What are we looking at here?
What do you see? It blows up real good, taken @ 24.2mp.
Obviously not FLA., but I can tell you the water most likely
covered up treasures of who knows. An ancient place of the
Native Americans, before the forced removals of tribes from
the east. Great largemouth bass lake, have seen some huge
monsters come out of it. Lots o' skiing, parasailing, camp etc.
Much of old west outlaw activity, including the James-Youngers,
Doolin-Dalton's, Belle Star & Blue Duck, surely as other robbers.
But I'll tell you, this area was home to my father's people, & on
his mother's side, were his Cherokee & Choctaw grandparents.
So they all worked hard, refusing the Dawes Roll in 1907. They
willfully, & successfully blended in with the Euro-Americans. All
worked felling timber, in sawmill camps making lumber, or just
having a little farm where they might hack some ties, to make
some money for all of their store bought needs. Some kinfolks
would haul them to town, & sell them for the railroad to use in
the building of their tracks. They often just walked where they
may have needed to go across these mountains of the S/E I.T.
Then the youngin's learned how to mechanic, to fix up and drive
cars & trucks. Some wound up leaving & lived S/W, northwest US,
or to work in bomb factories during WWII, or fight in foreign wars.
They worked, fought, & served their Native grandfather & father's,
grandmother & mother's new country with honor. Taking natural
pride in their unclaimed Native heritage, enjoying their lives but
never thinking of destroying anyone or anything, because they
didn't think or believe like them. They lived & died for country.