed by the DOC "guidelines" for us?

Sorry you've been dealing with some bad weather out you way Rebel, stay safe! Yes, agree on what you said on why we're down here.:icon_thumleft: I did read Budd Hopkins book years ago & several others....when one has a "personal" experience with what we call "ufo" things, it does make you interested, you can't help it, it's just a part of your life now, as are the "other" things. Do/did any of your family members have any experiences in that area also?

LOL....yes, might as well do the "Book" (Blog), as you've already started.;) It is a juggle to live a reg. life and the "other" at the same time, but as long as "spirit" has an OPEN heart to work through (you & whoever) it can be done as you know & are doing. Just saw the movie "Interstellar", was looking forward to see it...not as good as I'd hoped & long, but interesting message. And just got my copy of "Omega Project" in mail, so looking forward to that.

Got some more on how "that dream" was transformed by the DOC "guidelines" for us?

LOL! UFO...? YEP! Older brother (STAR in ALL sports in High School, grad UVA & MBA Harvard), in 1958 took his "girl" down by the railroad tracks, next to Shenandoah River (High School "kids"), when a SILENT Light came up the RR Tracks "at" them. Girl started crying, & he "boogied" outta there; took her home & HE went to Police Station & told 'em; they asked him if he had been drinking. End of story; ONLY one that I know of. WHOLE family & cousin saw a STRANGE Light hovering around Peaked Mountain (aka Massenutten Mountain) BEFORE being developed as a 4-Seasons Resort; it was AWESOME!
"Dream": "DOC shot it down"; Prison Fellowship could not make it happen due to lack of support from DOC; after the "riot", I am NOT surprised...

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Computer was down for a couple of days...all better now. :) Interesting story about your brother, thanks for sharing it. That's to bad about the "Dream" though. :(

I finished the "Omega Project", very interesting and will send to a family friend who's been having "visits" since a child (he says), I don't know him, he's a friend of my sisters. Says the "visits" are from the "mantis" like group and not all fun, scary. Says he's had "things" done to him. I've read of these "Mantis" types...any thoughts? Even though I did see a "craft" & up pretty close, never saw any "beings"...had very scary dreams that would re-occur at least once a year for many years...until "something" happened (won't say here what) and the "dreams" stopped & haven't returned so far, happy about that!

I'm really loving the other book you recommended "Cosmic Cradle", yes you were right "a must read"! Does feel good to know there are others who know what I experienced, and WOW...some of them really had very involved & "deep" half way through it. Thanks for that Rebel.:icon_thumleft:

Computer was down for a couple of days...all better now. :) Interesting story about your brother, thanks for sharing it. That's to bad about the "Dream" though. :(

I finished the "Omega Project", very interesting and will send to a family friend who's been having "visits" since a child (he says), I don't know him, he's a friend of my sisters. Says the "visits" are from the "mantis" like group and not all fun, scary. Says he's had "things" done to him. I've read of these "Mantis" types...any thoughts? Even though I did see a "craft" & up pretty close, never saw any "beings"...had very scary dreams that would re-occur at least once a year for many years...until "something" happened (won't say here what) and the "dreams" stopped & haven't returned so far, happy about that!

I'm really loving the other book you recommended "Cosmic Cradle", yes you were right "a must read"! Does feel good to know there are others who know what I experienced, and WOW...some of them really had very involved & "deep" half way through it. Thanks for that Rebel.:icon_thumleft:

ONLY saw the usual Beings (The "Greys") in my ALE/NDE; who claimed to be from my "BLOOD" Family from Future Time/Space (communicated "minds-mind")... they were good, kind, etc. There are BAD Aliens (PROBABLY not "Family") as with BAD Human Beings... (Prisons are FULL of 'em). As to the Mantis-type Aliens, NOT experienced with 'em... sounds like FAR Time/Space types; and PROBABLY "nasty"... dunno. "Scary" dreams MAY be THETA brain wave length "focused"... "google" THETA Brain Waves & PSYCHIC Dreams... HH! Good Luck!

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NOW! With the above "thoughts" in mind... look at movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND; (LOVED that movie & knew several "locals" from Shenandoah Valley of Virginia, in it). CE3K was WONDERFUL; in the end after the Mother-ship; came down, the Little GREYS came boogieing out, dancing away; Humans returned with "checking off" of "missing ppl" (over the years)... AND! The "God-like" LANKY Mantic-Grey (can't see the face), emerged out... GEEZE! I wanted to be "Roy", too! "I envy you...", said the "Boss-Man... HA!

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Continue with "Mixed Motif" (Dr. Kenneth Ring), of NDE & UFO's... It DOES appear to be in the 3rd Dimension (aka Heaven)/THETA "Revelation". In the World of LIGHT (ACTUALITY), my ALA "clinical death" indicated NO disability/ies (we are WHOLE), CONDENSED I/M C (I/Me Consciousness) that can "project" a bodily image, NEVER get tired, NEVER hungry/thirsty (thus, NO need for bathroom... #1 or #2), NO need for shelter (home/mansion, etc), I/M C controls your weather as YOUR REALITY as it is ALWAYS day-time/shining, MY out-side temperature was like early FALL, as I "walked"/glided through the woods to the meadows & mountains beyond, MORE later, as I recall it. Yes, I DID meet family & friends that had "traveled on"; Yes, I DID follow the SON, as HE preached/encouraged/healed; YES, I DID meet FATHER on the Throne, Very HUGE, face in clouds... very Human hands with GREAT power; HE moved HIS left "pinky" and SOMETHING happened in the Universes... MAYBE, a NEW Star was born... HA! ANYWAY, our conversation ended with the statement, "J, tell them that I gave 'em a BRAIN... USE IT!"

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MORE "Recall": Communication is Mind-Mind; Location-Relocation is THINK, & you are there (Relocation in a "WINK"). HERE, the "saying" is... "Be careful what you wish for, you just may get it!"; THERE... You WILL get it!

CURRENTLY, as HUMANS... in the Here & Now of this Second Dimension, the BEST "Way of Living/Life-style" to prepare for THERE (Third Dimension/ACTUALITY)... is the BUDDHIST Way of Living... MINDFULNESS, etc.

Yes, guess the "Aliens" can be like us, in that there's the "good, the bad & the ugly" ones like you said. lol So they're "time travelers", glad yours are the "nice" ones...any "implants" involved? I've always love that movie (CE of TTK), so know what you mean. :icon_thumleft: Also like that "Mars" one, mission to Mars? There's a couple with "Mars" in the title & can't remember which title it is....the one where they end up on the ship with the aliens & one guys ends up going "home" with them.

Lot's of great info Rebel, thanks for it! Yes, "Home" is a great place, can't wait to get back "there" and out of the dense-dark-heaviness of "here"...but all in good "time" right? "There" is the REAL place, "here" is the "learning" place and you're right about it being so important to have "mindfulness" with everything while here, a good way to live for sure.

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When I was around 8-10 years old I was walking by a shallow pool. Two women were deep into a discussion and I saw a baby under the water behind them. Even at that age I knew that something wasn't right as I walked past them, they kept talking, and I kept looking at this baby moving on its back under the water. So I walked over and simply grabbed an arm and pulled the baby up. It started howling and the mother ? did a freak and acted like I was hurting the kid. I remember walking away and being puzzled why I was yelled at for doing something that I thought was right. But then........... I was a kid.

Yes, guess the "Aliens" can be like us, in that there's the "good, the bad & the ugly" ones like you said. lol So they're "time travelers", glad yours are the "nice" ones...any "implants" involved? I've always love that movie (CE of TTK), so know what you mean. :icon_thumleft: Also like that "Mars" one, mission to Mars? There's a couple with "Mars" in the title & can't remember which title it is....the one where they end up on the ship with the aliens & one guys ends up going "home" with them.

Lot's of great info Rebel, thanks for it! Yes, "Home" is a great place, can't wait to get back "there" and out of the dense-dark-heaviness of "here"...but all in good "time" right? "There" is the REAL place, "here" is the "learning" place and you're right about it being so important to have "mindfulness" with everything while here, a good way to live for sure.

YEP! RIGHT ON! NO "Implant" to my knowledge. Hospital lost my MIR images (sent to Tennessee) before my brain surgery; Hmmm...

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When I was around 8-10 years old I was walking by a shallow pool. Two women were deep into a discussion and I saw a baby under the water behind them. Even at that age I knew that something wasn't right as I walked past them, they kept talking, and I kept looking at this baby moving on its back under the water. So I walked over and simply grabbed an arm and pulled the baby up. It started howling and the mother ? did a freak and acted like I was hurting the kid. I remember walking away and being puzzled why I was yelled at for doing something that I thought was right. But then........... I was a kid.

That IS strange...

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